Run 800m
Deadlift Max Effort Preparation
Sets of 15-12-9-7-5
Start with a 45lb barbell and build up your loads until you are ready for the 5 rep max effort attempts.
Attention to detail and technique are critical during these initial sets, prime yourselves for maximal performance during the WOD.
Max Effort 5-Rep Deadlifts (08.10.2009)
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
Post loads (including warm-up sets) to comments.
Skill Development (08.10.2009)
''Tabata'' Push-ups x Sit-ups (Abmat)
Complete 16 intervals of (:20 max reps x :10 rest)
Alternate between Push-ups and Sit-ups (Abmat)
Score is total points from all intervals.
Post totals to comments.
CrossFit Endurance Rest Day (08.10.2009)
Stable News:
Raj has returned!! Glad to have you back from Mumbai, dude... we went out and got a Russian to fill the accent gap while you were gone, now we should be well established as a culturally diverse crowd of CrossFitters.
Oh, and the WOD for your first day back will be getting your shoes down from the ceiling.
Welcoming New CrossFitters:
The following crazies have come in recently and sipped the delicious CrossFit Kool-aid: Callie, Griggs, Butch, Erica, Nate, Jake, Paul, Jim, Kyle, Matt, Chris, and Branden.
Our crew has welcomed them all with open arms into this family of CrossFitters we have up here, lets heat up the forge and begin toiling away...
PS: There sure are a lot of Burpee Taxes coming down this week unless certain sandbaggers hurry the hell up and update their posts/scores... at least it should be an entertaining show for those that continue to offend the CrossFit Gods.
F%$K you Samy and FML
103pts post WOD overkill
And let me be the first to publicly thank Matt for tomorrow's death feast AMRAP. We will be thinking of you often while you are living it up in the Navy!
Joe F
deadlifts - five 5's
"Tabata"/p-ups & s-ups/16rounds - 193reps
Joe, last time you finished with 260 for one, that's an excellent improvement... next time deadlift singles come up you will crush your PR.
Everyone did VERY well this morning, Heidi finally smashed her plateau on the strength side to dust.
Nate, Deadlifts: 195/205/215/225/245
Deadlifts- five 5's
"Tabata" push-up & abmap = 207pts
Good Luck Matt! Welcome back Raj!!
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.09.2009)
10x Repeats at maximal effort
Run: 10 x 200m with 5 times the recovery (if it takes 40 seconds to run the 200m then you recover 3:20) 48sec/45/44/47/43/43/43/43/43/43
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RJ it is good to have you back.
OD aka Original Deb
185/225/275/295F/295 Deadlift
247 points post WOD.
142 tabata
tabata 215
Warm Up- 115x12, 135x10, 155x8, 180x6
WOD- 235X5, 255X1F, 255X5, 265X5, 270X1F
Tabata- 178
OD- i was literally speechless when i see you do DL of 150 it was a pure joy watching you do it.
Heidi look fwd to meeting you in one of the AM wod's
Don Pepe- i need my shoes
20090810 - Max Effort Deadlift
Tabata: 209
Max Effort DL 5x5x5x5x5
tabata- 181
tabata- 276
Warm-up Drills (08.10.2009)
Run 800m
Deadlift Max Effort Preparation
Sets of 15-12-9-7-5
Start with a 45lb barbell and build up your loads until you are ready for the 5 rep max effort attempts.
Attention to detail and technique are critical during these initial sets, prime yourselves for maximal performance during the WOD.
started low, but not 45 (just to have some plates on there), 135 lbs? crept up to 235 lbs.
Max Effort 5-Rep Deadlifts (08.10.2009)
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
not sure i wrote my score down properly. spaced out... someone check please?
235 / 265 / 295 / 315 / 335 lbs
Skill Development (08.10.2009)
''Tabata'' Push-ups x Sit-ups (Abmat)
Complete 16 intervals of (:20 max reps x :10 rest)
Alternate between Push-ups and Sit-ups (Abmat)
Score is total points from all intervals.
22+12+18+8+14+7+14+8+11+5+12+7+12+9+15+8 == 182
tried (laughingly) 375 lbs since it was racked, but grunt budge. figured i'd give it a go with the one time PR of 365. shortly later it went down to 355, and that felt close, but, not in me today.
nice cool swim to relax those muscles. oiy.
5/5/5/5/5 deadlift
165/185/195 bad form/180/180
Tabata - push ups, sit ups 16 intervals - 169
135 155 175 185 200 225
tabata 200
Wod as Rx'd
tabada 192 i think i was lightheaded.
Billy the tuff.
Deadlifts 5 sets of 5
Mike C. 295, 315, 335, 355, 375
Tabata 224
Jill 155, 175, 185, 195(4F), 155
Tabata 191
Best of luck Matt, fair winds and following seas. Full speed ahead wog!
OD... you are an animal and an inspiration.
RJ great to see you again buddy
Max effort deadlift
135, 155, 165, 175, 185
tabata 184
Mike H
Max effort deadlift
225, 235, 240, 245, 250
tabata 227
Crossfit Endurance
All Out Efforts.
1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.
3365 m
3x10 at 135
Overkill 247 total
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