
''Boat Crew J.T.'' (03.12.2010)

Warm-up Drills (03.12.2010)
Run 400m
15 x Burpees
15 x Medicine Ball Cleans
Run 400m
Samson Stretch

''Boat Crew J.T.'' (03.12.2010)
Complete the following for time
500m Row
21 x Handstand push-ups
21 x Ring dips
21 x Push-ups
400m Row
15 x Handstand push-ups
15 x Ring dips
15 x Push-ups
300m Row
9 x Handstand push-ups
9 x Ring dips
9 x Push-ups

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.12.2010)
''10 Rounds of Hill Sprints''

Swim: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Use pull paddles/float buoy. 2 minute recoveries.
Bike: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Recovery time is how long it takes you to come down the hill or 2 minutes. If you do not have a hill use heavy tension on a trainer or ergometer, 2 minute recoveries between sprints.
Run: 10 x :20 sec all out efforts. Rest :30 at top before descending hill easy. Rest 1 minute at the bottom of the hill before the next sprint. On treadmills use a 7-10% grade, 2 minute recoveries between sprints
C2: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Damper setting is personal preference... 2 minute recoveries between sprints.

Notes: Come into each effort at pace to maximize distance covered on each interval.

Post distances to comments.


Mtn Rob said...

Tire pushups and tip toe ring dips

Derek Puzzanghera said...

500m x 10 reps


Anonymous said...

Boatcrew J.T.
26.21 rx'd


Anonymous said...

"Boatcrew J.T."

26:20 Rx'd


Anonymous said...

Mod HSPU (bands)

Anonymous said...

Boat Crew,
19:41 (I think) using the box for R/D's and Bands for HSPU. Sorry Sam, I forgot to record my time before leaving.

To all those that performed RX'd, WELLDONE!


Anonymous said...

19:27 did the hspu's on a box.


Walter said...

Handstand Push-up from 24" box
Ring Dips - single blue band


Anonymous said...

Miss you guys but sooner or later I will be back. Things are just a little hectic right now. OD

Anonymous said...


Just watched a badass vampire flick called 30 Days of Night. Wicked bloody. What are your thoughts?


SRD said...

Mtn. Rob might not answer. I've recently learned that he's fallen in love with a Fedex Goddess.

SRD said...

OD! Get back in here! We need you.