CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.12.2009)
12:00 Time Trial for Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Cover as much distance as possible in 12:00 for your choice of sports. Terrain, Incline, Damper, etc are your choice.
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Jill's Article on the CrossFit Nutrition Cert's Lessons:
Jill is one of our craziest fire-breathers here in the Stable, the article below is her synopsis/critical fact breakdown of the Nutrition Cert by Robb Wolf. It's and excellent read and will definitely open a few minds to some new concepts in the realm of performance nutrition.
Thank you to Jill for taking the time to put this together.
So we all know we need to get a full night's sleep. The health benefits are countless, and range from keeping our immune system strong to just plain fighting off that nod-n-heavy-eyelid thing that happens when we're exhausted. At the CrossFit Nutrition Certification Robb Wolf shared that there's a real reason you feel terrible the next day. If you are running on empty as far as sleep is concerned, (By the way, Robb states you get enough sleep when you wake up without the alarm clock. Unfortunately this is not likely for the majority of people.), you need to reset your Insulin¹ levels. And guess what happens if you don't. Your body will actually mimic Type II Diabetes. The following will hopefully help in your understanding of this conundrum. Type II
Diabetes: Insulin is needed to move glucose (blood sugar) into cells, where we use it for energy. If it doesn’t get into the cells, too much glucose stays in the blood, which causes the symptoms of diabetes. Because sugar isn’t absorbed into body tissue at this point, abnormally high levels of sugar build up in the blood. This is called Hyperinsulinemia, which can lead to Hyperglycemia. Many people with insulin resistance² have Hyperglycemia and high blood insulin levels. People who are overweight have a higher risk of insulin resistance, because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin. Furthermore, studies show that people who get less sleep have a higher Insulin level. The body generates and regulates hormones during sleep. When this process is cut short, you start off the day unbalanced.
¹Insulin (INS) is the master hormone. Insulin is released mainly by carbs, and a little by protein. Insulin puts in, Glucagon takes out.
²Insulin resistance means that fat, liver and muscle cells do not respond normally to insulin. As a result they do not store sugar for energy. Since the tissues do not respond well to insulin, the pancreas produces more and more insulin. –American Diabetes Association
What! Dairy’s bad? So is the Food Pyramid?
Haven’t we been hit over the head with the slogan “Got Milk”? Or that we have to eat boatloads of breads and grains because the Food Pyramid tells us we have to. Well what would you say if I told you that dairy can cause acne and spikes our Insulin levels? Robb Wolf opened a gateway to an alter universe on Saturday where suddenly my favorite Greek yogurt and pita bread with peanut butter seemed as useless as eating foam. It does make sense. In nature, who drinks milk? When Mike and I got home from the cert,
we were talking with Frank and Mike asked him if he drinks milk. Frank retorted, “No, I’m not a baby.” He’s right. Dairy contains lectins (sugar-binding proteins) from grain fed animals. The actual word lectin comes from the Latin word legere or “to select”. Gluten that is found in grains leads to the damage of the nutrient absorbent villi and microvilli in our intestines. You may have heard of the autoimmune disorder called Celiac Sprue. In this disorder, the microvilli of the intestines are destroyed. This condition causes the inability to absorb fats, minerals, and many vitamins. I’m certainly not saying, nor is Robb Wolf, that if you eat grains you will get Celiac Sprue. What is true however is that there is irritation with almost all grain consumption. This is commonly referred to as “leaky gut syndrome”. Gross. According to Robb Wolf, the theory is that once the gut lining is damaged, large food particles are able to make their way into the blood stream. The immune system then tries to attack the foreign particles. The problem is that the body creates antibodies that attack the its own tissue.
What’s the skinny on fats?
Very briefly, fats are important to incorporate into our diet. Mono-unsaturated fats (avocados, almonds, olive oil, etc.) improve Insulin sensitivity and glucagon release. Poly-unsaturated fats give us our Omega 3 (N-3) and Omega 6 (N-6) fatty acids. According to Genova Diagnostics, new studies are showing that fatty acids may be some of the most important nutrients in the human diet. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) control how cell membranes function. In addition, supplementation of EFAs may reduce the occurrence of complications of pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and post-partum depression. One of the things that blew my mind that Robb mentioned was that studies are showing that women who suffer from post-partum depression are missing N-3 fatty acids."
So we all know we need to get a full night's sleep. The health benefits are countless, and range from keeping our immune system strong to just plain fighting off that nod-n-heavy-eyelid thing that happens when we're exhausted. At the CrossFit Nutrition Certification Robb Wolf shared that there's a real reason you feel terrible the next day. If you are running on empty as far as sleep is concerned, (By the way, Robb states you get enough sleep when you wake up without the alarm clock. Unfortunately this is not likely for the majority of people.), you need to reset your Insulin¹ levels. And guess what happens if you don't. Your body will actually mimic Type II Diabetes. The following will hopefully help in your understanding of this conundrum. Type II

¹Insulin (INS) is the master hormone. Insulin is released mainly by carbs, and a little by protein. Insulin puts in, Glucagon takes out.
²Insulin resistance means that fat, liver and muscle cells do not respond normally to insulin. As a result they do not store sugar for energy. Since the tissues do not respond well to insulin, the pancreas produces more and more insulin. –American Diabetes Association
What! Dairy’s bad? So is the Food Pyramid?
Haven’t we been hit over the head with the slogan “Got Milk”? Or that we have to eat boatloads of breads and grains because the Food Pyramid tells us we have to. Well what would you say if I told you that dairy can cause acne and spikes our Insulin levels? Robb Wolf opened a gateway to an alter universe on Saturday where suddenly my favorite Greek yogurt and pita bread with peanut butter seemed as useless as eating foam. It does make sense. In nature, who drinks milk? When Mike and I got home from the cert,

Very briefly, fats are important to incorporate into our diet. Mono-unsaturated fats (avocados, almonds, olive oil, etc.) improve Insulin sensitivity and glucagon release. Poly-unsaturated fats give us our Omega 3 (N-3) and Omega 6 (N-6) fatty acids. According to Genova Diagnostics, new studies are showing that fatty acids may be some of the most important nutrients in the human diet. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) control how cell membranes function. In addition, supplementation of EFAs may reduce the occurrence of complications of pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and post-partum depression. One of the things that blew my mind that Robb mentioned was that studies are showing that women who suffer from post-partum depression are missing N-3 fatty acids."
--Article written by Jill Silano
This is a great summary of what happend on the cert...Thanks Jill
Pepe..no comments man..for a sec i dint believe it but had to click on the pic to make sure..
I like the Rest Day article here, nice write up Jill. I also would highly recommend the articles on the mainsite, they are great reads. Lots of stuff about how indviduals try to shape the ideas of others, yet the ones that truly have good ideas are really only followed by a small population that exists within society. It can really be related to the current political atmosphere as well as very strongly to the Crossfit Community and everything we do at the Stable.
As fars as the nutrition stuff goes, I can attest that eating incorrectly during the day can be incredibly detrimental to your performance during the WOD. I ate like garbage all day today, and had a garbage time for the 5k.
Samy - When you get a chance, could you email me the nutrition information you said you had yesterday? Just general stuff you think I should read (I've got plenty of time to do so) and specifically, if you have it, the information about the case study that you said was pretty much my case that you encountered at the Cert?
Enjoy your rest day everyone! I think I'm going to do a bit of CF Endurance tomorrow.
those pull up bars look sexy....and i look great in waders
Jill, thank you for taking the time to write that, I enjoyed reading it. I would really enjoy more tid bits of information.
Kent: Nice run score, I wish I could have seen you crush your first 5k... keep killing it, dude.
Awesome article. A great easy read for a complicated topic.
Samy, any idea why my left foot fell asleep at the 2.5 K mark?? I don't think my shoe was too tight but all the muscles in both of my ankles were SUPER tight during the whole run...does that mean more box jumps?????
Great article Jill. Im bummed about the greek yogurt as it is also my favorite.
Don PePe talk about being an animal! haha Heidi
Kent, that could be a number of things but you are right the first thing I would have asked would've been if your shoes were tied to tight. Are you still using that same pair you were always in while you were up here training? They are super broken in to force your pronation a bit remember?
A couple things you can do to help that would be try a different insole without so much arch support as super stiff arched shoes can have the foot falling asleep effect. Tightly jammed toes in the front of the shoe can have a similar effect as well. Ankles super tight? Time to start practicing POSE running drills, etc. daily. If you've got a grassy field near you or a nice turf area then start doing light running drills barefoot and stay more on the balls of your feet to gain strength. You could also clench a rolled towel with your toes, use a tennis ball to roll your feet on, etc. There are numerous actual foot drills and running drills that you could add to your warm-up.
Now that you've got your 5k (another accomplishment in your pocket) it's time to train the skill of running daily just like we do our 9 fundamentals, HSPU's, ring work, Olympic Lifts, etc.
Let me know if you need more resources and I'll start data dumping your inbox.
I am still using the same pair of shoes, when I go buy another pair should I continue down the beaten path of super cushy shoes, should I jump right into running in DCs or be somewhere in between??? I tried to run Pose as long as I could(maybe 1K??) before I reverted into lower body torture. What does the towel/tennis ball drill do??
Towel exercises can help stretch/strengthen the arch of your foot. The guy that runs the CrossFit Endurance site actually says that he's had clients with years of pronated feet get rid of it by doing these simple drills. I think there was a crossfit radio episode with Brian McKenzie that dealt with it all...
K$ the ultimate POSE shoe
Thanks for the reply Mike, do you have any links to articles???
thanx mike!
"Vibram 5 Fingers are gay.
They make you look gay.
And there are better ways to look gay."
Well I guess that takes care of that..Any other thoughts??
Disclaimer: CrossFit New Hampshire does not discriminate based on sexual orientation.
That being said, Kent, go buy some chucks, DCs, or Doc Martens and then curb stomp an innocent civilian with them.
'And there are better ways to look gay.'
like? i could tell my gay friends! the experts know all! :)
mark rippetoe plays for keeps, aka i like him....I'd power lift with him any day...
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