
''Viking Nicole'' (08.11.2009)

"Beyond the very extreme of fatigue and distress, we may find amounts of ease and power we never dreamed ourselves to own; sources of strength never taxed at all because we never push through obstruction.''
--William James

Warm-up Drills (08.11.2009)
Accumulate 1:00 of Double Unders or 4:00 of Single Unders
15-12-9-6-3 reps each of
Windshield Wipers
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

Execute the prescribed workload with constant control over the movements, especially if they are new to you.

''Viking Nicole'' (08.11.2009)
Complete as many rounds in 20:00 as possible of
350m Row
Burpees max reps

Taking burpees to maximal rep sets requires that they be strung together with constantly progressive movements by the athlete. Stopping anywhere in the range of motion, transitions included, constitutes the end of a set. Standards for the burpee include quads or chest touching the ground at the bottom of the push-up, a visible clearance off the ground during the jump, and ears visible through the arms during the clap overhead (same as any overhead movement).

Post total reps for each round to comments.

Skill Development (08.11.2009)
3 Rounds of
10 Clean and Jerk (45lbs)

Take as much rest as needed between rounds.
Work specifically on applying the principals of the Burgener Drills.
All cleans are squat cleans.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.11.2009)
Complete the following 1:00 time ladder for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
1min on, 1 min off,
1 min on, 50 sec off,
1 min on, 40 sec off,
1 min on, 30 sec off,
1 min on 20 sec off,
1 min on, 10 sec off,
Go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.

Post distances to comments.


Thor said...

The coward believes he will live forever
If he holds back in the battle,
But in old age he shall have no peace
Though spears have spared his limbs.

JoeG said...

the official stable ringtone?



iphones, and anything that can use mp3 or AMR



Anonymous said...

"Viking Nicole"

Total of 74 very sad burpees in about 5 sets.

Anonymous said...

Joe F
"Viking Nicole"/350m row&burpees(max reps)
20/21/15/15/15/12=98reps,or 16.33reps/round

Anonymous said...

135 burpees

Anonymous said...

''Viking Nicole'' (08.11.2009)
Complete as many rounds in 20:00 as possible of
350m Row (sub 35x 45# SDLHP)
Burpees max reps
15/15/15/15 + 16 SDLHP
whining to myself today...

CrossFit Endurance WOD (08.11.2009)
Complete the following 1:00 time ladder for your choice of Run
1min on, 1 min off,
1 min on, 50 sec off,
1 min on, 40 sec off,
1 min on, 30 sec off,
1 min on 20 sec off,
1 min on, 10 sec off,
Go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.

Post distances to comments. 1.92 miles

Jennifer said...

viking nicole

20 mins AMARP
350m row
burpees max reps

14/16/10/15/12 (+245m row)

total burpees 71 (i know this number is right, not sure about the exact break down i have above).

sorry about the yelling samy. and the little nap at 15 mins - you really shouldn't explosive pound until the workout is actually over, it gets my hopes up.

SRD said...

It was more like a breathless whisper of:
''f-you samy...burp....vomit a little in mouth''

Anonymous said...

Mike H

20 mins AMRAP
350m row (35 sdhp sub. 45lb)
burpees max reps
8/10/10/10 BOOOO!

Matt said...

Row 350m Max Burpees

162 Burpees 4 rounds +250


9 min TT max effort Run

1.5 mi

Headin out in a few... I will be back whenever I get a chance. Thanks everyone for the good times!!!

SRD said...

I'll save a shirt for you, dude, it was a blast having you train with us. Goodluck and have fun.

Anonymous said...

I love this type of workout

SRD said...

I don't believe you because you forgot to post your name... noobs.

Big Ben said...

71 burpees
2550m rowing (7 and some change rounds)

Anonymous said...

Nate 84 burpees in 6 sets with 350m row

Anonymous said...

''Viking Nicole''
AMRAP 20 Mins
350m Row (sub 35 x 45# SDHP}
Burpees max reps
5 rds 104 burpees

as Rx'd 1.85 miles @1* on TM


Anonymous said...

That's a sick picture of "OD." Samy, I have your foam roller. Addicted to the kool-aid! See ya bright and early.

121 Burpees? Not sure about the rounds.


Anonymous said...

Viking Nicole

109 burpees


Anonymous said...

Viking Nicole AMRAP 350m row/max rep burpees
6 rounds - 98 burpees

Ranjith said...

Viking Nicole AMRAP 350m row/max rep burpees
I dont remember my burpees for each round but in the end it was 59+280m

Anonymous said...

Viking Nicole
53 Burpees + 150 M


Anonymous said...

Viking Nicole
Jill 169 Burpees (4 rounds)

Mike C. 164 burpees (5 rounds)

Good luck Matt!

Anonymous said...

Viking Nicole... such a cool name.

75 / 60 / 40 for 175 total burpees and 202 meters on the last row.

Spent my swim time more doing skill drills than following the endurance WOD. Want to get technique dialed in more than I want to improve my aerobic.

Best of luck to Matt!


Anonymous said...

5 rounds 85 burps + 40meters
