Complete the following couplets for time
750m Row
20 x Handstand Push-ups
750m Row
20 x Handstand Push-ups
20 x Thrusters (115lbs)
20 x L-Pull-ups
20 x Thrusters (115lbs)
20 x L-Pull-ups
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CrossFit Endurance WOD
(3 hours before or after the primary WOD)
Choose one of the following and perform the interval work prescribed
Swim: 8 x 50m 90% Rest :30 between intervals
Bike: 8 x 1/4M @90% Rest 1:00 between intervals
Run: 8 x 200m @ 90% Rest 1:00 between intervals
C2: 8 x 250m @ 90% Rest 1:00 between intervals
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Eric (a veteran CrossFitter from Atlanta) has decided to come train with us during his internship this summer. Today was his first garage experience and ended with a personal record for the day's WOD.
Welcome to the family!
Stable News
Email from Jefe: "Just got off the phone with Kris from Rogue. Our gear is ordered! Rogue processes 3 or 4 orders a day and there are 3 orders in front of ours. All our gear is in stock and it will be shipped either today or tomorrow. The gear usually takes 2 or 3 days to be delivered once it is shipped. We will have our gear in about a week or so!"-- I was so excited when I read this... the time has come for us to truly begin our evolution. Expect more news over the weekend as we start the hard push to open our doors.
Stable News
Email from Jefe: "Just got off the phone with Kris from Rogue. Our gear is ordered! Rogue processes 3 or 4 orders a day and there are 3 orders in front of ours. All our gear is in stock and it will be shipped either today or tomorrow. The gear usually takes 2 or 3 days to be delivered once it is shipped. We will have our gear in about a week or so!"-- I was so excited when I read this... the time has come for us to truly begin our evolution. Expect more news over the weekend as we start the hard push to open our doors.
Someone recently brought up the idea of "painting" and "floor mat" installation WODs... hydrate our athletes with beer and we might have something there.
Garage Closed This Weekend
The garage will be closed from Friday at 2pm until Monday morning. I will be away helping out at the Northeast Regional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Games and supporting those from our little clan that are competing. Don't stress too much, there will be daily posts as usual from the road with Homework WODs to keep everyone sore over the weekend... posting scores and details is expected as usual.

The garage will be closed from Friday at 2pm until Monday morning. I will be away helping out at the Northeast Regional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Games and supporting those from our little clan that are competing. Don't stress too much, there will be daily posts as usual from the road with Homework WODs to keep everyone sore over the weekend... posting scores and details is expected as usual.
Being creative in how you approach the WODs can make for some awesome workouts, enjoy the weekend and we will see everyone on Monday.
Ahhh this WOD looks like so much fun and I have to miss out. I already ordered "Every Second Counts" I almost paid the extra $30 dollars for overnighting it but decided to be patient. I wanted to do the WOD's dot com is letting people video tape and submit for entry into the games at the new place if it is ready in time and I was thinking you could have a little movie premier at the place, if that is possible?
Thats hilarious I literally just talked to Jefe about brainstorming a way to get a projector so we could all hang out and watch Every Second Counts on the whiteboards. You can use the Garage Gym or the new place for those WODs you are talking about, hell, I will row you out to some small boulder in the middle of a raging river to rip up a WOD if you wanted.
damn i look good in those glasses.....
You look like some freakish pterodactyl trying to hatch an egg... while wearing ridiculous sunglasses.
couplets? prithee my lord samy, quath lambic unto your enlightening of us with a quadrille, whilst thou recite pentameter most iambic.
i almost feel like a quick run... maybe AFTER the sun is up. more work.
16:32 Rx
Don Pepe` are those Arabian Goggles?
Samy I am very very scared...I can't find my Crossfit NH t-shirt. I still am very unorganized from the move back home, but if I can't find mine do you have any extras or are you all out? Dennis and I wouldn't care though we would write crossfit NH on our t-shirts with markers if need be.
Oh by the way I decided the thruster/burpee WOD was made for Dennis. He is 5'5(so he has a tiny range of motion for the barbell to travel) and he can put 235 overhead. And then they have a low skill gymnastics move that he is capable of fighting through
Forget the t-shirt... I think Samy's just going to tatoo CF New Hampshire into your back now. Should get the message across
why yes jefe, there are in fact goggles of the arabian sort....maybe youll show up today you snatch mongrel
Mike, Tattooing might not be crazy enough, perhaps scarification with the sacrificed blood of innocent mammals thrown in after. No worried WES I'll grab a shirt for you off the back of some lingering Stable Minion post WOD (when they are at their weakest).
As for Dennis I'll start knittinig him a wool CFNH sweater right now...
Joe: That's funny that I know what iambic pentameter is, stupid Greeks.
Don PePe, those sound like scissor-fighting words to me. Throwdown today, Jefe vs Don PePe in the burrito match of the century.
OK, now that I know what a "thruster" is... I decided I don't like them. Good Luck this weekend in NY! See you in the am for one more torture session. Heidi
stupid fever. nice day to sleep through.
post scores, just in case it's swine flu, before i goto pork heaven...
Complete the following couplets for time
500m Row
15 x Handstand Push-ups
500m Row
15 x Handstand Push-ups
20 x Thrusters (65lbs)
20 x Jumping Pull-ups
15 x Thrusters (95lbs)
15x L-Pull-ups
Time 13:33
Brutal one tonight, and yet again I forgot to take a damn picture of the wall...Gotta get better about that, so if anyone remembers what my score was I would appreciate having it posted for me.
750m row
15 HSPU mod
750m row
15 HSPU mod
15 95lb thrusters
15 kipping pull ups
15 95 lb thrusters
15 kipping pull ups
Crap, the rows were 500m not 750
The WOD sucked today, because I sucked. Terminator; Salvation was not worth the midnight showing last night.
So, completed in 27.02 as follows:
750m row
20 scaled HSPUs
750m row
20 scaled HSPUs
95lb thruster
10 L-sit pullups, 10 kipping
95lb thruster
20 kipping
The weight felt easy, but I lost time trying not to throw up. On the upside, I figured out how to do a butterfly-kip.
500m Row & 15 HSPU (mod) x 2
20 x Thrusters (75#) & 15 Pullups x2
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