
''Hang Clean, Ring Dip, Sit-up AMRAP" (11.19.2009)

''How's it going, the gym looks great, out here in the middle of nowhere at a tiny patrol base. There's almost 2 feet of moondust in some places here. Things are going pretty good and the dog is making it better, can't wait to be back in the real gym. Hope everything's well.''

Warm-up Drills (11.19.2009)
Row 750m
12 x Deadlift (45lbs)
12 x Hang Power Clean (45lbs)
12 x Front Squat (45lbs)
12 x Push Press (45lbs)

''Hang Clean, Ring Dip, Sit-up AMRAP" (11.19.2009)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00 of:
12 x Hang Power Clean (115lbs)
15 x Ring Dips
21 x Abmat Sit-ups

Post rounds completed to comments.

Skill Development (11.19.2009)
Rest for tomorrow.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (11.19.2009)
90% of best time for the set distance.
Swim: 600m Tempo 90%
Bike: 12 mile Tempo 90%
Run: 5k Tempo 90%
C2: 4k Tempo 90%

Post times to comments.


Anonymous said...

Check out some new "hero" WODs:



Anonymous said...

Pushup WOD: 128 total
AMRAP 15 of 18 GHD situp/9 36in box jump
5 rounds + 6 box jump


Anonymous said...

5 + 6 rounds rx'd


8 +12/6 rounds @65lbs


"You can't put down payments on sandbagging!" Samy

Anonymous said...

wod as rx'd

7 measly rounds plus 8 hangs.

billy the tuff.
hope you enjoyed your conference call dan. (slacker)

Nick said...

as Rx'd

10 rds + 12 HC, 15 RD, 14 sit-ups

Crossfit Endurance
6 rounds of 90 seconds on, 90 seconds off for distance

distance: 1.44 miles


Anonymous said...

6 rounds + 7 sit ups

Anonymous said...

8 rounds


Anonymous said...

As Rx'd

6 rds


D Benton said...


7 rnds at 65lbs

Anonymous said...

Hang Clean, Ring Dip, Sit-Up AMRAP -

5 Rounds at 30 kgs

Bada Bing