This weekend was a profound experience for me. I was able to head down and visit the Crossfit Boston Affiliate by volunteering to help with the practical application portion of the Level 2 Crossfit Certification. I really had no idea what to expect on the way down there because I haven't been to any other real Crossfit gatherings other than the Fight Gone Bad festival at Greeley last summer (where I met a lot of the people that have become so supportive of our efforts here in NH). I soon learned that I had nothing to stress about because everyone was pretty receptive considering the fact that I wasn't anything other than some weird un-certified outsider that showed up halfway through their testing process because he is desperate to learn whatever he can to help build a NH Crossfit Affiliate.
I met some pretty badass people there and the instruction I received by participating as a mock client was world class and very professional. As I rotated to different instructors I found that they were very efficient in how they articulated corrections to technique (seemed to be very easy to understand and apply what they were telling me). In addition to this the Level 2 Applicants portrayed a very accepting and positive demeanor that helped promote an instant comfort zone, a favorable factor in creating a more efficacious learning environment. I can't state enough how great it was to simply "execute" the movements and then get some real coaching instead of having to video tape myself and compare the results with online instructional tools.
One of the best lessons I took away from the entire experience was the insight into how the "curriculum" for foundational movement development is built. I don't want to be giving away things these attendees were paying $1000.00 for but it goes without saying that I now have a greater depth in understanding how to assist in developing skills that Crossfitters use in every level and stage of personal advancement. I used nothing more than a PVC pipe and a Dyna-Max medicine ball the entire time I was there, repetition being a huge part of the teaching, critiquing, and skill building I experienced as a test subject. If I can learn that much in two hours then it should give you some reinforcement for why you always see things like the Burgener Drills over and over again.
The facility had a ridiculous number of training tools and resources available, it made me a little angry to think of the frozen tundra for a floor I have in the garage gym. This is the kind of place we want here in Manchester and are working to develop in Nashua. I am seeing more and more people visiting the site and we are almost there in terms of Certs and Affiliation. The trip provided all kinds of ideas and added fuel to my drive to get us truly up and running hard. The fact that the C2 rowers had soft seats and handles compared to our half wooden little antique Model B's was amazing to me. I could kiss ass all day about how nasty the set-up was but you could just take a look for yourself. I also snapped a few pictures of everyone after the testing was over while they ripped up the Crossfit Mainsite wod.
One of the Crossfit Instructors helping with the test drove up all the way from Albany (Brett from AlbanyCrossfit.com) and I had a great time picking his brain and messing around with the rowing machines while everyone else went to lunch. I also met a Crossfit Boston guy that would fit right in with any of the crews up here. He was nice enough to let me hang around while he attempted some personal records in the Power Clean for his training session (last workout from a 6 week Olympic focused Bulgarian power cycle that Catalyst Athletics posts on their site for those that like the ME Black Box protocol--see the Performance Menu for references).
I met some other great people during the cert as well, one of which is from Canada and has gotten so busy training out of his garage that he is logging 50 hour weeks and plans a move into a bigger facility. I got some emails from all these guys and am planning on making trips to visit their gyms to see what other options are out there and learn what I can about running the business side of things. Thanks again to everyone for all the help and information, it made a world of difference in my understanding of Crossfit's foundational concepts.
Crossfit Endurance Footwear Advice
Pretty badass that the "sort of official" running shoe of Crossfit Endurance happens to be DC made. The one below wasn't technically the exact DC shoe but I think I have better taste in shoes than those guys, and I will duel them to the death to decide who is right if they are so inclined (just kidding...I'm afraid they'll stop letting me use their programs for talking smack). Interesting that people spend so much money on running shoes and special shoes for olympic lifting but DC makes one that would be excellent for both and it looks sick. I started saving my lunch money yesterday for my next pair, in about 112 days or so I will be rocking them from the dirt paths to the Olympic lifting platform. I know John and Ben would be pumped because they wear these shoes anyway and I think now we should probably start dragging Fitzy to train with us as well.
My sister turns 22 today, Happy Birthday Ashley
John comes home in 16 days
Sounds like a good trrp Ross. Looks like more painto inflict on me.
By the way. How many pushups can your Dad do?
well he used to be able to do alot until the dark days came....
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