Row 500m
9 Fundamentals x 10 reps each (PVC)
Samson Stretch
''Nasty Girls'' (03.29.2010)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of
50 x Squats
7 x Muscle-ups
10 x Hang Power Cleans (135lbs)
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (03.29.2010)
3 Rounds at your own pace of
21 x GHD Sit-ups
21 x Back Extensions
CrossFit Endurance WOD (03.29.2010)
''Tempo 85-90% RPE 16-18''
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m then 95% for second 1500m
Post times to comments.
''Tempo 85-90% RPE 16-18''
Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y
Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles
Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k
C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m then 95% for second 1500m
Post times to comments.
14:48 at 115lbs
"Nasty Girls"
13:12 135lbs Jumping Muscle Ups
"Nasty Girls"
13:38 Rx'd
Nasty Girls
Took 6min off my time since September...
"Nasty Girls"
15:39 @ 115lbs and J/M UPS
Nasty Girls
12:04(or 14..can't remember!) @ 75lbs
10:11 RXD Adam
as Rx'd
19:34 135 lbs/ jmu's
11:05 75 first round, 85 last two/ jmu's
Nasty Girls (mod) 16:41
Squats, 15 ring dips, 15 pull ups, 95# HPC
10:08 50 Air Squats, 7 JMU, 10 Hang Power Cleans with 35lbs
Nasty Girls
50 air squats
7 pull ups
7 dips
hang clean 135
Nasty Girls - jumping muscle-ups; HPC 65#
Nasty Girls
Jumping Muscle-ups
Hang Power Cleans 135#
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