Use up to 45lbs for the 9 Fundamentals
15 x Double Unders
Air Squat, Front Squat, OH Squat x 10 each
15 x Double Unders
Press, Push Press, Push Jerk x 10 each
15 x Double Unders
Deadlift, SDHP's, Med Ball Cleans x 10 each
Row, Burp, Run WOD (08.05.2009)
Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters
Post times to comments.
Post WOD Skill Development (08.05.2009)
Accumulate 2:00 of inversion time as fast as possible
Pull-up Ladder (dead hang pull-ups if possible)
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.05.2009)
3 x Max Effort Repeats for your choice of the following
Swim: 3 x 350m/y with 2 min recoveries
Bike: 3 x 5k with 2min recoveries
Run: 3 x 1000m/1k with 2 min recoveries
C2: 2 X 1200m with 2 min recoveries
Post times to comments.

The first day on the new schedule went awesome, thanks to the whole crew for being so enthusiastic and helping things run so well.
See everyone tomorrow for the lovely disaster-fest described above.
We've also got a whole new batch of Kool-aid sippers to welcome this week, our family continues to grow by leaps and bounds and we can't allow those beautiful ''first'' CrossFit experiences to go uncelebrated... that would be sandbagging.
See everyone tomorrow for the lovely disaster-fest described above.
bring on the pain!
Wow I thought I was stronger until our "new WODS" began yesterday. How can a person have trouble jumping..yup I did. I was spent after just the warmup. However I do know Samy is right, this will make us better..............See I am thinking positive...............HELP ME, HELP ME, HELP ME.........................
Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters(sub SDLHPx50 45#)
21 Burpees
Run 400 meters
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.05.2009)
3 x Max Effort Repeats for
Run: 3 x 1000m/1k with 2 min recoveries 18:20
Should have done the WOD first not the endurance but the idea of SDLHP and burpees just didnt get me out of bed. Did the Rx warm up and post skills. See you all soon! Heidi
man what a treat to come back to! its been a week since I done a WOD because of my hockey tournament but what a real gift to come back to! cant wait to slay myself this afternoon and of course see sams beard
joe f
500m row/21burpees/400m run
3 rounds- 26:32
Went old school stable today. Did the WOD in the alley beside work in the noon sun and heat. What an idiot! I was gassed and drenched before I finished the double unders and 45# fundies.
21 burpees
400M run
Hahaha old school stable, I love it. Booo brain tumors.
Row-Burp(almost throw up)-Run
500m row
21 burpees
400m run
Mike L.
20090805 - Row Burp Run
Beach Mod:
Don't have a C2 or an Oly bar, so I subbed a 400m run for the 500m row. My WOD looked like this:
Run 400m
21 Burpees
Run 800m
21 Burpees
Run 800m
21 Burpees
Run 400m
Mike H
21 burpees
400M run
So I managed to do the wod in 25:15. I did the pre and post exercises like a good boy and when I pull into my parking space at home what happens? My motorcycle--which is sitting 12ft away from where I parked--decided to just tip over. So who's fault is this? Samy's. Why? The butterfly effect. Had I not been burning copious calories I would not have created a convection current on Commercial Street that ended on Chestnut Sreet where my motorcyle decided to tip over at 8:16PM.
row burp run....
500m 21 400m
The Tuff
row 500/21 burpees/run400 3 rounds
3 rounds: Row, Burp, Run
Mike C. 19:41 (There was a little fire lit under his 400m running buns.) Great job Mike!
Jill: 19:49
I wanted to eat a bottle of Tums and follow it with a Maalox chaser after this WOD.
2009-08-05 WOD: row, burp, run
15x double-unders (or 60 single jump ropes)
squat series (air squat, front squat, overhead squat) each x 10 @ 45 lbs
15x DUs
press series ([shoulder] press, push press, push jerk) each x 10 @ 45 lbs
15x DUs
deadlift series (deadlift, SDHP, medicine ball) @ 45 lbs and 20 for med ball
3 rounds for time:
o row 500M
o burpees x 21
o run 400M
29:33 of suck
the rowing is almost rest time now; i'm learning to cope with burpees more, but they still suck at some level; and the run just wasn't fun, esp as the run has to be done outside, and graw, hate... it was overall hot and nasty.
post WOD skills tuning:
accumlate 2:00 of inverted goodness - handstand against a wall
pullup ladder. bleah. next time with band.
NB: seem to have tweaked right achilles. knees are tight, but much better. just keep stretching. everything else is crunchy and tired in the "whoa, i did my workout" way.
Row, Burp, Run
3 rounds
row, burp, run WOD as rx'd
p/u ladder: 5
Row burp run WOD as RX'd
row burp run WOD
Row, Burp, Run
21:09....I think
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