3 rounds for time of:
50 x Squats
7 x Muscle-ups
10 x Hang Power Cleans (135lbs)
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"Nasty Girls" WOD Demo Video
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (06.14.2009)
Congratulations to Mike, Jill, Matt, and Deanna for attending and completing the CrossFit Nutrition Certification taught by Robb Wolf.
Good luck to RJ who is heading down to attend the cert on Sunday. Once the weekend concludes I will post pictures and first hand accounts from the seminar, as well as some new ways in which we will be providing nutritional resources and progressive support for our athletes as they strive for the next level of elite fitness.
The collective mind of CrossFit New Hampshire continues to expand and embrace new realms of professional education.
im glad i got back in enough time to slay some nasty girls
Modified Nasty Girls
3 rounds for time
50 squats
7 jumping pull ups
7 dips
135lb hang clean for 10
Nasty Girls
3 Rounds for Time:
50 Squats
21 Ring Pullups
21 Ring Dips
10 x Hang Cleans @ 95#
Forgot Time -
Nasty Girls
50 squats
21 jumping Ring Pullups
21 jumping Ring Dips
10x Hang Cleans @ 55lbs
13:24 Heidi
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