Warm-up Drills (08.12.2009)
Row 1000m
Squat Series Fundamentals x 10 each
Samson Stretch
Press Series Fundamentals x 10 each
Samson Stretch
Deadlift Series Fundamentals x 10 each
Click the following link to see what a Samson Stretch is:
''A Better Warm-up''
800m Sprint Repeats (08.12.2009)
Four rounds, each for time of
800 meter run
Rest as needed between efforts.
Post times for each round and rest times to comments.
Skill Development (08.12.2009)
Headstand/Handstand Hold Time Trial x 2
You have two attempts to accumulate as much time as possible in your choice of holds.
Rest as needed between sets.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.12.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
9 Minute Time Trial at maximal effort.
Post distances to comments

Goodluck to all our athlete's running the Elliot Cigna 5k on Thursday... I would make suggestive remarks about pillaging and collecting heads during the run but it's a charitable event.
The homepage is linked below if you would like some details or are interested in coming out to support our Savages.
Cigna 5k Road Race Homepage
Cigna 5k Road Race Homepage
Our t-shirts will be in tomorrow... FINALLY! Beat up small children for their lunch money if you have to, the shirts are $25 and hopefully we ordered enough this time to satiate our horde of rabid CrossFitters.
4:35, 5:20, 4:48, 4:59
headstands - 26-20-31
OWHS-60s & 50s
Joe F
"Rest day"
9 min TT(swim)-550yds(11Laps);49sec/lap
3:24 / 3:14 / 3:28 / 3:33 At least, I think.
Handstands: First one not timed, then 20 seconds(near impact with barbell) and 53 seconds, freestanding.
Mike H
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.12.2009)
Row (C2)
9 Minute Time Trial at maximal effort
2027 m
800m Sprint Repeats (08.12.2009)
Four rounds, each for time of
800 meter run
Rest as needed between efforts.
For lack of a better idea rests were 3:30 each.
Nice times Mark, you were right on with 3:30 for a rest interval because your scores didn't degrade by more than :08 over the course of the repeats. Some people like to use heart rate as a coorelative of recovery but it's not quite as accurate as people think.
Been crazy at work this week so I've had to do the WODs on my own = BORING.
4min rest between rounds
Samy -
PLEASE save me a t-shirt (M)...I promise I will be down tomorrow afternoon come hell or high water.
800m springs x 4
OWHS 45 sec, 30 sec
800m Sprint Repeats (08.12.2009)
Four rounds, each for time of
800 meter run
Rest as needed between efforts.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.12.2009)
Run 9 Minute Time Trial at maximal effort.
1.19 Did not wait the 3hrs between WODS :(
1:00 + 1:05 OWHS
The CrossFit Gods told me to tell you that the next time you don't allow for a three hour rest between WODs they are going to smite you... they also said to tell you that it doesn't allow for maximal performance if you do them back to back like that, especially following the 800m repeats with a 9 minute time trial.
Jess: Ok, one medium shirt set aside.
Have I mentioned I hate running? Oh well ran I did 800M x four rounds. I think I did pretty good but am to tired to go downstairs and check the picture on my phone to get my results. Lets just say I did good!!!! Also not bad on my headstands right Don Pepe?
OD you did amazing with your 800m repeats, I love that you attack your weaknesses with such enthusiasm... and it's also hilarious that you grab poor bystanders by the arms and vehemently tell them they need to join our gym.
3:45 / 3:47 / 3:46 / 3:55
3:44 / 3:46 / 3:45 / 3:54...the little bugger was always a puppy hair ahead of me while crossing the finish line!
Im taxing myself felt my performance today was terrible. Burpees tomorrow for me
I almost forgot to post my stuff! That would kindle the anger of the burpee Gods. Wouldn't want to do that. They would send their Minions from HELL (SAMY) after me.
800m Sprints:
3:18, 3:20, 3:24, 3:33 (with half the rest on the last one)
See you tomorrow for more S+M everyone. =)
20090812 - 800m Repeats
03:41, 03:43, 03:53, 03:59
Hand Stand First Attempt - 0:46
Hand Stand Second Attempt - 1:02
shin splints so row 1000 3:55 and 1000 in 3:53
would've done more but samy stopped me because he needed to go home for a nap
800m sprint repeats
3:09, 3:09, 3:04, 3:15
Had to rush last run. Out of time before work. Good luck to all in the 5k tomorrow
800 m sprint repeats
800m x2 not for time - RX warm up for Cigna Race Tomorrow
HSPU X2 60 seconds modified
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