Complete 10km for time
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (07.01.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Max effort for each interval
4:00 x 3:00 off
2:00 x 0:30 off
1:00 x 3:00 off
2:00 x 0:30 off
4:00 x Done!
Post distances or total distance to comments.
EVA - 3 rounds for time:
800m run
30 KB swings 1 pood
30 pullups green band
EVA - as RX
5 Rounds for time:
800m run
30 KB swings 2 pood
30 pullups
5 rounds for time
800m run
30 35lb dumbell swings
30 jumping pullups
Eva - 3 Rounds for time
400m run
12 kettle bell swings
12 pull-ups w/ band
Samy, I still hate running! UGH
Dos Deb
10k time trial - this one definitely warranted an i-pod at 5am...53:16
my body wants to know what this new form of torture is
Jess - 5am? OMG that is brutal!!
Dos Deb
10K run
Hilly, scary, dirt roads Mark mapped out for me. I was waiting for children of the corn to pop out. Maybe Cruella should be nicer...nah.
55:10 Heidi
10K time trial
Okay so this WOD got me, 24.50 for time for a 3k is generally not good but the fact I finished is amazing (also thanks to Taco). I love how even when I S__ __ K you guys tell me how awesome I did. I just want you all to know I could not do it without you. Thanks for your support!
Rx- 72:00
think my body officially hates me
3k - 16:56
Katie 53:56
Jefe 51:03
Jill 45:56
Glad no creepy kids got you Heidi!
I started around 7:00pm. I'll post again when I'm finished.
1hour 11 minutes and 19 seconds.
Next time I'll try to shave off the 19 seconds.
5 K for time - 7/1/2009
36.10 ChaCha
I did it!!!!!! :0)
10k for Time:
58:54 @ 6000+ feet elevation here in Wyoming.
Because of this run, there is a puddle of my tears and vomit near the parade field at FE Warren AFB.
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