CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.16.2009)
Tempo 90% of your best time for the distance of your choice.
Swim: SC: 600m , LC: 800m , U: 1000m
Bike: SC: 12 mile , LC: 20 mile , U: 30 mile
Run: SC: 2 mile , LC: 10k , U: 13.1M
C2: SC: 2k , LC: 3k , U: 6k
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Samy, what does SC, LC and U mean?
Kyle aka Dang
Short Course, Long Course, Ultra. It's more of a designation based on what distance you are planning on training for if you happen to be a competitive endurance athlete. If you are just looking to kick the hell out of yourself it's really up to you.
samy your beard corrupts your soul
Your face corrupts humankind.
Hey guys,
Jenn and I did Ryan today. It was a great experience. Check out the blog for a short read about it.
Awesome performance and excellent post in memory of someone who was killed while serving.
Samy, I made you an admin for the site... that should allow you to follow it. Stupid friggin google.
Hahahaa thanks Mike, now all you have to worry about is an over caffeinated Samy posting images of nuclear holocaust on your page.
if by corrupts you mean is worshipped then yah, thats an accurate statement on your part.
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