Welcome to your new Stable, CrossFitters, be here tomorrow at 4pm to kick off the madness.
250 Commercial Street, Suite 1008... bring the lumber.
"Fran" (06.29.2009)
21-15-9 reps for time of
Thrusters (95lbs)
Post times to comments.
"Fran" (06.29.2009)
21-15-9 reps for time of
Thrusters (95lbs)
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (06.29.2009)
10m Ascension ladder for Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Every minute on the minute sprint the prescribed distance, adding 10m each round. Continue until you are unable to complete the distance before the minute is up.
1:00 to cover 10m
1:00 to cover 20m
1:00 to cover 30m
and so on until you fail to complete the distance in the 1:00 time limit.
Post scores to comments.
10m Ascension ladder for Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Every minute on the minute sprint the prescribed distance, adding 10m each round. Continue until you are unable to complete the distance before the minute is up.
1:00 to cover 10m
1:00 to cover 20m
1:00 to cover 30m
and so on until you fail to complete the distance in the 1:00 time limit.
Post scores to comments.
blood will spill
I wish I could be there. Someone slay this bitch for me.
I am so excited and cannot wait to be there. I can make it by 4:30.
So excided Samy! Place looks awesome!
Dos Deb
21-15-9 reps for time of
Thrusters (95lbs)
Pull-ups (Blue band)
Time: 8:48
Hey all!
It's great to be back into the workout routine after Jefe and I have been strictly business with the new place for so long. I think it was well worth the time spent though. Great to see everyone.
Mike 5:31pr
Jill: 18:06 (meltdown)
Great workout today! The place looks awesome...you boys have worked so hard!
Katie 9:58 (w/ green rubber band and 65#)
Jefe' 4:03 RX
Mike L.: 6:40 RX
Kristie: 11:21 (w/ green rubber band and 65#)
The place looks great Not to sound like a parent, but you guys should be proud. I didn't expect this after my very first cult session.
12x9x6 (w/ black rubber band & 95#)
Heidi 17:15 (65#)
Mark 12:36 as RX
The place looks great! Good work!
Samy can you email us mcompos@yahoo.com some WOD's we may need to suppliment. We may be scarce over the next 4-6 weeks. We will be up at Camp Compos in Gilmanton. All are welcome anytime! {seriously)
We can do a Camp Compos WOD then get Samy out on the tube and take turns driving the boat!!
Jill I would love that grocery list as well. We are going to try to keep it together as best we can over the summer.
Raj you will appreciate that you have to drive past Dudley's ice cream on the way to camp and Jordan's ice cream is just down the road. That should get you up for a visit.
when referring to Raj in any manner or context I need to specify that he would like to be called the "Raj Mah Hall" I don't know why he wanted it that way or why he wants to be called that he just did.
Sincerely Don Pepe`
Fran" (06.29.2009)
21-15-9 reps for time of
Thrusters (95lbs)
45 pounds/green band 8:22
21-15-9 (@65# w/blue band)
Nice way to introduce us to the new place Samy - though I have to say, today's WOD looks just plain evil.
21-15-9 reps for time of
Thrusters (95lbs)
45 pounds/green band
10:41 - UGH....I will get better if it kills me!!! :)
Dos Deb
I never said anyone to call me Raj Mah Hall..as far as i know onlt The Don calls me that and it rhymes with Taj Mahal....Pepe Explain...
Kill em all Samy- Rip
You know all you need to do is speak those words and it's done. congratulations about your law enforcement success... Jefe mentioned some of it to me.
Let's get some of the crew together before the end of summer, even that sonofabi#!%! named Banjo.
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