Row 500m
2 rounds at your own pace of
9 x Dead-hang Pull-ups
9 x Push-ups
9 x Air Squats
9 x Knees-2-Elbows
''Clean and Jerk Ascension Ladder'' (12.22.2009)
With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute,
two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute,
three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute...
continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed. Power Clean, Squat Clean, Push Jerk, and Split Jerk are all viable options.
Post rounds/reps completed to comments.
Skill Development (12.22.2009)
Perform 2-3 Rounds of the following ring sequence, if possible move from start to finish without coming down:
Muscle-up x 1
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Support x :10
Ring Dip to max depth with :02 hold at bottom x 2
Muscle-up x 1
CrossFit Endurance WOD (12.22.2009)
Swim, Bike Run, or Row (C2)
1min on, 1 min off,
1 min on x :50 sec rest,
1 min on x :40 sec rest,
1 min on x :30 sec rest,
1 min on x :20 sec rest,
1 min on x :10 sec rest,
then go back up the ladder until you finish with
1 min on x :50 sec rest,
1 min on x Done.
Post distances to comments.
5 Rounds +3 (95lbs) / 5:56x15 reps
Clean and Jerk Ladder as Rx'd
6 rounds + 6 reps
5 rounds @ 135lbs
15 clean jerks 1:48
300 double unders 6:25
Clean and Jerk Ladder
6 rounds + 4 reps 95#
Clean and Jerk Ladder
9 rounds plus 9 @ 65#
as Rx'd
9 rounds plus 9 reps
6 complete rounds plus 3 (95 lbs)
3 X K2E
4 X Ring Row
5 X Pull-up (blue band)
Skill Development
Goodmornings (25# plate)
Back Squats (95#)
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