400m Run
3 Rounds of
6 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20lbs)
6 x Burpees
Hip Mobility Complex
''The Barbell Humbler'' (12.04.2009)
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
5 x Thruster (95lbs)
7 x Hang Power Clean (95lbs)
10 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (95lbs)
Post rounds completed to comments.
Skill Development (12.04.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds of:
:30 x Right Plank
:30 x Prone Plank
:30 x Left Plank
Time only progresses when the movement is engaged, breaks stop the clock.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (12.04.2009)
''10 x Sprints''
Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints from mid pool start and finish w/ 1:00 recoveries
Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2:00 recoveries
Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints w/ :90 recoveries
C2: 10 x 125m all out sprints w/ 1:00 recoveries
Post times to comments.
good times back in the old stable. miss the gym.
It's amazing to look at everyone's old PRs for the WOD we are doing today.
Barbell AMRAP/Humbler
as Rx'd-9 Rounds
As Rx'd
12 rounds even
7 rounds @ 75#
20091204 - Barbell Humbler
10 Rounds + 5 Thrusters + 1 clean
At this weight, a PR by 3+ rounds. Shoulder is still isn't as strong as it used to be. Working on getting it back to full strength this month.
Excellent performances across the board tonight, and soon they will be posted: Burpee Tax Season starts Monday.
Bert, thanks for the marker.
Wod as Rx'D
ten plus 6 sdhp's
Billy the tuff
8 rounds plus 5 thrusters and 1 hang clean
9 rounds +5 thrusters Rx'd
9 rounds @65lbs
7 rounds + 5 + 7 (65#)
6 rounds 65 lbs
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