Run 1200m (3/4mi)
Using sets of 9-7-5-3 work on Front Squat technique while slowly increasing the load for your first max effort set of 1.
Max Effort Front Squat Singles (08.17.2009)
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Weighted Pull-ups 3-1-1-1
If you don't have any weighted pull-ups/deadhang pull-ups then execute three rounds for max reps, using your current band for assistance as needed.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Skill Development (08.17.2009)
2 minute Time Trial in the Ring Support position. Attempt to maintain your best ring support for as many seconds as possible. Use as many sets as needed.
2 Rounds of Max Effort Row 500m with 2:00 rest.
Post times to comments.
CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.17.2009)
Bike: 8 x 1/4M @90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals
Run: 8 x 200m @ 90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals
C2: 8 x 250m @ 90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals
Post times to comments.
Max Effort Front Squats: 125 / 135 / 155 / 160F / 160F
Pull-ups: 3x30lbs, 1x80lbs, 1x90lbs (F), 1x70lbs
500m Row Time Trials: 1:54 (Damper #4) and 1:48 (Damper#6)
2min Ring Static Hold: 1:05, :30, :25 (3 total sets)
Gotta love max effort days. =)
Hey Samy - Here's another quote for you. It's a favorite of mine. Enjoy!
"A master at the art of living makes no distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion - he hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues with excellence what he is about and leaves others to determine, whether he is working or playing. He himself always knows, he is doing both."
-Jeremy Jones
Max Effort Front Squats: 155 / 170 / 185 / 195F / 190
Pull-ups: 3x30lbs, 1x80lbs, 1x90lbs
500m Row Time Trials: 1:39 (Damper #4) and 1:48 (Damper#6)
2min Ring Static Hold: 3 total set
Pull Ups: 30lbs, 60lbs,60lbs
500m Row: 1:44, 1:35
2 min Ring Hold: 6 sets
The Pup
Joe F
max effort front squats:95/135/155/165/175(F)
weighted p/ups:3x21lbs/1x26lbs/1x30lbs
500/meter row TT:1:57 & 1:51 min
2 min ring static hold: 3 sets(55/30/35 min)
*form is pretty sloppy coming up
pull ups assisted one legged green band
ring static hold
4 rounds for max time maybe 10sec a piece
500m row
Pull Ups: 3/2/7*/7*
500m Row: 1:53, 1:57
2 min Ring Hold: A LOT OF SETS
* Assisted
Heidi 95/115/135f/135/145f(not deep enough)
weighted pull ups 20lbsx1, 20lbsx2, 35lbsx1
Tried the ring static hold with Mark's finnagled set up and it nearly ripped my thumbs off.
CFE-Run: 8 x 200m @ 90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals -45,44,44,43,44,45,45,45
Didn't have enough weight for max effort squats..
Squat Cleans
95# x 10
115# x 10
135# x 10
145# x 1
155# x 1
Weighted pullups
DH x 14
25# x 6
65# x 2 (Jack on my back)
105#F (Maddie on my back)
Static Ring (:50, :50, :20)
Crossfit Endurance
CFE-Run: 8 x 200m @ 90% of best avg. Rest 1 min between intervals :39, :47, :43, :40, :43, :41, :43, :42
Max Effort Front Squat
Weighted Pullups
Max Effort Front Squat
Weighted Pullups
30x3/50x1/60x1/65x1F(couldn't get chin over bar)
Row 500M
1:43 (damper 4)
1:39 (damper 6)
Mike L.
Max Effort Front Squat
Kristie (Samy she isn't scared).
front squat: 185/205/215/235/250F
Static Ring: 3 tries (1:05,1:34,2:00)
Couldnt even hang on the bar after thurs/friday workouts
Kevin Jones
Max Effort Front Squat
Pull Ups x 3 10/10 with black band/6 with green
Row 500M x 2 2:19 and 2:25
OD aka Original Deb
I love how our family is growing everyday....Welcome to Stacy and Dan
front squats
105 115f 110 115 120f
static ring...way too many reps to keep track of.
2:09 500m row
2:14 500m row
4 sets of 4 pull ups.
damn i am getting yolked!
Mike H
Front Squats Max 225/245/255/265/275
Pull ups 3/1/1/1 - 25lbs/35lbs/50lbs/60lbsF
500 meter row - 2:00.2 / 1:59.7
Max effort front squat 105/115/120F/120F/120F
weighted pullups 3x15,1x20.1x25,1x27.5
static hold on rings 25/35/35/25
500m rows 2:01, 2:03
Front squats:
Mike C 205/225/245/265f/265f
Jill. 115/125f/120/130f/130
Weighted Pullups
Mike 60(3)/ 90/115/125
Mike 1:45/1:42
Jill 2:08/2:04
Static hold
Mike 5 sets
Jill ?
dead hang p/u with blue band for assistance
12/9/11/5 (last set was kipping w/lowering from top)
row: 2:06 (damper 4); 1:59 (damper 8)
static hold: 1min - too many reps, i lost track
Front Squats: 85/95/100/105/110
Pull Ups - (Black Band) 6-6-6
250 Meter Row 2x 1:04 & 1:05
Front Squats: 185/195/205/215/225F
Pull Ups - #42-#60-#70
500 Meter Row 2x 1:38 & 1:40
Front Squats 75/85/95/105F/105F
Pull Ups with black band 15/10/10
500 meter Row 2x 2:08/2:09
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