Run 5k
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Clicking on the map link will bring you to a detailed image of the route we will be using tomorrow.
Approach this WOD just like every other one we execute and come ready to murder its face.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.15.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, C2
Swim: 20 x 25m/y all out sprints from mid pool start and finish w/ 1 min recoveries.
Bike: 8 x 1k all out sprints w/ 2 min recoveries.
Run: 10 x 100m all out sprints with 90 sec recoveries.
C2: 10 x 125m all out Sprints w/ 1 min recoveries.
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The below link is to Robb Wolf's website, which contains vast and expansive nutritional resources for CrossFitters to educate themselves with. Many of our athlete's recently attended his Nutrition Certification and it was amazing, he would fit right in with our crew of sociopaths.
The below link is to Robb Wolf's website, which contains vast and expansive nutritional resources for CrossFitters to educate themselves with. Many of our athlete's recently attended his Nutrition Certification and it was amazing, he would fit right in with our crew of sociopaths.
No f@%*ing way...Sammy dont call me my cell phone ..it is officially switched off from now till rest day..
You can hide, but I'll find you... no matter when I see you next... today, tomorrow, a year from now the first thing you are doing is a 5k. And you are going to surprise yourself and perform amazing regardless of how much you used to hate running.
Hey its Kevin from Vagabond Crossfit,
That is funny that the 5k wod just came because me and RAJ were talking about running today and all he kept saying was "I HATE RUNNING"
Haha. RJs running a 5k.
Maybe we should have some wild dogs chase him around the neighborhood. Make him feel right at home.
We will be finished with the drill tomorrow. On behalf of all of us, I wanted to thank you for the loan. The fact that you make a living with your tools and were cool enough to trust us with it makes us very appreciative.
Heidi and RJ... Whatever, I can't believe you actually worked out at 530. Guess we all have to go out one of these nights and drinks are on me... I'm not buying RJ anything that's pink or purple though.
Hey Mike, I hear you've got a knack for getting lost on these long runs...
Samy, the affiliate at FE Warren just got back to me. They said I just need to show up and we'll just go from there. I'm pretty pumped to Crossfit nearly 2000 miles across the country.
That is sick, dude, may you stand upon the piles of those who've fallen before your WOD wrath.
I only drink blue label dude but u r lucky i am off booz for 4 more weeks...
Kevin, dude it was nice meeting you today..and yes..i hate running..man i truly hate it...blame it on Samy..how did your WOD 2 go?
RaJ you thought you weren't a morning person AND you are OBVIOUSLY...lets run the 5K today at 0530 am ! Heidi
Run 5K
treadmill 1.5% incline
24:24 Heidi
Heidi, what the hell were you doing up at 2:21 AM...and you ran at 5:30..holy cow..
I know today is a sad day for many of us who hate running...wait..thats just me i guess..but i just had my first non ice cream weekend probably in the last 6 months and also since april 7th (when i met a weirdo named Samy)...My weight has gone down from 183 to 176(just doing crossfit)....slow and steady progress at 16 blocks and 2x fat...i am damn excited and thought would share some meaningless info...and now i have to run to work..f%$&K work
dude heidi is an animal i dont know how man times i need to tell you this...and homo thugs like running RJ. These are facts to keep in mind.
24:24 at 1.5% incline???
Holy crap Heidi, that is some impressive work...
5K 39:48 @ 2%. I definetly could have pushed harder, but I wasn't quite sure how I should pace it because I've never run that far. I did however finish it w/o one step of walking which was a huge confidence booster for me. The only bad thing is I wore a huge blister in my left foot on the arch which I have a feeling is really going to suck later, but I couldn't tell it was happening because my left foot fell asleep around the 2.5 K mark.
RJ, if I ran it you have to run it. Just thought I'd throw that in there
5k North annex loop (mapmyrun.com) 26.56
10 min rest then tried to make up for yesterday:
50 squats
21 pullups
21 incline pushups (legs on oly bench bar)
10 x 105# power hang cleans
3 rounds 19:42
Sorry last post was Mark's.
20090615 - 5k Time Trial
Not a PR, so I decided that counts as a foul, so I did a Tabata of Burpees afterwards.
5K Run- 31:06
Couple of things that came to my mind while i was running:
1) I wished i was hit by a car/truck so that i dont have to run any more
2) I wanted to cheat and make my run shorter
3) Beat up Samy or even the guy/gal who posted the workout on the main site
But overall it was not bad..not bad at all..once i finished the run it was a great feeling..K$ thanks for that extra push..how are you doing all settled in?
RJ - Glad to see you suffered like I did, the blister on the bottom of my foot is REALLY going to suck tomorrow. I'm getting settled in pretty well, I still am looking for work but I'm not too worried about it... By the way there are some half off bumper plates on Rogue's Scratch and Dent section...Wish I had the cash
WOD: Time Trial ==> one word wod: "5K"
oh boy! my first 5K, the dreaded 3.11 miles. feh. didn't want to do this one ... like all day, so, before the day was out, i got my ass over to the treadmill in the complex, and fired it up, fired up the ipod (because nobody can run without an ipod), and ran.
it wasn't ALL that bad, and i kept the treadmill at just about a breathy level, rather than gasping, so i'm thinking i could've shaved some time off this, at the cost of a lot more air, and my knees perhaps...
i REALLY don't want to destroy my knees right now. camping this weekend, and several more to follow, all day stomping around on feet, and especially this coming weekend, "circus school", strong desire to have a working non crunchy body, you know?
so. time. 36:47 - not great, not bad. maybe a couple minutes shave off in a year, when i'll probably do it again for laughs ;) NOT BEFORE DAMNIT ;) ;) ;)
5.4k course near my house, with some gnarly hills. 27.55 in Fivefingers; one degree from barefoot.
Last time I ran this course was a month ago, it took me about 30 minutes, so I ask you: what other fitness program will improve your run without requiring a lot of running?
Nick, how do you like the Fivefingers???
They're wicked fun to run in. With good POSE form we can run in pretty much any kind of footwear, but I think these are the best way to train your foot to function naturally. Of course, I base this opinion on 30 minutes of internet research and that it seems to make sense, so I could be talking out of my ass.
As for price, they cost about as much or maybe less than a decent pair of running sneaks, so I'm not paying a premium for the priviledge of running around looking goofy.
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