"Nicole" (06.26.2009)
Complete as many rounds in 20:00 as you can of:
Run 400m
Max rep Pull-ups
Post pull-ups completed for each round to comments.
Complete as many rounds in 20:00 as you can of:
Run 400m
Max rep Pull-ups
Post pull-ups completed for each round to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.26.2009)
Stable News:
Thank you to everyone that has been sending compliments and positive feedback about the new Stable's progress, there is still much work to be done but hopefully in 48 hours we will be able to house our WODs in there... Everyong has been crushing themselves around the clock trying to complete this epic project. Turning an old brick mill space into a home that our athletes will be proud to train in will take time, creativity, and serious attention to detail, but we can assuredly manage the added workload of daily CrossFit slaughter-fests. More news tomorrow.
oh jefenschnitzel.
Hey Samy,
It's Kevin, the new place looks great and want to set a date to come up and visit and see everyone. Let me know when, so I can plan around it buddyy. Keep up the Good Work!!
yesterday: 20 mins
5 thrusters
7 hanging cleans
10 sumos
5 rounds + 7 cleans + 3 sumos = sweat and panting like a dog
today: 20 mins
400 m run = /
pull ups w/ green rubber band
/ 23 / 20 / 14 / 14 / 14 / 12 + 350 m run = my back is toast
great job today everyone!
400m run
max pullups
x 20min
10/7/5/7/6/5 + 400
400 + Dead Hangs, becuase I am old Corps...
Or it's because I can't kip...
Nicole" (06.26.2009)
Run 400m
Max rep Pull-ups
400m run
max pullups
x 20min
3/3/7/8/8/8 + 200
200m run
max pullups
x 10min
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