100 x Single-Unders
9 Fundamentals x 10 reps each
50 x Double-Unders
''Everglades'' (12.15.2009)
4 Rounds for time of
Row 500m
Run 400m
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (12.15.2009)
Accumulate the following time in as few sets as possible:
2:00 x Handstand
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (12.15.2009)
Accumulate the following time in as few sets as possible:
2:00 x Handstand
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (12.15.2009)
19:45 Row / Run
Is it bad that I've been doing wods with a torn MCL? I'll ask the Doc tomorrow but i figured you would give me the answer I want to hear.
P.S. How often do you watch your "bloody quick one" fight video? I watch it at least twice a month.
Ben, you are a mad man, I support that. If you need to change WODs around to protect your knee then let me know the specifics of your injury, what your doctor says, and which WODs you are trying to do. I don't mind changing things to suit your needs and I promise any modified WOD will still have you 'seeing Jesus' per se.
I know you'd rather just train until your knee implodes and you have to deadlift your own gangrenous limb from the floor, but for the love of god lets do it a smarter way this time and have you recover and strengthen your knee while focusing on other aspects of conditioning. All of the freaks up here that needed similar assistance ended up making some awesome gains and recovering faster than they thought they would.
Let me know, bastard.
20091215 - The Everglades
21:07 rx'd
I'm starting to train a few new fire breathers down here too. They've killed the WODs with me thus far, and its good to have someone in the fight with me.
Tough, but fun workout. Starting to get those double under, but still have a lot of work to do.
Doug 25:10
As Rx'd
20: something
Dont know the exact time because I met "pukie" somewhere around 23:30....
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