
Rest Day/Optional WOD (10.12.2009)

Rest Day/Optional WOD (10.12.2009)

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (10.12.2009)

3k Time Trial Run

Post times to comments.

Stable News:
This notice is just to remind everyone that we will be closed today to honor Spaniards, especially those that habitually wander.
We hope everyone enjoys their extra day of rest and recovery, tomorrow our hours of operation will return to normal.


Anonymous said...

Hey Savages check this barefoot runner out...


Shoes are the devil!


SRD said...

Yessssss, I couldn't agree more. Mike L. gave me a sick book called ''Born to Run'' and it's absolutely stuffed full of some truly fascinating historical information on running and the structure of the human foot.
It's hard to do often in the streets of Manchester but I will often shed my running shoes and just go bare-hoof.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Good post Dang!

Anonymous said...

But Dang, are loafers the devil too?

Anonymous said...

Haha, come on...taking a dig at my sick loafers and hiding behind the "Anonymous" tag.
