1000m Row
10-15 reps for each of the following
Work up to the loads you will use during the WOD (see below)
Focus on technique and your ability to efficiently string repetitions together.
i.Wallball Shots
iii.Box Jumps
iv.Push Press
''Fight Gone Bad!'' (08.07.2009)
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball (20lbs)
SDHP (75lbs)
Box Jump (20")
Push Press (75lbs)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute attempting to complete max reps possible. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Post total points to comments.

Breathing and sweating.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.07.2009)
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
Cover as much distance as possible in each of the specified time intervals.
Cover as much distance as possible in each of the specified time intervals.
6min TT
3 min rest
4 min TT
2 min rest
1min TT
30 sec rest
30 sec TT
15 sec rest
15 sec TT
Post distances to comments.
3 min rest
4 min TT
2 min rest
1min TT
30 sec rest
30 sec TT
15 sec rest
15 sec TT
Post distances to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.07.2009) Run
Cover as much distance as possible in each of the specified time intervals.
6min TT
3 min rest
4 min TT
2 min rest
1min TT
30 sec rest
30 sec TT
15 sec rest
15 sec TT GPS didnt read but total approx just under 2 miles. Heidi
Joe F
"Fight gone bad"
3 rounds - 207reps
Fight Gone Bad 3 rounds, scored 176
''Fight Gone Bad!'' (08.07.2009)
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball (14lbs)
SDHP (75lbs)
Box Jump (20")
Push Press (45lbs)
Row (Calories)
Heidi= 209
"FGB" as Rx'd= 247
CFE as RX'd 1.99miles
Fight Gone BAD
Katie 240 (w/ 55# SDHP and push press)
Jefe' RX 306
"The great 48" sounds extremely challenging!!! I am hoping for a PR! Explosive POUND!
Fight Gone Bad rx'd
Mike C
Fight Gone Bad rx'd
Fight Gone Bad
Billy the Tuff
Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds
229 points
Fight Gone Bad RX'd
Fight Gone bad Rx'd
As RX'd, 362.
PR by 61 reps.
Fight Gone Bad score 231, Nate
Hey listen I am a sandbagger due to my move and computer packed in a box......please dont make me do burpies.....I promise to be more compliant.
Fight gone bad
194 for 3 rounds
Death By Pull
By the way does ChaCha 9 hour moving WOD count. My calves are on fire......
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