Complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20:00 minutes of:
15 x Hang clean (115lbs)
12 x Ring dips
21 x Abmat Sit-ups
Post number of rounds completed to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.11.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
20 Rounds of (:10 x :05r)
Terrain, Incline, Damper Setting, etc are your choice.
Once you decide and set your respective difficulty level hold it for all 20 rounds.
(Example: Putting the C2 on a damper setting of 10 means you row all 20 rounds at that setting... dig your own graves wisely.)
Post total distance to comments.
Stable News:
Debbie said the "S" word today.
Quote of the Week:
Raj: "Just Applode it."
Samy: "You mean up-load it?"
Raj: "Applode."
Samy: "Up-load?"
Raj: "Applode."
Samy: "Up-load?"
Raj: "Applode."
Samy: "Up-load?"
Raj: "F@$# you, Samy..."
I could actually hear you guys in my head while I was reading this...........you must be getting to me!
Sorry for the posting hiatus...I've been pretty busy trying to find gailful employment/Fing off. I decided this morning was as good as any to get back in to the swing of things
Cindy as RX'd
14 rounds
Hope all is well and Cindy sucks btw
PS: Samy, I have been looking for souls to eat, however they seem to be in short demand in this area...I can only attribute it to the copius number of Baptist churches in near proximity.
BTW it is almost impossible to kip on the bar I have so the pullups are ALMOST dead hang...very slight kip at the top :)
Two days ago
Jackie - 6:48
Diane - 4:15
Very very Sore.
Samy I am pretty sure you have the Nutrition cert this weekend. Let me know how it goes mine is on the 27th I am psyched for it.
Hang Clean, Ring Dip, Sit Up - 20 Minute AMRAP
15 Hang Cleans @ 75#
12 Ring Dips
21 Sit Ups
5 Rounds Completed
Hang Clean, Ring Dip, Sit Up - 20 Minute AMRAP
15 Hang Cleans @ 95#
12 Ring Dips
21 Sit Ups
4 Rounds Completed+12 Hang cleans
15 Hang cleans @ 55lbs
12 jumping ring dips
21 sit-ups
20min AMRAP
6 rounds completed + 15 hang cleans
4 rounds completed + 15 hang cleans 6 dips
I think this is what we did. I have to write it down or take a picture with my phone.....Sucks to get old....ugh!
Mark's wgt for hang cleans 95#
bit of a posting hiatus for me as well. Great getting back into the swing and seeing everyone.
20 minute amrap as Rxd
15 hang cleans 115#
12 ring dips
21 situps
7 rounds + 15 cleans
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