Before I get to the details from last nights training I wanted to post two links from the people over at Concept 2. I was reading through the seasonal articles and saw that they have a ton of information and topics directly related to what we are doing. I have a link to the most recent publication they put out and it has a bunch of items that I would recommend for you, the three best being an article about Crossfit and Concept 2, a description and background of interval training and why it is a training staples EVERYONE should be including (research articles sited), and a brief but concise synopsis of where Tabata intervals come from (get used to that name).
The Concept 2 PDF Link
A list of PDF downloads about Concept 2 and Rowing published by the Crossfit Journal, this was how I taught myself to row (in addition to recording myself on video and then devising ways to reinforce mechanical improvements)
Fight Team Training Results 11.25.08
Important Notes before we cover the results:
First and foremost is safety. When I am training all these guys I do my best to maintain a hyper-vigilance for signs of dehydration, potential technique flaws that can cause serious injury, and a whole list of other stuff that I have seen people do to themselves by taking the "smart" part out of the session. Yes, we are always going hard, and some of our groups like the fighters or special military populations will want to really ramp up the intensity. Training this way will exponentially increase the results you see, but it needs to be said that with all the thought that is put into the creative and challenging aspects of the regimen we need to heed the issues of safety and injury. I am no saint when it comes to this with myself but none of us are slaughtering opposition or setting world records if we are dead or so injured we can't train for the rest of our lives. It sounds like we are being a bit too serious but it's more being professional and actually caring about our people here than anything else. READ THE ARTICLES LINKED AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE!!! They are free to download in PDF format from those links (Crossfit Journal Articles are great sources of knowledge).
I also don't want anyone just grabbing a workout that was applied to another training group unless I have given you the ok. The fighters are training harder than someone starting out (even though most of them aren't anywhere near in shape since they all took 3 month layoffs...) and there is no reason you can't accomplish the same training feats in the near future, but please respect the fact that if they are performing this workout then they already took an initial fitness battery of some sort and I checked their scores to see if they were above the level needed to TRAIN this way without getting injured.
If you want to take a starting point test then look for the post where I addressed and laid that out, send me your results and if you want scaled versions of what a particular group is doing then ask me for it. I will happily scale anything down to microscopic efficiency for you based on your fitness levels so we can keep your progress curve steep, I just need more and more data from you to keep refining your training.
The training performed was modeled after "Fight Gone Bad" which was designed by Crossfit for MMA fighters. This workout is tough as hell and it happened to be the first WOD we did at Greeley Park with a group of Crossfitters that met through the mainsite boards, (link to that discussion page in the friends section many of which have been trickling into our little society here. Here is a link to Crossfit's actual description of "Fight Gone Bad" http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/faq.html#WOD2 obviously don't have all the resources to perform some of the training as it was originally listed (this is called performing a "wod as RX'd") but who the hell cares because we can get creative enough as it and make things way harder...aka "Fight Gone to Hell"
I am not going to list everyone's stats but just to let you know there were 3 groups of head to head challenges, but more important to me was the 9 total fighters that got to see how I incorporated skill development as part of our session warm-ups. This will always be our format and will pay dividends in the skill development arena. I know that if I get nervous about workout out around other people at the YMCA and refuse to let people see videos of me training (I get am working on getting over it, @#!holes) then most of the fighters won't want me to put up stats and videos of them training either. I will use the videos (last night was all recorded) as a tool for people to see and compare progress as well as adress technique and fundamentals of body mechanics. I want to thank Ben and Mike for letting me use their info as an example up here, both of them performed very well, especially considering it has been awhile since I have been able to train anyone.
Important Note: The Burgener Warm-up drills are in my own words so I can explain them better to you, the link to a video of the original 5-part drill is here: http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/53_06_Burgener_Warmup.pdf (The version we used will be something we perform regularly. It is applicable to all the explosive olympic lifting and reinforces the mechanics of almost everything else we will do as well.)
3 Rounds of Treadmill Runs x Skill Based Warm-ups
Execute the drills and exercises at a pace that allows the reinforcement of efficient technique and proper body-mechanics
Running sets
#1: 800m #2: 400m #3: 400m (1% incline, keep it less than 6mph)
"Burgener" Based Drills
Jump Shrugs x3
Wide Grip Explosive High-Pulls x3
Muscle Snatch (no heel drive or jump) x3
Snatch Land (from static overhead squat execute “heel drive jump down”) x3
Power Snatch (from waist level) x3
Power Snatch (from mid-thigh level) x3
Power Snatch (full “olympic standard” range of motion) x3
Overhead Squats x3
“Fight Gone to Hell”
Perform each exercise for the time allotted, there are no breaks except for the time between rounds to recover. Each rep counts as a single point, total points is for score
Round 1
-Thrusters (95lb Barbell) x 1:00
-Burpees (must jump and clap to count as a rep/point) x 1:00
-Pull-ups (as little swing/momentum as possible) x 1:00
-Box jumps (24’’) x 1:00
-Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95lb Barbell) x1:00
-1:00 for rest/recovery
Round 2
-Thrusters (95lb Barbell) x 1:00
-Burpees (must jump and clap to count as a rep/point) x 1:00
-Pull-ups (as little swing/momentum as possible) x 1:00
-Box jumps (24’’) x 1:00
-Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95lb Barbell) x1:00
-1:00 for rest/recovery
Round 3
-Run 1-mile Time Trial (walking or crawling on the treadmill counts if you are too gassed out)
The Results
Ben (1:00 per mvmt/5:00 rounds)
Total Score: 141pts (Team High Score)
Rep/Scoring Breakdown
Thrusters 20/10
Burpees 12/12
Pull-ups 15/10
Box Jumps 30/20
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 6/6
1-Mile Time Trial Run 10:31
Mike (1:00 per mvmt/5:00 rounds)
Total Score: 86pts
Rep/Scoring Breakdown
Thrusters 18/3
Burpees 14/6
Pull-ups 8/5
Box Jumps 9/3
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 10/10
1-Mile Time Trial Run Completed (still need score)
Everyone kicked some ass, the video actually looks great. We also got a weight stack/tree that the gym was going to throw out and some weights to make homeade kettlebells out of. I have to get back to work on the grant proposals I am writing. Things are going well in that department as well, Concept 2 got right back to me when I requested permission to use their articles and I got the bonus of making contact with some of their Crossfit guys up in Vermont. Greg Hammond and the rest of the crew there sent me some great encouragement and we will be inviting them down to train with us as soon once we are set-up and actually affiliated. I am also persuing and have e-mailed some Operation Pheonix contacts as well as the guy that runs Crossfit Radio in an effort to track down ways we can overcome our lack of money to get training gear.
Tonight I will also be trying to move the page over to TheSavageSociety.com, I already own the site so let's see if I learned anything since the last time I screwed it up.
I want to welcome Miller and Justin, two freinds who are new readers of the site. I hope people remember to sign up with the google reader thing so they can comment, I love the feedback and there is no better way to tailor this content better to what you guys want.
25 Days of "watching dots on a screen" left for John
The Concept 2 PDF Link
A list of PDF downloads about Concept 2 and Rowing published by the Crossfit Journal, this was how I taught myself to row (in addition to recording myself on video and then devising ways to reinforce mechanical improvements)
Fight Team Training Results 11.25.08
Important Notes before we cover the results:
First and foremost is safety. When I am training all these guys I do my best to maintain a hyper-vigilance for signs of dehydration, potential technique flaws that can cause serious injury, and a whole list of other stuff that I have seen people do to themselves by taking the "smart" part out of the session. Yes, we are always going hard, and some of our groups like the fighters or special military populations will want to really ramp up the intensity. Training this way will exponentially increase the results you see, but it needs to be said that with all the thought that is put into the creative and challenging aspects of the regimen we need to heed the issues of safety and injury. I am no saint when it comes to this with myself but none of us are slaughtering opposition or setting world records if we are dead or so injured we can't train for the rest of our lives. It sounds like we are being a bit too serious but it's more being professional and actually caring about our people here than anything else. READ THE ARTICLES LINKED AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE!!! They are free to download in PDF format from those links (Crossfit Journal Articles are great sources of knowledge).
I also don't want anyone just grabbing a workout that was applied to another training group unless I have given you the ok. The fighters are training harder than someone starting out (even though most of them aren't anywhere near in shape since they all took 3 month layoffs...) and there is no reason you can't accomplish the same training feats in the near future, but please respect the fact that if they are performing this workout then they already took an initial fitness battery of some sort and I checked their scores to see if they were above the level needed to TRAIN this way without getting injured.
If you want to take a starting point test then look for the post where I addressed and laid that out, send me your results and if you want scaled versions of what a particular group is doing then ask me for it. I will happily scale anything down to microscopic efficiency for you based on your fitness levels so we can keep your progress curve steep, I just need more and more data from you to keep refining your training.
The training performed was modeled after "Fight Gone Bad" which was designed by Crossfit for MMA fighters. This workout is tough as hell and it happened to be the first WOD we did at Greeley Park with a group of Crossfitters that met through the mainsite boards, (link to that discussion page in the friends section many of which have been trickling into our little society here. Here is a link to Crossfit's actual description of "Fight Gone Bad" http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/faq.html#WOD2 obviously don't have all the resources to perform some of the training as it was originally listed (this is called performing a "wod as RX'd") but who the hell cares because we can get creative enough as it and make things way harder...aka "Fight Gone to Hell"
I am not going to list everyone's stats but just to let you know there were 3 groups of head to head challenges, but more important to me was the 9 total fighters that got to see how I incorporated skill development as part of our session warm-ups. This will always be our format and will pay dividends in the skill development arena. I know that if I get nervous about workout out around other people at the YMCA and refuse to let people see videos of me training (I get am working on getting over it, @#!holes) then most of the fighters won't want me to put up stats and videos of them training either. I will use the videos (last night was all recorded) as a tool for people to see and compare progress as well as adress technique and fundamentals of body mechanics. I want to thank Ben and Mike for letting me use their info as an example up here, both of them performed very well, especially considering it has been awhile since I have been able to train anyone.
Important Note: The Burgener Warm-up drills are in my own words so I can explain them better to you, the link to a video of the original 5-part drill is here: http://library.crossfit.com/free/pdf/53_06_Burgener_Warmup.pdf (The version we used will be something we perform regularly. It is applicable to all the explosive olympic lifting and reinforces the mechanics of almost everything else we will do as well.)
3 Rounds of Treadmill Runs x Skill Based Warm-ups
Execute the drills and exercises at a pace that allows the reinforcement of efficient technique and proper body-mechanics
Running sets
#1: 800m #2: 400m #3: 400m (1% incline, keep it less than 6mph)
"Burgener" Based Drills
Jump Shrugs x3
Wide Grip Explosive High-Pulls x3
Muscle Snatch (no heel drive or jump) x3
Snatch Land (from static overhead squat execute “heel drive jump down”) x3
Power Snatch (from waist level) x3
Power Snatch (from mid-thigh level) x3
Power Snatch (full “olympic standard” range of motion) x3
Overhead Squats x3
“Fight Gone to Hell”
Perform each exercise for the time allotted, there are no breaks except for the time between rounds to recover. Each rep counts as a single point, total points is for score
Round 1
-Thrusters (95lb Barbell) x 1:00
-Burpees (must jump and clap to count as a rep/point) x 1:00
-Pull-ups (as little swing/momentum as possible) x 1:00
-Box jumps (24’’) x 1:00
-Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95lb Barbell) x1:00
-1:00 for rest/recovery
Round 2
-Thrusters (95lb Barbell) x 1:00
-Burpees (must jump and clap to count as a rep/point) x 1:00
-Pull-ups (as little swing/momentum as possible) x 1:00
-Box jumps (24’’) x 1:00
-Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (95lb Barbell) x1:00
-1:00 for rest/recovery
Round 3
-Run 1-mile Time Trial (walking or crawling on the treadmill counts if you are too gassed out)
The Results
Ben (1:00 per mvmt/5:00 rounds)
Total Score: 141pts (Team High Score)
Rep/Scoring Breakdown
Thrusters 20/10
Burpees 12/12
Pull-ups 15/10
Box Jumps 30/20
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 6/6
1-Mile Time Trial Run 10:31
Mike (1:00 per mvmt/5:00 rounds)
Total Score: 86pts
Rep/Scoring Breakdown
Thrusters 18/3
Burpees 14/6
Pull-ups 8/5
Box Jumps 9/3
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 10/10
1-Mile Time Trial Run Completed (still need score)
Everyone kicked some ass, the video actually looks great. We also got a weight stack/tree that the gym was going to throw out and some weights to make homeade kettlebells out of. I have to get back to work on the grant proposals I am writing. Things are going well in that department as well, Concept 2 got right back to me when I requested permission to use their articles and I got the bonus of making contact with some of their Crossfit guys up in Vermont. Greg Hammond and the rest of the crew there sent me some great encouragement and we will be inviting them down to train with us as soon once we are set-up and actually affiliated. I am also persuing and have e-mailed some Operation Pheonix contacts as well as the guy that runs Crossfit Radio in an effort to track down ways we can overcome our lack of money to get training gear.
Tonight I will also be trying to move the page over to TheSavageSociety.com, I already own the site so let's see if I learned anything since the last time I screwed it up.
I want to welcome Miller and Justin, two freinds who are new readers of the site. I hope people remember to sign up with the google reader thing so they can comment, I love the feedback and there is no better way to tailor this content better to what you guys want.
25 Days of "watching dots on a screen" left for John
I'm positive that I had 30 box jumps on the first round.
I fixed it and updated your total, thanks for letting me know. This is the type of feedback I need but on an overall gauge of the website and content as well.
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