"Increased capacity across broad time and modal domains."
I hope everyone had a great holiday break and took the opportunity to get some rest and prepare yourself for whatever style of personal Armageddon your training will resemble once you kick things off again. Adhering to the general theme around here things haven't let up in the slightest (definitely a good thing), and we are getting ready to submit the application to Crossfit to become a true NH Crossfit affiliate, more on this later.
I want to welcome Eric who met the fight team on Saturday and contributed some very professional knowledge to the workout the guys did. He has quite a background in the conditioning sciences and is aggressively seeking the Crossfit level one Certification. I think it is awesome that such professional individuals are now actively seeking us out and come willing to impart expertise rendered through years of training experience (and in Eric's case through time spent as an intern at Cynergy Crossfit). I am looking forward to picking your brain so come out again soon.
Eric isn't the only new arrival to our little society and I am proud to note that Fitzy and Jenny both got to try on some Crossfit training as well. Good thing Ben is out there putting sacks on people's heads, tying them up, and dragging them in to workout with us. I like your style, Mr. Desfosses. On that note the results from the Crossfit Mainsite wod that the MMA team conducted are described below: (any additional details that you wish noted will be updated as soon as they are confirmed. The fastest method would be to post in comments or email me directly)
I. WOD for 12.27.2008
(based on the Crossfit Daily WOD for the same day)
Complete as many rounds in 20:00 of
5 x DB Thrusters
7 x Hang Clean
9 x Sumo-Dead lift High-Pull
(Using loads of 65-95lbs)
Ben 8 Rounds* (probably 9 but like we do with Tabata Scoring: Take the lowest number)
Fitzy 7 Rounds + 5 Thrusters and 7 Hang Cleans
Doug 4 Rounds
Jeremiah Completed 20:00 @ Max effort (he knows no other "gear", this guy works as hard as anyone I have ever seen train in Crossfit)
Jenny (Still Need Score)
Eric (guest instructor, Still Need Score)
Nuri (Your ass is grass, son)

The following workout was performed today (12.28.2008) in place of the Crossfit mainsite wod because we don't have the hamglute set-up necessary to properly perform some of the workout's components. We are rapidly working on an ability to train every wod possible to RX'd standards so don't stress too much. The substituted wod still needs a good solid name to go by so anyone that tries and submits a score for it can also submit a suggestion for the an appropriate name.
"Crossfit or Die WOD #1" 12.28.2008
I. Skill Based Warm-Ups
-Muscle-Up Transitions and R.O.M. Practice
-Burgener Drills and Overhead Squats (wooden dowels used to perform 3 sets of 3 reps for 6 tottal mvmts.)
-Easy run (also to show 200m run loop for safety purposes)
II. 3 Rounds for time of
5 x Ring Muscle-Ups
7 x Clean and Jerks (135lbs)
9 x Kettlebell Swings (1-pood)
Run 200m (Follow the link below for a map of our 200m Loop)
Jefe 9:53
Cpt. Toomey *9:42
Chris edged out Jefe by just over :10 which shows just how critical a solid system of support and competition is to boosting training intensity.

If you are attempting this wod then make sure you scale or change things according to your experience and skill level with Crossfit, YOU ARE BUILDING YOURSELF UP, NOT BREAKING YOURSELF DOWN.

Yeah just because I make these work outs look easy doesn't mean they are.
What the F is a pood. (sounds easy i do 5 pood)
What people should remember before saying it looks easy is... yes it is if you don't push yourself and No, its the hardest thing you ever did if you push yourself to failure.... Thats why you have to learn the art of sandbagging I like to get out to an early lead then let up and coast after everyones spirit is crushed.
(I think Ross considers my posts a poison... I hope he doesn't silence me)
Your words are music, remember that when you can't see me I am counting and averaging your breaths per minute and based on chest cavity expansion and the local air pressure and elevation am estimating the average amount of oxygen you are providing to yourself during your oxidative metabolism which gives me insight into what your intravenous turnover rate to c02 and other metabolic byproducts are and have appropriately planned an increased scaling of your training in order to get the same response out of you that would happen if you just put in some goddamn honest effort.
P.S. I just bit the earlobe off your soul.
P.S.S. Pood is a dumb Russian term that people like to use to be individuals, we only end up using it because the first real mainstream kettlebell provider was ... yup... of Russian descent. It is roughly equivelant to 16kg or around 35 lbs, 1.5 pood is about 55lbs, and 2 pood is in the area of 70lbs. I think the Russians use poods because it is not really that innacurate and they end up fearing the workout a lot more when they don't leave a mystery to the load they are prescribed to bear.
No need for finger crossing... I have absolute faith that you'll be getting the HQ thumbs-up any second now.
I need to come visit before my Level I in February.
Portsmouth crossfit update...I'm working my way up the blog. I tried the Cindy (as many rounds possible in 20 min) with the running. Here are the results:
10 minute jump rope warm up
18 rounds of cindy
1:38, 2:45, 3:40, 2:37, 1:35 (at 1% incline)
That is a very respectable score for that and definitely above average so congrats bro...I'm going to post it tonight with the other results from training that people have submitted and scored over here at the garage gym. Let me know when you are in town next and I will bring you in for some training with the groups that are gathering here...it's a blast with some other people around, dude, trust me.
I appreciate that. I think I need to get some experience with the group, for I haven't executed some of the more technical exercises. I pretty much keep it to the meat and potatoes aka push ups and pull ups.
Don't stress that stuff, dude, ask Gollum how much more prepared he is now that I spent a few minutes with him and a broomstick working on the 9 fundamental movements. He came in and did a Fight Gone Bad with the crew the other day (his first official wod with a bunch of people) and he had a great time. To understand how positive and beneficial the atmosphere like that is to your training, regardless of personal skill proficiency, you have to experience it. Plus, when you come down here next let me know what you feel not as solid on and we can work on your confidence in those moves and develop some drills to use in warm-ups for your own isolated training to keep your development curve steep. Keep working hard, bro, and keep tossing down comments and questions if you've got them. It's my pleasure to help any way I can.
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