Tomorrow at 10:00am several of our athletes will be gathering in the Stable for a short/concise lecture covering the basics of Nutrition in the context of advancing human performance and improving overall health/longevity.
(All CrossFitters are welcome.)
Jill (who recently wrote the article on nutrition that we posted last Rest Day), RJ, Mike, and I recently attended the CrossFit Nutrition Certification that Robb Wolf teaches to CrossFitters all over the country. Since last Sunday we've noticed a growing buzz in the Stable as our crew continues to express serious interest in exploring how nutrition can exponentially increase your overall health and performance capacity when coupled with CrossFit training.
Your murmurs have been duly noted, so wake up and drag your sore, tender, waddling a$$es in here so we can kick off our first official class on the subject.
Our primary goal tomorrow is to impart a basic understanding of both the "Paleo" and "Zone" approaches to performance nutrition. Once we ven-diagram the hell out of both methods we'll be covering specific examples and contextual descriptions of how to implement each regimen (Thanks to Robb Wolf we were provided with some insightful case studies at the cert, the best of which we will share during the class). After the lesson is concluded and we've done our best to answer every one's questions we will start taking people aside (completely optional on the part of the athlete) in order to assist them with finding an optimal initial Block Prescription (for the Zone) or Paleo Meal Outline/Menu.

The words "block prescription" sound more foreign than RJ?
Don't sweat it, each athlete will be educated in and provided with everything they need to go home and immediately implement whichever nutritional approach they feel best suits their individual needs.
Quote: "Nutrition is the most potent catalyst available to the athlete seeking a new level of performance as well as the diabetic seeking another year of life."
Please feel free to email any of our Nutrition Certified CrossFitters or myself for additional assistance/informational resources.
CrossFit Endurance WOD Tempo 90% (06.20.2009)
5 box hand stand push ups
10 push ups
15 ring dip push your arms up things (or whatever i did..)
10 rounds 5+3
I am in NYC and living a zone/peacful life but still gets picked on..now what i do?..Pepe i am with you lets shave that beard..
Have fun guys this info will be really cool..and VERY VERY (cant even stress enough) important on your performance and overall health..Nutrition is the first building block of your athletic fitness...while i'll drink up grey goose and diet coke as Gandalf prescribed:)
haha diet coke like thats gonna make up for it....and of course well shave him.
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