Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
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CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (07.21.2009)
Stable News:
Don PePe better bring the lumber tomorrow. He's been begging for a shot at a heavy deadlift WOD for months now... Just thought everyone should have that background information, it will make the taunts more understandable to outside observers.
Oh, and that image of Deb where she looks like shes flying over some huge Tonka tire? That was her first successful box jump (20'') and it was absolutely inspiring to watch her stall, fail, trip, and spout profanity for 15 minutes before she finally nailed it.
''OD'': You and your little crew of CrossFitting peers are a constant source of pride and inspiration for all of us, we can't wait to see what obstacles you ruthlessly crush next.
Welcome Notice:
Dos Deb was kind enough to run her time trial WOD with Dennis, who smoke checked what would be his inaugural WOD.
The next few days are going to be an absolute blast, especially since everyone has been buzzing about the max effort deadlift singles... I wonder if it's excitement or fear? Either way its going to be a hell of a fight.
Glad to have you among us, Dennis, welcome to the family!
Just wanted to clarify to my fellow cross fitters I never uttered a word of profanity during my many many attempts at trying to get up on that tire........ :)
and great job on the 20" jump Deb!!! You ROCK!!!
To Deb.....awesome job with the 20" jump! You are one determined lady! Cheering for you from Montana! Hello to Samy and the rest of the gang.
OD that is freaking fantastic work. Determination and persistence will take you much further than 20 inches.
Joe F
Max Deadlift
Mike L.
Max Deadlift
Had to go out and buy more weight for up at camp!
Not as much fun doing the WOD by yourself either.
max effort deadlift
20090717 - Deadlifts
max effort deadlifts
Ugh I will slay that ugly dragon the next time
Thanks Jess and Kate for your rocking support. You two are awesome.
Max deadlifts.
275/300/325/365/385/405/420f (arched my back so i bailed on 420!)
Billy the Tuff
Max Deadlifts
Swim CSS
4 min on 3 min off
2 min on 30 sec off
1 min on 3 min off
2 min on 30 sec off
4 min on
825 M total
Max Deadlift
135/155/185/195/205/225/225 horrible form
Max deadlifts
It was great to get into the stable and see everyone again.
katie 135 155 175F 165 175F 170F 170F
I guess deadlifts are NOT my bag baby!
jefe' 350 370 385F 385F 375 385 405F
Sweet job today y'all!
Deadlift trial:
Mike H
i'm practicing my counting before the next WOD - poor Chacha was victim to my inability to add weights
Deadlift disaster.
Mike C. 225(10) 275(5) 315(3)
350,370,385F,385F,375F,375F,405(because, why not right....F)
Jill. 65(10) 75(8) 85(6) 95(4) 105(2)
135,185(mathmatical error), 195,205,225f,220f,215f
Mark, thanks for reminding me that at least I ran a decent 5k. Great to have you back around buddy.
Max effort deadlifts.
Mike won't let me lift more till I get my form dialed in (which is fair), it's better than before but not great. Did some follow up form work at 185 and 135. Then practiced the snatch grip deadlift at 75.
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