Warm-up Drills (08.06.2009)
15-12-9 reps each of
Sit-ups (abmat)
Burgener Clean Sequence:
3 rounds of the following, working your way up to a 45lb barbell
i. Down and Up x 3
ii. Elbows High and Outside x 3
iii. Muscle Clean x 3
iv. Clean Lands x 3
v. Clean Drops x 3
vi. Full Squat Cleans x 3
15-12-9 reps each of
Sit-ups (abmat)
Burgener Clean Sequence:
3 rounds of the following, working your way up to a 45lb barbell
i. Down and Up x 3
ii. Elbows High and Outside x 3
iii. Muscle Clean x 3
iv. Clean Lands x 3
v. Clean Drops x 3
vi. Full Squat Cleans x 3
''Death By Pull'' (08.06.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of 21-15-9 reps for
Squat Cleans (95lbs/65lbs)
L-sit Pull-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (08.06.2009)
At your own pace complete the following for reps of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
GHD Sit-ups
Back Extensions
Double Unders
Complete 3 Rounds for time of 21-15-9 reps for
Squat Cleans (95lbs/65lbs)
L-sit Pull-ups
Post times to comments.
Skill Development (08.06.2009)
At your own pace complete the following for reps of 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
GHD Sit-ups
Back Extensions
Double Unders
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.06.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Holding maximal distance possible on each of the 3 min intervals.
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
Post distances to comments.
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Holding maximal distance possible on each of the 3 min intervals.
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
Post distances to comments.
Squat Cleans 95lbs
L-sit Pull Ups (mod: black band one leg pull ups)
3 rounds for time
"Death By Pull"
Squat Cleans 95lbs
L-sit Pull-ups
21-15-9 reps
Time: 17:43
Joe F
Squat Cleans 95lbs
L-sit pull-ups(knees up)
3 rounds - 21:41
''Death By Pull'' (08.05.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of 21-15-9 reps for
Squat Cleans (65lbs)
L-sit Pull-ups
21:03 Heidi
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.06.2009)
Holding maximal distance possible on each of the 3 min intervals.
3:00 x 1:00 rest(GPS lost signal??)
3:00 x 3:00 rest(780m)
3:00 x 1:00 rest(1.51m)
3:00 x 3:00 rest(2.18m)
3:00 x 1:00 rest(3.08m)
3:00 = (3.71m)
I dont know about the distance with the gps but it stayed same or increased. I think I ran an extra time. Whatever. I need an assistant to keep track of time and distance and write it down...or maybe I can do that and they can run...
Heidi, GPS units need to see the horizon in two spots if not three to work accurately. They don't use signals off satellites overhead, they try to triangulate your position using three signals returned from horizon or low orbit positions around the planet. I thought that might help you out since you are in the boonies and the horizon is probably obscured by trees on your run course.
Option two would be to map out around a mile or so of a course with obvious markers every 20 or 10 meters and use that to tally up distances on the run. Let me know if you need any other help setting that stuff up, CFE does require a bit of setting up but once you get the hang of it it's more than worth it.
Death by Pull
Squat Cleans - 95 lbs
Pullups - not L's, but knees bent (some assisted)
Mike L.
''Death By Pull'' (08.06.2009)
Complete 3 Rounds for time of 21-15-9 reps for
Squat Cleans (95lbs)
L-sit Pull-ups
As Rx'd
It was great to make it into the stable and see everyone.
Death By Pull
21/15/9 squat clean 65# - dead hang pull up
You guys will be missed. Thanks to everyone, especially to Samy. It was great to be part of the move from the garage to the gym. You've really built something impressive, not just the stable, but the people inside it.
Take Care,
Death by pull
95# sqaut clean, pull ups (Knees up to dead hang to kipping)
65# squat clean, kipping pull-ups
Death by Pull 15-12-9 reps jumping pull-ups 13:14
As RX'd, 10:57. Just what the doctor ordered.
Nice to have you as a part of the family, Brendan.
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