Run 400m
15 x Burpees
15 x Medicine Ball Cleans
Run 400m
Samson Stretch
''Boat Crew J.T.'' (03.12.2010)
Complete the following for time
500m Row
21 x Handstand push-ups
21 x Ring dips
21 x Push-ups
400m Row
15 x Handstand push-ups
15 x Ring dips
15 x Push-ups
300m Row
9 x Handstand push-ups
9 x Ring dips
9 x Push-ups
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.12.2010)
''10 Rounds of Hill Sprints''
Swim: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Use pull paddles/float buoy. 2 minute recoveries.
Bike: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Recovery time is how long it takes you to come down the hill or 2 minutes. If you do not have a hill use heavy tension on a trainer or ergometer, 2 minute recoveries between sprints.
Run: 10 x :20 sec all out efforts. Rest :30 at top before descending hill easy. Rest 1 minute at the bottom of the hill before the next sprint. On treadmills use a 7-10% grade, 2 minute recoveries between sprints
C2: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Damper setting is personal preference... 2 minute recoveries between sprints.
Notes: Come into each effort at pace to maximize distance covered on each interval.
Post distances to comments.
Complete the following for time
500m Row
21 x Handstand push-ups
21 x Ring dips
21 x Push-ups
400m Row
15 x Handstand push-ups
15 x Ring dips
15 x Push-ups
300m Row
9 x Handstand push-ups
9 x Ring dips
9 x Push-ups
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.12.2010)
''10 Rounds of Hill Sprints''
Swim: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Use pull paddles/float buoy. 2 minute recoveries.
Bike: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Recovery time is how long it takes you to come down the hill or 2 minutes. If you do not have a hill use heavy tension on a trainer or ergometer, 2 minute recoveries between sprints.
Run: 10 x :20 sec all out efforts. Rest :30 at top before descending hill easy. Rest 1 minute at the bottom of the hill before the next sprint. On treadmills use a 7-10% grade, 2 minute recoveries between sprints
C2: 10 x :30 sec all out efforts. Damper setting is personal preference... 2 minute recoveries between sprints.
Notes: Come into each effort at pace to maximize distance covered on each interval.
Post distances to comments.
Tire pushups and tip toe ring dips
500m x 10 reps
Boatcrew J.T.
26.21 rx'd
"Boatcrew J.T."
26:20 Rx'd
Mod HSPU (bands)
Boat Crew,
19:41 (I think) using the box for R/D's and Bands for HSPU. Sorry Sam, I forgot to record my time before leaving.
To all those that performed RX'd, WELLDONE!
19:27 did the hspu's on a box.
Handstand Push-up from 24" box
Ring Dips - single blue band
Miss you guys but sooner or later I will be back. Things are just a little hectic right now. OD
Just watched a badass vampire flick called 30 Days of Night. Wicked bloody. What are your thoughts?
Mtn. Rob might not answer. I've recently learned that he's fallen in love with a Fedex Goddess.
OD! Get back in here! We need you.
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