50 x Double-unders
12 x Handstand Push-ups
25 x Double-unders
12 x Pull-ups
''Jackie'' (10.08.2009)
Complete the following for time:
1000m Row
50 x Thrusters (45lbs)
30 x Pull-ups
Post time to comments.
Skill Development (10.08.2009)
Complete the following at your own pace.
KB Swings (16kg)
L-sit (paralettes)
There are ten rounds total.
Round 1 is 10 x KB Swings and :10 x L-sit,
Round 2 is 9 x KB Swings and :09 L-sit,
Round 3 is 8 x KB Swings and :08 L-sit...
Continue until you finish 1 x KB Swing and :01 x L-sit.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.08.2009)
Round 1 is 10 x KB Swings and :10 x L-sit,
Round 2 is 9 x KB Swings and :09 L-sit,
Round 3 is 8 x KB Swings and :08 L-sit...
Continue until you finish 1 x KB Swing and :01 x L-sit.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.08.2009)
Deceptively hard......
Time :8mins flat
(It's amazing what 8 mins does.....)
10:30 green band
Mike L.: 8:28 rx'd
Kristie: 12:? blueband
9:54 Rx'd
Staci 11:?? Blue Band
Dan 9:48 Rx'd
Staci 11:?? I meant the green band not the blue band
Last one in tonight cause I had to work late. Jackie kicked my butt and my time was not so good. 15:03 hmmmmmmmmmmm it was more difficult then it looked. Ahhhhhhhhh but on the bright side I made it in and I got through the work out..........OD
17:03 as rx'd
one pull-up at at time. no sets for me
Jackie 8:48 Rx'd
Jackie -
10:35 Blue Band
Bada Bing
Jackie as rx'd
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