Row 1000m
Burgener Warm-up
3 rounds of the following, working your way up to a 45lb barbell
i. Down and Up x 3
ii. Elbows High and Outside x 3
iii. Muscle Snatch x 3
iv. Snatch Lands x 3
v. Snatch Drops x 3
vi. Squat Snatch x 3
Wallball, Snatch Met.Con. (08.14.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of:
30 x Wallball (20lbs)
30 x Snatch (95/65lbs)
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (08.14.2009)
20 x Turkish Get-ups with a 45lb Barbell, alternating sides
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (08.14.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of:
30 x Wallball (20lbs)
30 x Snatch (95/65lbs)
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (08.14.2009)
20 x Turkish Get-ups with a 45lb Barbell, alternating sides
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (08.14.2009)
Way to go Cheryl!!! You rock and we love you.
haha mikes face is hilarious. hes like, whatev wasnt even that hard.
Wallball, Snatch Met.con Hell
Wallball, Snatch Met.Con. (08.14.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of:
30 x Wallball (20lbs)
30 x Snatch (65lbs)
This was pure torture for me. Odd looks again from fisherman in their boats. Told them I hoped they choked on a lure! 43:30 of Hell. Heidi
Wallball, snatch Met.Con-18:39
This one was a killer, a good one to end the week with, have a good wkend everyone
Joe F
Wallball,Snatch Met.con
Wow, stepping it up a notch from the games workout with 20 extra pounds on the squat snatches.
20lb med ball
65lbs for the snatch
3 rounds- 10:55
20 med ball
65 lbs snatch
3 rounds at 17:30
Stunt Mike
Wallball, snatch Met.Con as Rx'd
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.13.2009)
C2: 3x
250m- 1:01.5/1:08.8/1:05.6
500m- 2:02.2/2:13/2:11.6
700m- 3:00.5/3:09.4/3:14.1
Kevin Jones as Rx'd (65#)
Good Hustle Everyone
Today was beautifully out of control, everyone crushed that WOD. Bert actually went blind for a little bit.
Mike: I wish I hadn't made it heavier... holy hell that was terrible. Mike C. is down there trying it with 95lbs right now, I'm sure he will post a colorful description of how terrible a person I am later on.
as rx'd 2438
I think I lose 6lbs in just sweat today
3 Rounds
30 snatch (45#)/30 wall ball (14#)
20# Med ball
65# Snatch
wall ball / snatch met con
snatch @ 65 lbs
wall ball @ 14 lbs
thanks OD for pushin me through...you didn't have to do those extra box jumps though! you are such a team player! can you be my mom?
Katie you never cease to amaze me! You are a true inspiration to us all. Samy I watch you in awe and I have never met anyone like you who cares so much about each and ever one of us. We all strive to make you proud. Down to business Snatch 45 lbs (20) and wall balls 10lbs (20) x 3 rounds 11:13.
Snatch-Medball MetCon
Snatch 95lbs
Medball 20lbs
Mike L.
oooops, I meant 65lbs snatches
Mike L.
This was the first workout that welcomed me after my vacation..i was about to meet Mr. Pukie but Thanks to D i was brought back to reality
3 rounds of 30
20# Med ball
65# Snatch
3 rounds of 30
Snatch 65#
Wall ball 20# (dropped to 14# halfway through)
30:35 (I think, kind of dizzy)
Samy, couldn't we just go heavier with more rest :) ?
Med Ball 10# Poor Technique
45# Snatch
13:48 Saw Stars......UGH that was a tough one.
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