I wanted to show the simplicity and longevity 20 bucks and a tiny amount of time can get you. All we did was cut open basketballs (after giving up on pouring sand in through a puncture hole, if you don't let some air escape while adding sand this project will take you days to finish) and pour in sand while they sat on a scale. We managed to get 24lbs in and then I just went nuts with some leftover camo tape (stonehenge) and black gorilla tape (John's slammer) until the weight was around 25lbs. I have tried to kill this damn thing every which way and it still maintains exactly 25lbs and hasn't leaked at all. The slammer instructions you can find around the net will most likely have some tire repair kit ideas and sealant ideas, and other waste of time stuff. I tried all those and found that just using a crapload of ducktape is easier, faster, and cheaper.
Some creative spraypainting and an embarassing childhood full of Dungeons and Dragons should fill out the creative aspect of giving your little slammer an identity so you may one day introduce it to your online buddies.
The Schedule (I will post this in calendar format on the top of the page once I figure out how...)
Ultimate MMA and Self-Defense Class:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday starting at 6:00pm
Fight Team MMA Training and Conditioning
Tuesday, Thursday 7-8:30pm
Nashua Girls Soccer Training TBD
Functional Fitness Conditioning Classes TBD
Garage Gym aka the "Cave" Hours TBD (trying to have it up and running for the this coming Monday)
28 Days until John comes home
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