Thank you for helping us realize that Anything is Possible.
''Clothesline'' WOD (08.04.2009)
Complete the following for time with reps of 15-12-9-6-3-1
Front/Back Jumps
Side-2-Side Jumps
Hang a rope or clothing line 9-12 inches off the ground and tie it tight between two anchor points with no slack.
The Front/Back Jumps constitute a forward and back jump over the line (both feet leave the ground and land together, like a box jump).
The Side-2-Side Jumps are with feet together, landing one foot before the other disregards the rep. Over and back is a single rep for the first two movements.
The third movement is ''any way over the rope'' with feet together, and ''any way back under the rope'' (crawl, roll, burpee, etc.) for each rep.
This WOD is dedicated to Mr. Nuri, Enjoy.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.04.2009)
Using only intervals of :20 max effort x :10 rest complete the prescribed distance for your choice of the following:
Swim: 800m
Bike: 5 miles
Run: 2 miles
C2: 3K
Post distances and total rounds to comments.
Wow, now this will be a challenge for someone who has trouble with coordination! Gotta get the body to go along with the brain. Should be an interesting WOD. Samy get the camera ready because I am sure you will get some priceless shots.
Bert jimmy rigged some rings.
Oh shit!
C'mon OD, you are always up for a new challenge! At least it isn't running! LOL
Dos Deb
joe f
front/backjumps, side-2-side, over/under
15-12-9-6-3-1 - 14:08
L-hangs-45 sec(10x)
ring hangs-1:00min(2x)
time: 6:53
L-Sit: 45 sec.
Static Ring Hang: 1min.
''Clothesline'' WOD (08.04.2009)
Complete the following for time with reps of 15-12-9-6-3-1
Front/Back Jumps
Side-2-Side Jumps
Heidi 9:49
Samy can you post the warm-up or at least the skills to focus on for the day. That way those of us who can't get to the stable can try to keep up. Only a few more weeks and I will be full-time at the stable. Thanks!!
Clothesline WOD
Mike L.: 7:56
I'll start posting warm-ups/post-wod skill developments with tonight's WOD.
Today it was a warm-up of:
-1000m Row
-3 rounds of
45lb Overhead Press x 10
Pull-ups x 10
-21-15-9 of
Abmat sit-ups
Back extensions
Post WOD: Accumulate as fast as possible
:45 in the L-sit position
1:00 Ring Support Drill
''Clothesline'' WOD (08.04.2009)
Complete the following for time with reps of 15-12-9-6-3-1
Front/Back Jumps
Side-2-Side Jumps
Time 10:26
warm-up of:
1.5 mile run
3 rounds of
45lb Overhead Press x 10
Pull-ups x 10
-21-15-9 of
Abmat sit-ups
45lb good mornings
Post WOD:
50 knees to elbows
Mike H
CrossFit Endurance
Tempo 85-90% RPE
C2: SC: 8 min
''Clothesline'' WOD as Rx'd
Mike H.
I get so fired up to see people diving into the CrossFit Endurance WODs on the C2's, keep killing it.
12:27 OI VEY
That was a complete smoke show!
Billy the Tuff
Clothesline WOD
Time 12:39
Good stuff.
14:38 as Rx
what a sucktacular day :)
Clothesline WOD
Clothesline WOD
clothesline 12:02
my first full rx.
wow...i think i made this unitentionally harder by doing it in sand rather than on a floor (works well though for the uncoordinated, much less painful when you wipe out)...9:02
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.04.2009)
Using only intervals of :20 max effort x :10 rest complete the prescribed distance for your choice of the following:
Run: 2 miles 18:00 Heidi
Jill: 6:58
Mike C. PR'd "Fight Gone Bad" score: 319 Awesome!
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