Last night's training in the garage gym was great because it was hard. It was dirty, humid, gritty, and represented the kind of effort that deserves to be talked about. What we are trying to do here is bring people to an elite level, to reshape and replace almost every concept of conditioning, training, and fitness that they grew up with. The ability to excel in all of this is ruled by such a simple philosophy that it seems strange when people don't see it right in front of their faces: Hard Work.
There was nothing more than a ton of hard work and effort going into the challenges put in front of the guys last night. The Workout of the Day (wod) that had been calling them out since 12:01a.m. on Monday morning was this
Complete 5 Rounds of
Deadlift (275lbs) x 5 reps
Burpees x 10 reps
Jefe 7:17 (Got his first Muscle Up Tonight)
Horehay* 6:42 (First WOD Completed as Rx'd)
M211 6:42

The results from last night were nothing short of amazing, check out the scores compared to Logsitall.com which ranks athletes from across the globe. The times and the pictures say it all. Hard work and the effort of those that train here are what pay out such huge dividends. I consider it a privilege to be present for such a physical onslaught.
I'll see this crew tonight to do it all over again around 4:30 tonight. I hope the MMA Team is ready as well, and I will see them around 7:30 in Nashua.
Other Notes:
The next few days will be very busy (which is always good) so some of the posts might not have as much conceptual information as usual... Don't worry, it's because I am studying and preparing for the Level 1 Crossfit Certification coming up this weekend. I am flying down to NC this Friday to attend, I can't explain in words how excited I am.
There are some construction details also going on with the garage gym and turning the place into a presentable facility is top of the list right now. Next week should be even more exciting than this one.
Everyone should be aware that John is finally coming home next Tuesday.
I am proud to say that things really aren't just me around here anymore and that being surrounded by a host of other professionals is a comforting feeling compared to the free fall that was starting the site and business two months ago. Keep training hard and look for the results from those that step in the Arena today, it should be Epic... even for "HoreHay"...

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