
"Erin" (06.01.2009)

"Erin" (06.01.2009)
Five rounds for time of:
15 x Dumbbell Split Cleans (40lbs)
21 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.


Anonymous said...

40lb DB split clean x15
21 jumping pullups
x 5 rounds
22:30 Mark

Anonymous said...

As soon as I recover from my second set of three wods in 24 hours, I'll start posting scores on here again.

Until that time, here's a link that shows Samy can count until at least 10 while sweating profusely.


Mike M

SRD said...

Mark: sick score, bud

Mike: You are plenty recovered, don't lie. I actually can't count to ten, if you notice I constantly have the current rep count on my fingers because I kept losing track... the noise was overwhelming there especially during those final few WODs. Eventually I had people from the crowd back me up and count outloud because I had lost my voice and the athlete's couldn't hear me. That girl in the yellow really had a lot of heart, she was so close to finishing that thing by the cutoff time... sucks to be there when they don't make it.