Complete for Time:
10 x Abmat Sit-ups
10 x Goodmornings
30 x Thrusters (95lbs)
50 x Pull-ups
30 x Abmat Sit-ups
30 x Goodmornings
20 x Thrusters (95lbs)
35 x Pull-ups
50 x Abmat Sit-ups
50 x Goodmornings
10 x Thrusters (95lbs)
20 x Pull-ups
Mike: "Naw, Samy, it's fine."
Frank: "Those people landed in the Hudson river and survived after spending an hour and a half in the freezing water. I think I can handle 20 minutes in the garage..."
Frank: "Those people landed in the Hudson river and survived after spending an hour and a half in the freezing water. I think I can handle 20 minutes in the garage..."
That's how named WODs are born.
Stable News: Yesterday we welcomed Bob into our little family here, he cut his teeth on "Cindy" for his inaugural day and scored very well. We are looking forward to seeing him crush today's scheduled brutality...
Stable News: Yesterday we welcomed Bob into our little family here, he cut his teeth on "Cindy" for his inaugural day and scored very well. We are looking forward to seeing him crush today's scheduled brutality...
Old Scores to Crush...
Enrique 30:42
Hore-Hay 32:54
thats funny we were just talking about this today
I know it's almost fate...
The mainsite WOD is brutal for developing midline strength and I wanted a nice met con disaster that would do something similar while also managing to crush our souls... irony?
Looks like 1030-1130 we will be having Wes, Nikki, and Bob in so you are more than welcome to come in then. The rest of the afternoon will kick off at 3pm
Mentally I really needed this workout, even though I hit some major mental blocks during the workout I needed a brutal met-con. It was also awesome to do my first "major" WOD as RX'd...
"Frozen Flashback I" as RX'd : 31.10
2009-05-14 - "Frozen Flashback I"
Complete for Time:
10 x Abmat Sit-ups
10 x Goodmornings (35 lbs)
30 x Thrusters (95lbs)
50 x Pull-ups (mod: SDHPs x 30 @ 65 ls)
30 x Abmat Sit-ups
30 x Goodmornings (35 lbs)
20 x Thrusters (95lbs)
35 x Pull-ups (mod: SDHPs x 30 @ 65 ls)
50 x Abmat Sit-ups
50 x Goodmornings (35 lbs)
10 x Thrusters (95lbs)
20 x Pull-ups (mod: SDHPs x 30 @ 65 ls)
OMG. i want the name of the person who invented thrusters ON MY DESK by morning. do you hear me! MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT. get it done. *evil smile*
this workout SUCKED hard. most of it outside, in the rain, was the saving grace. even with that, my throat was FIRE. my thoughts were tunnel visioned esp on those SDHPS. gorram!
torn my first callouses, even with maintaining them. dammit.
NB: substituted SDHPs instead of pull-ups because i'm concerned about the tenderness in my left elbow over the last 3 weeks, and pull-ups really aggravate it. if i can work around it for the next 2-3 weeks and rest it, hopefully, all is good. i really can't abide having a self-inflicted wing injury at this stage - i'm too close to static pullups and kippers.
loving it! *smooch*
Any more smooching and I am changing the site to allow for comment moderation... freaks
I'm pretty sure that smooching is strictly forbidden in any CF box. I'll check the rules and regulations.
Ok... Joe just earned a 2 day posting timeout.
Frozen wod:
the dude did call him self a delicate flower, a definite no-no regardless of doing crossfit or not....that comes down to your manhood......
Don draws a mean anatomical diagram as well ;)
I thought there was a posting timeout???
w/jumping p/u
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