
''Max Effort Deadlift Singles'' (10.19.2009)

"We do not rise to the level of our expectations.
We fall to the level of our training."

The Way of the Warrior

Warm-up Drills (10.19.2009)
2:00 x Single-unders
18 x Hang Squat Cleans (45lbs)
1:00 x Double-unders
18 x Push Jerk (45lbs)

''Max Effort Deadlift Singles'' (10.19.2009)

Post loads to comments.

Skill Development (10.19.2009)
Complete 4 rounds of the following, working towards max reps every work interval.
:30 x HSPU's
:20 x Rest
:30 x Abmat Sit-ups
:20 x Rest

Post total reps to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (10.19.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
3 rounds total with 2:00 recoveries between.
All sets are maximal effort
:30 x :30 rest
:30 x :25 rest
:30 x :20 rest
:30 x :15 rest
:30 x :10 rest
:30 x :05 rest
:30 x Done...
2:00 Recovery

Post distances to comments.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Max effort dead lift

Anonymous said...

Max Effort Deadlift
150? for HSPU/Abmat


Anonymous said...



180 for HSPU/AMSU post workout....workout.....


Kristina said...

Max Effort Deadlift


180 post workout

Anonymous said...

Justin S.
Max Effort Deadlift:

Anonymous said...

Max Effort Deadlift

Mike L.: 335/365/385/405/415/425/435F

Anonymous said...

oh my favorite day.. dam wish i was there to sling some lead! good luck all. and a good tip as to tell how hard you are trying on the deadlifts is if you are doing a deadlift and a little bit of pee pee comes out you working pretty hard.

Billy the tuff

SRD said...

Actually, Billy, you regularly have an issue with wetting yourself because you are apparently the only freak still crazy enough to use lead weights.

Oh, wait... ''sling'' lead weights haha.

Come back soon dude, it's way to polite in here without you.

Nick said...

Max Effort DL


wasn't in the right mindset for some reason today


SRD said...

Rambo, next time that happens (especially after watching yourself fall into an groundhog day situation of failed reps) just split the difference between what you last achieved and what you were struggling with.
There will always be a mental aspect tied to our training success, but looking at your numbers I'm going to throw a couple lucky guesses out there.
1. You warmed up with less than ten reps before moving into your first max effort pull.
2. You were rushing and not timing your recovery intervals to make sure you had yourself primed for more max pulls.
3. 475 is getting pretty close to maximal load, so to use a 20 lb jump was probably too much % load increase for your barely sub-max pull.

We've all had similar situations happen to us at some point or another, so one thing we should be trying to do is not only learn these damn hard leassons fast for ourselves, but also so we can look out for the rest of our crew in there.

Sorry if you feel I'm picking on you, but your numbers literally couldn't have drawn a better picture of your frustration and why, hopefully everyone comes into the next MEBB training day with a mind sharper than champion chess victors. Go dream about tomorrow's hell.

Anonymous said...

Max effort deadlift 135/155/165/195/205/215/225
HSPU mod/ab mat sit ups total = 129

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Max Effort Deadlift Singles -


Bada Bing

Khan said...




141 post workout


MelissaG said...


Anonymous said...

crossfit fail? I got in early this morning and no one was here :(

Nick said...

Thanks Samy, all three of those assumptions were correct, lesson learned.

Anonymous said...


Well 170 was a Personal Record anyway


Anonymous said...


Im not sure what was wrong w/ me today, I didnt get within 60lbs of my max.... although I am coming off an injury.

Kevin Jones

Big Ben said...


for some reason I was feeling this today, like rambo must not have been in the mind set

0 said...

20091019 - Max Effort Deadlifts

I got bogged down with school work, so I'm a day behind, but I got these deadlifts done.

