
Rest Day/CFE WOD (05.31.2009)

Rest Day/CrossFit Endurance WOD (05.31.2009)
Time Trials
Cover as much distance as possible in each of the specified time intervals with your choice of:
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
6:00 Time Trial x 3:00 rest
4:00 Time Trial x 2:00 rest
1:00 Time Trial x :30 rest
:30 Time Trial x :15 rest
:15 Time Trial x Done!

Post distances and totals to comments.

"Last Chance WODs" Update:
Two down, one to go... hell resumes tomorrow in a slightly more austere location (ok fine, a playground that can accomodate chest-2-bar pull-ups). 
Enjoy your weekend Rest Day and the nice weather, if anyone wants to join us for the WOD we will be in the park at 7:30 ready to kick this suck-fest off. 
Feel free to give me a call for directions and details, maybe Jefe will finally let me organize a game of Hoover Ball after?

The "Last Chance WODs" (05.30.2009)

Below you will find the "Last Chance WODs" with rules/standards that were posted on the CrossFit Games Mainsite early this morning. I just got a few calls from the crew and we are working the details of how to tackle this triplet beast, as soon as I know there will be another post with the update.

"There is one last chance to qualify for the 2009 CrossFit Games.

Below are three workouts chosen from the pool of regional qualifiers. All three must be completed before 0600 PDT on May 31st, 2009. They can be performed in any order, spread out throughout the 24 hour period. All three workouts must be videotaped.

Workout 1 (from the MidAtlantic Regional Qualifier)
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (275lbs men / 185lbs women)
50 Double-unders
For a video description of the standards, click HERE (note that the description of this workout starts at 2:00 into the video)

Workout 2 (from the Canada West Regional Qualifier)
1K Row
50 Thrusters (45lb barbell men and women)
30 Pull-ups
For a video description of the standards, click HERE (WOD 4 in the list)

Workout 3 (from the Northeast Regional Qualifiers)
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 3, 2, 1 reps for time of:
Power Cleans (155lbs for men / 105lbs for women)
Pull-ups (Chest to Bar)
KB Swings (24kg men / 16kg women - A 55lb DB men / 35lb DB women can be substituted if no kettlebell is available)
Description of the standards video ... [wmv] [mov]

Video Rules
The videos must be completely unedited and uncut from beginning to end. Any evidence of tinkering will instantly disqualify the athlete. For a general description of how to video, see here ... [wmv] [mov]

The video is solely for documenting the workout. The camera should be positioned so that proper range of motion can be determined. Use a tripod if at all possible. Move the camera as little as possible to ensure proper coverage.

An additional person with a stopwatch must be in the frame for the whole workout (the stopwatch does not have to be visible). The time on the stopwatch should be presented to the camera at the end of the workout. There should be one obvious close up of the weights to validate official loads.

Special consideration for Workout 2 (Jackie). You must show the rower monitor at zero for the start. Without cutting, the athlete must be shown initiating the row, and at the end, the camera should show the monitor at 1000 meters or more. A description of this last part is in the How To Video.

The videos must be uploaded uncut and unedited to a public forum. Vimeo is our first choice, but YouTube or any other public arena is acceptable. You can upload each workout separately or put them together, your choice.

To be considered for the Last Chance Qualifier, you must email your times (each workout alone and the total combined for the three) and the link(s) to the video(s) to lastchance09@crossfit.com before 0600 PDT on May 31, 2009.

We are expecting hundreds of submissions, so there will be little to no tolerance of missed guidelines. Questions can also be addressed to lastchance09@crossfit.com."


"Kelly" (05.30.2009)

Goodluck, Kent 
We are going to miss the hell out of you, it has been an amazing experience watching you constantly drive yourself towards the next level of elite athleticism... 
CrossFit New Hampshire is lucky to have athletes like you call our Stable home, you've forged the atmosphere here with your own hard work and determination. 
Goodluck on your journey, tell your Mom we said hello and come visit your family up here any chance you get.

"Kelly" (05.30.2009)
Five rounds for time of
Run 400 meters
30 x Box jump (24'')
30 x Wall Ball Shots (20lbs)

Post time to comments

CrossFit Endurance WOD (05.20.2009)
Alternating Rest Intervals
Complete the following work/rest intervals at maximal effort for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, Row (C2)
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest

Post distances for each interval and total distance covered to comments.

Stable News:
Our athletes still have plenty of fire left to breathe after gutting it out but still just missing the cut in the Northeast Regional Qualifiers... turna out they might have one last chance. 

Here is the information posted on the CrossFit Games Homepage:

"At 0600 PDT on May 30th, three workouts will be announced. If you are interested in qualifying, you will have 24 hours exactly to complete all three workouts and report your times.

In addition to the workouts themselves, there will be movement standards established and specific guidelines for filming. Plan on having at least two people assisting you. We will require one person with a stopwatch in the frame besides you. It would probably be wise to have them enforcing proper movement standards also, as that will be an integral part of qualifying.

You will have until 0600 PDT on May 31st to upload your unedited video to YouTube and send us the link with your time. We are expecting a large number of candidates, so there will be little to no tolerance for missing deadlines or technical difficulties. Please make all necessary arrangements ahead of time.

You will need a predictable amount of standard CrossFit gear (meaning it will not be inconsistent with the gear required for many of the regionals). No GHD will be required."

Everyone has been communicating in the comments section and it looks like Sunday (ironic, since we always have crazy WOD festivals each week regardless) will turn the Stable into a metabolic slaughterhouse. 
I've been collecting sacrificial animals for the past few days, so the meat will be plentiful. It's an official Rest Day but anyone that would like to watch or even participate is more than welcome, we would love to have you. 
As soon as we have the WODs, I will post them and the same goes for any other critical time/planning details. 
This should be insane...


Rings WOD (05.29.2009)

Rings WOD (05.29.2009)
30 Muscle-ups for time

Post time to comments.

CrossFit Library: Muscle-Up Demo

Welcome Notice: James definitely got thrown right into the fire today, there was a crowd of about 15 CrossFitters hammering out the Max Effort Thruster WOD that stopped and waited while he "sipped the cool-aid". Welcome to the family, James, you crushed that AMRAP like a veteran athlete... no pressure right?


Max Effort WOD (05.28.2009)

Max Effort WOD (05.28.2009)
Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post loads to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD
10 x Sprints for your choice of
Swim: 20 x 25m/y sprints (no wall starts) x 1:00r
Bike: 8 x 1k sprints x 2:00r
Run: 10 x 100m sprints x 1:30r
C2: 10 x 125m Sprints x 1:00r

Post times to comments.


Skill Development/Rest Day (05.27.2009)

Skill Development/Rest Day (05.27.2009)
RJ has provided me with quite a bit of entertainment with his handstand  attempts against the wall, no one crashes and burns better. I finally started to feel some guilt (at least that's what my Mom explained the sensation as) and decided it's time to commence RJ's ninja training. Tomorrow we will be doing skill work and covering the basics of using "active recovery" so our athletes can revive their relationship with stairs on Rest Days.
Normal time, same crazy place if you'd like to come by and hang out upside down.
Even if you can't make it in for skill training I am going to start posting links and videos for proper progressive movements so you have the resources to scale and execute your own skill WOD. CrossFit Rest Day activities involve sports so go play kickball instead of you want, the point is to MOVE no matter how much it makes you feel like weeping. It will make that searing pain ease, I promise.
Pat Sherwood said it best, "We only get one hour to spend training you a day, you have 23 more to go F%#! everything up." 
Which basically is telling you to take advantage of the small things you can do which have powerful ramifications on your athletic progress. There are many things you can do to aid in recovery, and we will review several in the months to come, but for now let's make some money in the skills department at the same time. 
Resting and ninja skills, Everyone loves a Two-for.

Inversion Time Trial WOD (05.27.2009)
Invert your body for max amount of time in a 24 hour period.

The total time can be added up in multiple sets of whatever you can handle during the day. Below are links to videos from CrossFit HQ that cover safety and developmental progressions for doing things like HSPU's and hand walking (they also demonstrate some advanced abilities that are motivating to watch). 
Start slow and pay attention to the video lessons (scaling anything you need just like a WOD). 
Make a "Note To Self": If you feel like vomiting you are working too hard for a rest day.

CrossFit Library: Developing the Handstand
CrossFit Library: Introduction to the Headstand

Post total time accumulated in comments.


"Barbara" (05.26.2009)

"Barbara" (05.26.2009)
Five rounds, each for time of:
20 x Pull-ups
30 x Push-ups
40 x Sit-ups
50 x Squats

*There is a 3:00 Rest period between the rounds.  
*Each round is to be scored individually in order for you to assess how well you can recover from near maximal exertion in a specific window of time (CrossFit HQ uses 3:00 for this particular WOD).  

Noob Notice x 3... 
It's about time we finally got this little pocket of CrossFit Hermits in here... 
Welcome to the family!

Mike Molloy Describes His Journey Through the Qualifiers
Editor's Note: This was a unique way for us to let the athletes bring their thoughts and comments back to the rest of the Stable, everyone was stressing out back in New Hampshire while we were living the CrossFit Dream in Albany.
Hopefully Wes and Dennis remember their letters, it will make the composition of their essays much cleaner.  Patrick Haskell could always be a good sport and write a review as well, then we might forgive his evil ways.

Mike Molloy--
"The CrossFit Games attempts to answer the question

'Who are the fittest man and woman alive?'

To me, the games represented a way to test myself at the highest level. It'd be a lie to say that I didn't want to beat as many people as possible, but in reality I just wanted to push myself as hard as I could.

Friday night was a trip! Like Samy already posted, it was really amusing to watch people size up the competition, as if having the biggest ego would get you some extra points or something. I went to bed and managed to get some rest in though it wasn't easy to fall asleep.

Saturday was pretty much exactly how I thought it would be. I watched a few rounds of the thruster-burpee workout, highlighted by screaming my head off at Wes to crank. It was an inspiring performance to say the least. He had to be the lightest person to get 8 rounds!

I warmed up for a good bit, tried to get my nerves under control and hit the WOD. Now I hate thrusters... absolutely despise the sh!t out of them, but they were nothing compared to the damn burpees. Those things just sucked the life out of me. I ended up with 7 rounds + 1 thruster. I was hoping for 8 full rounds but I'll take it.

After repeated icings of my quads and about a 4 hour break it was time for the 2K row. Sitting down in the rower and knowing that you've got about 7-8 minutes of pain coming your way is a crazy experience. I was hyped up to say the least and started out of the gate pretty fast. Probably too fast... but adrenaline will do that to you. By the end of the race, Jenn had to support me on her shoulders to make it back to where we had setup camp. I've never felt that kind of muscle pain before in my life.

Around 7pm that night, they announced the final WOD for Sunday.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps each of
155lb Power Cleans
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Kettlebell Swings (1.5 Pood)

Now this was something I could sink my teeth into. The previous two workouts were far from what I would consider my strengths, but I love power cleans and pull ups. I'd actually only swung a kettlebell once before, but it was pretty much identical to dumb bell swings.

14 minutes and 3 seconds later I was done. Probably the most amusing part of the weekend was the fact that I completely ripped open my shorts down my left quad... but you can't stop just because of a little wardrobe malfunction.

None of this would have been possible without the support of a good pit crew and I had a great one in Jenn. She carried everything from water to my broken ass around all weekend and kept a smile the whole time. She screamed her head off at me on the row and kept me company during the 6 agonizing minutes that were my ice bath on Saturday night. Thanks, babe (There used to be a smiley face here for Jen that was heartlessly edited out by Samy)

The last thing I want to comment on was the first place male finisher (Note: James Hobart of CrossFit Boston). 
No one paid him any attention during the first workout until he pulled out the top score in his heat and he was easily the smallest guy going in the final workout... but he absolutely crushed it. 
When he finished, he didn't go running around pumping his fist to the crowd. He just hugged his coach and his friends and then went and cheered on the rest of the competitors.
Needless to say, I'll be rooting for him in Aromas."

Northeast Regional Qualifier Final Standings

Below are the names of our 5 top men and top 5 women who will represent our region during the Official CrossFit Games.  

1. Stacey Kroon
2. Lauren Erwin
3. Heather Keenan
4. Kim Malz
5. Lauren Plumey

1. James Hobart
2. Brad Posnanski
3. Scott Lewis
4. David Lipson
5. Rob Orlando

Post thoughts and scores to comments.


Memorial Day Hero WOD "Murph" (05.25.2009)

Memorial Day Hero WOD "Murph" (05.25.2009)
Dedicated to the memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. 
This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.'
From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is. This WOD was first posted 18 August 2005.

Complete the following for time
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

*You may partition reps as needed (Think "Cindy") but there must be an unbroken mile of running for the start and the finish. If you have already done "Murph" more than a few times you need to be ready for a 20lb vest... Q-tips anyone?

CrossFit Endurance WOD "Intervals x :90r"
Complete the prescribed work/rest intervals at maximal effort, pick one of the sports listed below and record total distance covered as your final score.

Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
:60 x :90 rest
:45 x :90 rest
:30 x :90 rest
:15 x :90 rest
:15 x :90 rest
:30 x :90 rest
:45 x :90 rest
:60 x :90 rest
:30 x :90 rest

Post your times with set/rep details for "Murph", and the total distance covered during your CFE WOD to the comments.

I. Welcome Notice, Reason for Picking "Murph"...
One of CrossFit New Hampshire's very first visitors (Dan) is home for a couple of days on holiday liberty and will be dropping in for a WOD. Because the day happens to fall on Memorial Day the requested WOD was Murph, and even though I technically agreed that it was a great idea you can all still blame his ass when you are throwing up on your nice sunny Monday afternoon.

II. Northeast  Regional Qualifier Results 
The weekend qualifier events were insane, probably some of the best times I've had so far among this community of ours.  We are still collecting images and write-ups as well as videos and news articles covering the entire event in all it's ridiculous glory... 

I guess the only downside to the whole chaotic thing was me losing my voice, but even that's not so bad as I'm kinda enjoying the quiet.


Homework WODs (05.24.2009)

Homework WODs (05.24.2009)
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of
5 x Thrusters (Pick a "heavy" load based on your current ability)
10 x Burpees

*Rest 5:00 before moving onto part II...
2000m Time Trial Row or
1600m Time Trial Run 
(if you don't have access to a C2 Rower)

Post total rounds completed and times for rowing/running.

The Standards of Movement used during the Qualifiers should sound very familiar to everyone, it was an awesome feeling to see the elite level athletes in the CrossFit community adhering to the same standards we drill day in and day out.  
The bottom position of the Thruster must be executed with hip crease below the knee joint, the overhead movement must involve a complete opening of the shoulder girdle (which means you can see ears from the side).
For Burpees you must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each rep, hips must come to full extension on the jump, feet must leave the ground during the jump, and clapping the hands overhead must include a full opening of the shoulder girdle.  
Put the work in now with these movements (especially since you are on your own for this WOD) so that such standards can be developed into habit.
Be creative when necessary, just be sure to note all those little interesting details in the comments section.

Everyone is just going to have to wait for the weekend write up, all I can say right now is that our guys absolutely crushed those WODs.  
Wes, Mike M., and Dennis all set PR's in the rowing WOD and absolutely killed themselves with the Thruster/Burpee WOD... they will hopefully post their scores because such accomplishments deserve to be announced, especially when they are earned through such severe hardships.

News from Jefe and Mike keeps pouring in about how much headway has been made in the new Stable, but you will just have to wait for those savory details... Now go slay yourselves with the above WODs so the CrossFit Gods remain happy during tomorrow's final metabolic gauntlet.


Rest Day (05.23.2009)

Rest Day (05.23.2009)
Thanks to everyone that came in early yesterday morning, it was a blast as usual to help everyone crush their WODs.

If it wasn't for all the help running WODs I wouldn't have been able to clean out Emily's shoe and clothing collection from my car and I was already stressed about being late to the judges meeting (Emily's pile of womanly things was awe inspiring). Thank you Don PePe, Bert, and Nick for all your help, Heidi even let me use her GPS over the weekend (this thing is sick! But I hate how it turns into Captain Demando once I reach a turn...)

I definitely made it on time and linked up with our guys immediately (Dr. Jenn was babysitting both Wes and Mike while all the alpha's concentrated on posturing, Dennis should be getting here tomorrow morning). There is no doubt that tomorrow's performances will be hellish, everyone was already breathing heavy in anticipation.
I will update the site tomorrow night with homework WOD #1, and include a play by play summary of the action that went down in the trenches.
Whew, what a day... the camera is charging, our athletes are counting bodies while they sleep, and Samy is going to finally go groom his beard.

Footnote: Jefe called and had nothing but insanely awesome things to tell me about the progress inside the new Stable, more details and updates tomorrow.

CrossFit Endurance WOD (05.23.2009)
Short Time Trial: Complete the time alloted for your chosen sport at maximal effort, score the total distance covered.  When you see more than one option for a given sport you are to choose the appropriate distance for your endurance event goals 
(Example: The 15 minute Time Trial option is for those training for ultra-marathons)
Swim: 8min
Bike: 15min
Run: 10min /12min /15min
C2: 8min


"Michael" Variation WOD (05.22.2009)

"Michael" Variation WOD (05.22.2009)
Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 x Goodmornings (45lbs)
50 x Abmat Sit-ups

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Endurance Rest Day

Stable's Weekend Schedule Reminder:
The Garage will be closed tomorrow afternoon through Sunday evening. 
We will resume our normal psychotic hours on Monday.

Good Luck to Wes, Mike M., and Dennis at the Northeast Regional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Games... go slay yourselves!


"Twins" WOD (05.21.2009)

"Twins" WOD (05.21.2009)
Complete the following couplets for time
750m Row
20 x Handstand Push-ups
750m Row
20 x Handstand Push-ups
20 x Thrusters (115lbs)
20 x L-Pull-ups
20 x Thrusters (115lbs)
20 x L-Pull-ups

Post total time to comments

CrossFit Endurance WOD
(3 hours before or after the primary WOD)
Choose one of the following and perform the interval work prescribed
Swim: 8 x 50m 90% Rest :30 between intervals
Bike: 8 x 1/4M @90% Rest 1:00 between intervals
Run: 8 x 200m @ 90% Rest 1:00 between intervals
C2: 8 x 250m @ 90% Rest 1:00 between intervals

Post times to comments

Welcome Notice
Eric (a veteran CrossFitter from Atlanta) has decided to come train with us during his internship this summer. Today was his first garage experience and ended with a personal record for the day's WOD. 
Welcome to the family!

Stable News
Email from Jefe: "Just got off the phone with Kris from Rogue. Our gear is ordered! Rogue processes 3 or 4 orders a day and there are 3 orders in front of ours. All our gear is in stock and it will be shipped either today or tomorrow. The gear usually takes 2 or 3 days to be delivered once it is shipped. We will have our gear in about a week or so!"-- I was so excited when I read this... the time has come for us to truly begin our evolution. Expect more news over the weekend as we start the hard push to open our doors. 
Someone recently brought up the idea of "painting" and "floor mat" installation WODs... hydrate our athletes with beer and we might have something there.

Garage Closed This Weekend
The garage will be closed from Friday at 2pm until Monday morning. I will be away helping out at the Northeast Regional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Games and supporting those from our little clan that are competing. Don't stress too much, there will be daily posts as usual from the road with Homework WODs to keep everyone sore over the weekend... posting scores and details is expected as usual. 
Being creative in how you approach the WODs can make for some awesome workouts, enjoy the weekend and we will see everyone on Monday.


Run, Squat WOD (05.20.2009)

Run, Squat WOD (05.20.2009)
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 Squats

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Endurance WOD
90% Rate Perceived Exertion (RPE) for you choice of Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2) over your selected distance

Swim: 600m / 800m / 1000m
Bike: 12 mile / 20 mile / 30 mile
Run: 2 mile / 10k / 13.1 mile
C2: 2k / 3k / 6k


Enjoy Your Rest Day (05.19.2009)

Enjoy Your Rest Day (05.19.2009)

I. Welcome Notices

Monday was another awesome day for CrossFit New Hampshire's Stable as we had two new athletes come by to get their WOD on.  Debbie dropped in and crushed a three round met.con., the first of many as she prepares to dig in and train secretly so her daughters and husband can fear her wrath this coming holiday season.
Our other FNG is called Billy "The Gun" and jumped right into a class covering 5 of the 9 CrossFit Fundamental Movements before "sipping the cool-aid" with a brutal AMRAP. Both athletes picked everything up VERY well and we are looking forward to watching them excel over the coming months.
Welcome to the Family!

II. CrossFit Albany Posts the Northeast Regional Qualifier WODs for Saturday May 23rd
Below are the first two WODs that our athletes will be taking on in the Northeast Regional Qualifiers. They were announced on Monday with the standards of movement required for successful execution of the events. These two WODs will both take place on Saturday (May 23rd) and will be followed by another challenge on Sunday that has yet to be revealed.

As Many Rounds as Possible in 12 Minutes of:
5 Thrusters (Men 135lbs / Women 95lbs)
10 Burpees

Row 2000m for time

Rj's Phone wallpaper is suspect...

Quote of the week

Joe: "Yeah, back when I was also doing Magic."
All humans present: "What?"


Row, Bench Press WOD (05.18.2009)

Row, Bench Press WOD (05.18.2009)
Complete the following for time:
Row 500 meters
30 x Body weight Bench Press
Row 1000 meters
20 x Body weight Bench Press
Row 2000 meters
10 x Body weight Bench Press

Post weights and times to comments.

Graduation Notices:
Congratulations to Ashley and Chase who just graduated from Curry College, now you can consider CrossFit to be your enduring homework assignment. 
Looking forward to seeing the both of you training up here over the summer.
We also had many athletes recently graduate from various colleges and universities, congratulations to everyone that finally earned their degree.

Stable News:
Progress on the new facility is moving along well. The successfully raised all our lighting and mounted it to the ceiling, painted a base coat on the walls for us, and began the renovations for what will become separate male and female locker rooms for our athletes. The list of work we hope they accomplish this week will include installation of the new doors and locks and a general cleaning of the floor and main room, once that stuff is done and the locker rooms are completed we can get our merry little behinds in there to start our side of outfitting the new Stable. Like I've said before you can expect us to keep everyone up to date on where things are with our new home, we can't wait to get our family in there to rip up some suck-fests.

Northeast Qualifiers Trip:
Anticipation for this coming weekend continues to grow as the Northeast Regional Qualifiers loom on the horizon. We are still looking forward to bringing down a solid pack of rabid supporters for our athletes, we'll be the weirdos foaming at the mouth if you plan on going.
Kevin O'malley from Vagabond CrossFit will be hanging out with us down there and hopefully Joe Venuti can sneak on the Judging Staff as well if his last minute plans work out. Mike and I are figuring out the details for our road trip this week so throw up any information in the comments if you would like to join us, it should be an absolute blast. Tomorrow will add some more tension to the week as we get to see what widow-maker WODs our athletes are going to be taking on, we will keep everyone posted as things develop.


Death by Walking Overhead Lunges (05.17.2009)

CrossFit WOD (05.17.2009)
Complete four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking Lunges (with 45 lb plate carried overhead)
30 x Box Jump (24'')
20 x Weighted Pull-ups (30 lbs)

CrossFit Endurance WOD
"Tabata" intervals for your choice of:
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
(:20 x :10) 8 Rounds
Max distance possible for each :20 interval with :10 rest
Score is total distance covered

Post times and distances to comments.

Video Links from the CrossFit HQ Library:
These videos are excellent tutorials on how to safely and effectively execute the movements today's WOD will incorporate. Please post any questions in the comments section or feel free to email me anytime.

CrossFit's Walking Lunge Demo Video
CrossFit's Weighted Pull-up Demo Video

Stable News:
The "Diane" WOD from Saturday was a complete festival of madness, everyone really brought the lumber and set a new standard for performance around here. 
I hope all of our athlete's post their scores, they deserve to be shown with pride.

Thanks to my Mom and Grandfather for coming down to check out the new Mill space, it was exciting to show you guys how far our athletes have taken this thing since day one in the dirt.

It was also an honor to have Wes bring his father in to showcase our little shack of doom, too bad we had to give back that glorious barbell...


"Diane" (05.16.2009)

"Diane" (05.16.2009)
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (225lbs)
Handstand Push-ups

CrossFit Endurance
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
(40:20) 5 Rounds
Max Effort for :40 x :20 rest. 
Terrain, Incline, Damper Setting are your choice.

Post time & total distances to comments.

Mark and Heidi: Welcome to the family, it was awesome seeing you guys come in and run headlong into "Cindy" without any hesitation (plus you got to learn the meaning of  interesting terms like "suck-fest" and "q-tip"). Getting to torture RJ is always a bonus, the rest of the crew can't wait to start training with you.

Website Update: I've updated the "Start Here/Contact Us" section linked at the top of our home page, it now includes an explanation of what each daily post contains as well as an interactive Google Map for those looking to join us.  
Our contact information is also located on the linked page with our current hours of operation (which will be updated soon once we move into the new location).


Rest Day (05.15.2009)

Rest Day (05.15.2009)
Enjoy your day off and get some solid rest, everyone should really feel like they earned it after this last brutal rotation of WODs.

Welcome Notice: 
I love how many of these we get to post now, our family here is truly growing at an insane rate.  
'Bert came in yesterday with the Don and crushed a tough WOD.  
Despite his experience with CrossFit this was his first run in with Thrusters... which became apparent as he smashed himself in the nose with the barbell during a set.  Nice job, dude, that is how you fight through an injury and still rip a nasty score for the WOD!  Welcome to the family.

 If you are out there your voicemail was broken up and we couldn't understand your number, please feel free to give us another call if you get this message.


"Frozen Flashback I" (05.14.2009)

"Frozen Flashback I" (05.14.2009)
Complete for Time:
10 x Abmat Sit-ups
10 x Goodmornings
30 x Thrusters (95lbs)
50 x Pull-ups
30 x Abmat Sit-ups
30 x Goodmornings
20 x Thrusters (95lbs)
35 x Pull-ups

50 x Abmat Sit-ups
50 x Goodmornings
10 x Thrusters (95lbs)
20 x Pull-ups

This WOD received it's name in honor of the water supply which froze solid the last time this came up. Upon seeing the weather report I had called Mike to see if everyone still wanted to come in, and kindly let them know that there was a risk of "serious exposure injury" with the wind chill.

Mike: "Naw, Samy, it's fine."
Frank: "Those people landed in the Hudson river and survived after spending an hour and a half in the freezing water. I think I can handle 20 minutes in the garage..."

That's how named WODs are born.

Stable News:  Yesterday we welcomed Bob into our little family here, he cut his teeth on "Cindy" for his inaugural day and scored very well.  We are looking forward to seeing him crush today's scheduled brutality...

Pick Your "AMRAP" Poison (05.13.2009)

Pick Your "AMRAP" Poison (05.13.2009)
Pick one of the following named WODs and go slay yourself...

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

Post your choice and rounds completed to comments.

Note: The above image is one of Leonardo DaVinci's anatomical sketches. It is amazing what a creative mind, thoughtful disposition, and disciplined hand can create.


Max Effort Power Cleans (05.12.2009)

Max Effort Power Cleans (05.12.2009)

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Make sure you put as much effort and preparation into your warm-up moving into this WOD as you do for the max effort singles.  

Priming your body to perform at maximal exertion is critical to your success.

Post loads to comments.


Mmmmm... Rest Day (05.11.2009)

Rest Day News
As I arrived in the Stable on Sunday I was pleasantly surprised to notice that a PePe of the Don variety had returned to nest once again for the summer season.  

Welcome back, Mr. Don PePe, you brutally murdered "Grace" yesterday and I feel like telling everyone... everyone seems to really love the pavement during their post-WOD coma experience.

II. Below is a video of Kent ripping out 20 Kipping Pull-ups, this madman couldn't do anything more than jumping pull-ups when he first came in. 
The time and dedication Kent has put into training is awe inspiring and everyone loves watching him crush his personal expectations of performance on a daily basis. 
The Stable wouldn't be what it is if athletes of this caliber didn't call it home.

III.CrossFit Games Preparation WOD:
We are still working out the details surrounding this coming weekend and the last preparatory WOD our Savages will sharpen their fangs on. Two weeks from today Wes, Mike, and Dennis will be in the trenches at the Northeast Regional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Games. The last time we ran a WOD to help our athletes ready themselves for armageddon we ended up running almost all of our athlete's through it and I hope next weekend ends in similar fashion.  There has definitely been some concern brought up about undertaking some insane WOD with only a week left before the primary events.  Rest assured that the training challenge we chose is something that fits well as a last big bang to go out on before spending the rest of the week resting and mentally preparing. 
That's all I am willing to say about it because I like the scent of fear mixed delicately with anxiety's soft fragrance.