Last night I got a call from Lisbeth (you may have recently listened to her recent CrossFit Radio interview) who is considered the best to talk to if you are considering becoming a CrossFit Affiliate. Suffice to say I paced for at least an hour sapping her of any information I could think of to ask for, it was eye opening for sure. She told me that she thought our essay was great and that it was about time we got a CrossFit Gym here in NH. I am trying to keep this post short and sweet for now, I have to get back to the Garage Gym and finish up in there tonight, just so you have an idea of how much content I have to omit for now.

It is now 10:09... just barely over the 24 hour mark from affiliation application submission and not only have we been approved but finished the Garage Gym floor/platform. "Gollum" (Rugby friend and Lt. in the U.S. Army), Coach Sailor, John, Brady, and Kelly came by to help Chris and me with everything. The words Thank You don't do justice to the level of gratitude I feel for them. Things are overwhelming with how supportive everyone has been the reward is a true CrossFit NH facility we can all be proud to toil away in.
Gollum's Welcome to our Society (family by now) WOD
Warm-up: Practicing the 9 Fundamental Movements for about :30
WOD: 6:00 to complete max # of rounds possible of 5 push-ups x 5 medicine ball cleans (25lbs)
(Things were made more difficult with some 2x4's that we stacked up so he would be able to get extra depth on the push-ups and necessitate a greater explosion from depth with the cleans)
Score 11 Rounds +1 rep

Congratulations!!! There was another gym in Dover that just got their affiliation as well. Seacoast Kettlebells. NH went from 0 to 2 CF Affiates overnight!
Congratulations! You got a shout-out on my blog today.
samy, do you have the scores from FIGHT GONE BAD the other day. i really want to start talking some trash and get some competition going with other savages.
Congrats Samy. Great to see you've come so far so fast. Now, you just need a bigger car to let people get out of the cold;)
Haven't heard from you in awhile! How is everything going down there? Up here things are fun as hell, and it's not my fault you happen to be 24 feet tall... I never expected to have to accomodate actual wods inside my car but the dedicated get it done right? Haha, hope to hear from you soon, maybe even see you at another cert.
Congrats man! Great stuff.
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