
"CrossFit Total" (09.14.2009)

Warm-up Drills (09.14.2009)
Run 800m
Warm-up as needed for max effort 1 rep maximum attempts in the Back Squat, Shoulder Press, and Deadlift.

"CrossFit Total" (09.14.2009)
1 x Back Squat
1 x Shoulder Press
1 x Deadlift

There are three attempts allowed for each movement.

Post loads and total to comments.

Below is an excerpt from the CrossFit Journal Article describing the ''CrossFit Total'':
''Anyone in a position to attempt a legitimate CrossFit Total should be familiar enough with their capabilities on the lifts to have a fairly good idea of just what might be possible for a one-rep max (1RM). This number is what you warm up intending to do. A meet situation will involve three attempts, and this is a good way to determine a true 1RM.
The first attempt would be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt would be a weight you know without any doubt that you could do for a single, having just done the first attempt. And the third attempt is the weight you want to do, based on your performance on the previous two attempts.''
--CrossFit Journal Article December 1, 2006

Link: ''CrossFit Total'' full article

Skill Development (09.14.2009)
C2 Time Trial
Row 1000m for time

Post time to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (09.14.2009)
Swim: 500m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 5 x 100m (15 sec rest between) at your 100m pace for the 500m TT
Bike: 3 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 1 mile (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace for the 3 mile TT
Run: 1 mile TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 400m (30 sec rest between) at your 1 mile pace for the 1 mile TT
C2: 2000m TT rest 3 min, Then hold 3 x 500m (30 sec rest between) at your 500m pace for the 2000m TT

Post times to comments.


Anonymous said...

CrossFit Total
255 squat/130 press/315 deadlift= 700
3:26 1000m Time Trial Row


Bert said...

20090914 - Crossfit Total

Back Squat: 225/235(PR)/240F
Shoulder Press: 110(PR)/115(PR)/120(PR)
Dead Lift: 295/305(PR)/310(PR)

Total: The Devil's Crossfit Total (665)

I say its the Devil's CFT because its impossible to get 666 with weightroom math. But all around PRs on today's lifts, probably could have gotten the back squats higher, but I didn't have time to properly warm up, and I had to pretty much jump right into my 1RM. I'm still really pleased with how I did, and it shows that the programming works.

Anonymous said...

165 squat/95 press/265 dead lift=525(total)
4:20 Row

Anonymous said...

1 mile TT (Run TM 1*) 7:15
Rest 3 mins
400M 1:45
Rest 30 secs
400M 1:45
Rest 30 secs
400M 1:42


Anonymous said...

Stunt Mike
Crossfit Total

Squat - 350
Press - 200
Deadlift - 395
Total - 945

Big Ben said...


1000m row: 3:34

Anonymous said...

Crossfit Total

Back Squat: 345
Press: 155
Deadlift: 425

Total: 925

Row 1000m: 3:29

Mike L.

Anonymous said...

Crossfit Total-
Back Squat: 155
Press: 105
Deadlift: 225

Total: 485

Row 1000m: 3:54


Anonymous said...

Crossfit Total

Back Squat: 175 lbs
Press: 100lbs
Dead Lift: 265 lbs
Total: 540
1000m Row: 3:42


Kristina said...


Total: 3:30

Row: 4:30

Nick said...

Squat: 365 #
Press: 155 #
DL: 485 #

total: 1005 #

row time: 3:26

Anonymous said...

145/85/235 = 465 (maybe, i cant really count, let alone add)

Row: 4:14


Anonymous said...

140/60/215 total 415 back squat/press/deadlift
1000 m row 4:09

katie said...

shoulder press: 65 70 75F
back squat: 135 145F 140
dead lift: 165 175F 170F
MINI TOTAL: 375lbs

peeps were throwin up some crazy weight today. hats off to everyone!

200m run
21 box jumps
200m run
18 box jumps
200m run
15 box jumps
200m run
12 box jumps
200m rum
9 box jumps
200m run
6 box jumps
200m run
3 box jumps
TIME: 10:33
(i can't believe he made me write that all...)

Anonymous said...

Squat 205F/205F/185
Press 115F/105/115F
DL 275/295/305F

Total 585#

1000M Row TT 3:35

Anonymous said...

BS 95/115/125F(f)
P 65/75F/75F
DL 100/130/185
Total: 365

Row- 4:11


Anonymous said...

Back Squat 115
Push Press 60
Dead Lift 165

1000M row 4:52


Anonymous said...

squat 225/245/275
press 115/135f/135f
DL 315/335/345f

Row 3:47


Anonymous said...

backsquat 245/275
press 135/145/155f
deadlift 275/300/325 my last deadlift max was 225


Anonymous said...

Back Squat 115
Press 70
Deadlift 235

Total 420

Row for time 4:05
