Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 x Kettlebell Swings (1.5pood/55lbs)
12 x Handstand push-ups
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CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.22.2009)
Stable News:
I think it's strange how sometimes tiny or seemingly insignificant things can bring about such a great deal of satisfaction. The picture to the left epitomized this phenomenon for me today, the image is of a simple slide-lettered directory sign outside our mill building's entrance. I literally just kind of glared at the sign for about 10 minutes, puzzled by this strange feeling of pleasure. The whole big picture kind of tumbled together and I can't help but laugh thinking of how crazy we look, sound, and appear in our combined efforts to train and create a better Stable.
Stable News:
I think it's strange how sometimes tiny or seemingly insignificant things can bring about such a great deal of satisfaction. The picture to the left epitomized this phenomenon for me today, the image is of a simple slide-lettered directory sign outside our mill building's entrance. I literally just kind of glared at the sign for about 10 minutes, puzzled by this strange feeling of pleasure. The whole big picture kind of tumbled together and I can't help but laugh thinking of how crazy we look, sound, and appear in our combined efforts to train and create a better Stable.
Thank you to our crew for providing us with all the motivation we could ever need when deciding to move from the Garage to a fully equipped world class training facility. CrossFit New Hampshire continues to live and die by the success of our athletes and we wouldn't have it any other way.
I know it sounds all sentimental around here but you need to understand that today's little sign discovery cut through some serious mental fatigue that we seem to have accumulated the last week or so from the madness that has become our "concrete floor project".
Curious as to why? The image of me in the gas-mask pretty much tells you everything you need to know. I was wearing the gas mask because the room was actually filled with noxious fumes from this crazy muriatic acid (we used it to break up the concrete sealant).
Bert's CrossFit Pilgrimage:
I know it sounds all sentimental around here but you need to understand that today's little sign discovery cut through some serious mental fatigue that we seem to have accumulated the last week or so from the madness that has become our "concrete floor project".

Actually, that image is from the SECOND night we spent in there working on our alchemy skill sets.
It really doesn't matter how long it takes because by the time sweat starts hitting the floor it will have been worth the extra effort. The last big hurdle are the remainder of our stall mat order, forcasted for delivery on Tuesday. Now you know why we are so feverish about working night and day in there... I want to say more but these whiskered lips will remain sealed until it's officially time for our first "3-2-1, Go!"
Tastes like victory.
Bert's CrossFit Pilgrimage:
On a slightly sadder note Bertholemeu will be leaving us for a short time and his crazy performances and near death experiences during WODs will be sorely missed. It's not all bad for Bert, he's getting an awesome opportunity to work out in Wyoming and train at a local CrossFit Affiliate out there.
Bert: Good luck, have fun, and slay everyone. See you in a month.
I'll link that in tomorrow's post and put a permanent link to it with Fogle's. Don't think you can snake out of not posting scores here as well, burpee taxes plus interest will be waiting should you slack off...
Have fun dude, and study the affiliate out there so you can teach us some perspective like Jess did when she travelled. It's fascinating to see how unique or similar different CrossFit boxes are.
You have to make this WOD up as well, you would smoke this one as Rx'd
Yeah, I didn't get a chance to do this WOD at home, I did however do a shit load (200+) pullups throughout the day, so that ought to count for something. But good news is that the affiliate out there is a day behind us, so today's WOD will be their WOD tomorrow. Hopefully I can get it done tomorrow afternoon after I land and get unpacked.
whiskered lips Samy? a bit gay.
someday youll understand... all I have is my beard...
Good luck Bert we will miss you. Hurry back!
Mark & Heidi
Good luck in WY Bert!!! I'm still searching for other Crossfit freaks in the area..
Samy just so you know if you ever have to clean a fiberglass boat, Muriatic acid is probably the greatest thing ever. Just don't mix it w/ Clorox, the results will be dire...
Nice progress buddy. I'm heading to Canada this week but once I get back, I plan on coming down as soon as possible. Its been way too long.
agreed. perhaps we can swing by on the way home from Canuk-land...
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
21 x Kettlebell Swings (1.5pood/55lbs)
12 x Handstand push-ups Mod
Helen still sucks........
3 rounds for time:
400m @ 1.5% incline
21 kettle bell (used 52.5 lb dumbell - yes, Samy, the gay bowflex ones)
12 HSPU - they suck too
17:30 - Mike
400m @ .5% incline
21 kettle bell (used 30 lb gay dumbell)
12 HSPU (kneeling off table)
12:07 - Kristie
Once again, we are sorry we didn't make it in. By the way, I feel like I'm going to gain lbs, not lose them on this block diet...I'm stuffed. Jill, thank you for Saturday's overview.
Bert..dint get to say goodbye dude..I will be gone mid July for a month to visit my family but i am sure i will see you when i am back. Stay in the zone and bulk up dude, Good luck and Stay in touch
Have a great time out there, Bert. Come back refreshed.
Helen Get's Pushy, hree rounds for time of:
200m run
21 KB swings at 1.5 pood, 53lbs
12 HSPUs (scaled)
wow, cross fit new hampshire - live free or die.
or is that "breath fire and die"... :)
miss you guys. rocking camping trip last weekend, back now. someone there even gave a 45 minute crossfit lecture/demo. lots of interested circus type found it fascinating. also lots of "five fingers vibram" shoes :) managed to get a long long lake swim in. longest single stretch i've ever swam, and i DID NOT HAVE TO STOP nor was i particularly winded/dead at the end. *AWESOME* crossfit made me the swimmer i am today. heh.
then repacking for another one this weekend for 3 days, then recycling again for a 4 day the next. whee! such is my summer of fun, and why we train.
after that, i'll be local again for a while, and hope to hit the training full-time again.
Crossfit Football Fran
12-9-6 reps for time of:
Thrusters, 155lbs
Pull-ups, Chest-to-bar
Time - 7:53
I am coming up to the new place in August. As you can see from my WOD today I am plotting my revenge on Viking Fran.
helen gets pushy,
three rounds of
400m run
21 kettlebell swings at 1 1/5 pood
12 HSPU( Mod)
3 rft:
400m run
21KB swings
12 hspu (mod)
Helen Gets Pushy
3 rounds
400m run
21 KB swings (1 pood)
Mark 10:37
Heidi 10:42
Helen gets pushy:
3 rounds
200m run
12 KB swings
12 hspu(mod)
Helen Get's Pushy (06.22.2009)
Three rounds for time:
Run 200 meters
7 x Kettlebell Swings (1.5pood/55lbs)
7 x Handstand push-ups
7:12 Cheryl
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