25 x Double-unders
10 x Thrusters (45lbs)
10 x Hang Power Cleans (45lbs)
10 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (45lbs)
25 x Double-unders
Barbell AMRAP (08.25.2009)
Complete as many rounds as possible 20 minutes of:
5 x Thruster (95lbs)
7 x Hang Power Cleans (95lbs)
10 x Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (95lbs)
Post rounds completed to comments.
Skill Development (08.25.2009)
Complete one of the following choices at your own pace:
9 x Muscle-ups
15 x Ring Dips
15 x False Grip Ring Pull-ups
2 Rounds Max Reps Paralette Dips
2 Rounds Max Reps Pull-ups
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.25.2009)
''Death By 10 Meters''
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Every minute on the minute complete the distance prescribed, starting with 10 meters for the first minute and adding 10 meters each round until you can no longer continue. Your rest time is whatever remains after you complete the distance for each round.
Post rounds completed to comments.
9 rounds +2
7 rounds
6 rounds + 5 thrusters, 7 hpc, 3 sdhp
WOW. (Sort of like "DANG" lol)......... That was far harder than I thought it would be.
20 min AMRAP of:
Thrusters x 5
Hang Cleans x 7
Sumo Deadlift x 10
85 Lbs
Rounds: 6 +3 Thrusters
WOD as Rx'd
7 rounds plus 5/7/3
billy the tuff
RX- 5 rounds 5/7/4
bar bell hell
7 rounds + 4 thrusters @ 65 lbs
happy 27th birthday to my main squeeze jefe'!
barbell amrap
Mike C. Rx'd 9 rounds + 5 thrusters+1hpc
Jill. 65#. 7 rounds +5+3
Happy birthday jefe. Hey... Where did you get that cold?
Dan - 6 (5 thrusters,1 hang clean)
Staci - 5 (5 thrusters,2 hang cleans)
20 min
5 thrusters/7 hang power clean/10 sumo deadlift
6 rounds plus 5 thrusters
95 pounds/ 7 rounds +5+7. Oh and did I mentioned i wanted to step out in front of a fast moving truck at the end?
Hang power clean
sumo deadlift
9 rounds + 5+7+3
This was tough
6 rounds + 3
Stunt Mike
6 rounds 95lbs
95 lbs
6 rounds + 5/7/1
Joe F
5thrusters/7hang power cleans/10sumo deadlifts
20min/9rounds=133sec/round @65lbs
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