Five rounds, each for time of:
20 x Pull-ups
30 x Push-ups
40 x Sit-ups
50 x Squats
*There is a 3:00 Rest period between the rounds.
*Each round is to be scored individually in order for you to assess how well you can recover from near maximal exertion in a specific window of time (CrossFit HQ uses 3:00 for this particular WOD).
Friday night was a trip! Like Samy already posted, it was really amusing to watch people size up the competition, as if having the biggest ego would get you some extra points or something. I went to bed and managed to get some rest in though it wasn't easy to fall asleep.
Saturday was pretty much exactly how I thought it would be. I watched a few rounds of the thruster-burpee workout, highlighted by screaming my head off at Wes to crank. It was an inspiring performance to say the least. He had to be the lightest person to get 8 rounds!
I warmed up for a good bit, tried to get my nerves under control and hit the WOD. Now I hate thrusters... absolutely despise the sh!t out of them, but they were nothing compared to the damn burpees. Those things just sucked the life out of me. I ended up with 7 rounds + 1 thruster. I was hoping for 8 full rounds but I'll take it.
After repeated icings of my quads and about a 4 hour break it was time for the 2K row. Sitting down in the rower and knowing that you've got about 7-8 minutes of pain coming your way is a crazy experience. I was hyped up to say the least and started out of the gate pretty fast. Probably too fast... but adrenaline will do that to you. By the end of the race, Jenn had to support me on her shoulders to make it back to where we had setup camp. I've never felt that kind of muscle pain before in my life.
Around 7pm that night, they announced the final WOD for Sunday.
1. Stacey Kroon
2. Lauren Erwin
3. Heather Keenan
4. Kim Malz
5. Lauren Plumey
1. James Hobart
2. Brad Posnanski
3. Scott Lewis
4. David Lipson
5. Rob Orlando
Noob Notice x 3...
It's about time we finally got this little pocket of CrossFit Hermits in here...
Welcome to the family!
Editor's Note: This was a unique way for us to let the athletes bring their thoughts and comments back to the rest of the Stable, everyone was stressing out back in New Hampshire while we were living the CrossFit Dream in Albany.
Hopefully Wes and Dennis remember their letters, it will make the composition of their essays much cleaner. Patrick Haskell could always be a good sport and write a review as well, then we might forgive his evil ways.
Mike Molloy--
"The CrossFit Games attempts to answer the question
'Who are the fittest man and woman alive?'
To me, the games represented a way to test myself at the highest level. It'd be a lie to say that I didn't want to beat as many people as possible, but in reality I just wanted to push myself as hard as I could.
Saturday was pretty much exactly how I thought it would be. I watched a few rounds of the thruster-burpee workout, highlighted by screaming my head off at Wes to crank. It was an inspiring performance to say the least. He had to be the lightest person to get 8 rounds!
I warmed up for a good bit, tried to get my nerves under control and hit the WOD. Now I hate thrusters... absolutely despise the sh!t out of them, but they were nothing compared to the damn burpees. Those things just sucked the life out of me. I ended up with 7 rounds + 1 thruster. I was hoping for 8 full rounds but I'll take it.

Around 7pm that night, they announced the final WOD for Sunday.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps each of
155lb Power Cleans
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Kettlebell Swings (1.5 Pood)
Now this was something I could sink my teeth into. The previous two workouts were far from what I would consider my strengths, but I love power cleans and pull ups. I'd actually only swung a kettlebell once before, but it was pretty much identical to dumb bell swings.
14 minutes and 3 seconds later I was done. Probably the most amusing part of the weekend was the fact that I completely ripped open my shorts down my left quad... but you can't stop just because of a little wardrobe malfunction.
None of this would have been possible without the support of a good pit crew and I had a great one in Jenn. She carried everything from water to my broken ass around all weekend and kept a smile the whole time. She screamed her head off at me on the row and kept me company during the 6 agonizing minutes that were my ice bath on Saturday night. Thanks, babe (There used to be a smiley face here for Jen that was heartlessly edited out by Samy)
The last thing I want to comment on was the first place male finisher (Note: James Hobart of CrossFit Boston).
155lb Power Cleans
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Kettlebell Swings (1.5 Pood)
Now this was something I could sink my teeth into. The previous two workouts were far from what I would consider my strengths, but I love power cleans and pull ups. I'd actually only swung a kettlebell once before, but it was pretty much identical to dumb bell swings.
None of this would have been possible without the support of a good pit crew and I had a great one in Jenn. She carried everything from water to my broken ass around all weekend and kept a smile the whole time. She screamed her head off at me on the row and kept me company during the 6 agonizing minutes that were my ice bath on Saturday night. Thanks, babe (There used to be a smiley face here for Jen that was heartlessly edited out by Samy)
The last thing I want to comment on was the first place male finisher (Note: James Hobart of CrossFit Boston).
No one paid him any attention during the first workout until he pulled out the top score in his heat and he was easily the smallest guy going in the final workout... but he absolutely crushed it.
When he finished, he didn't go running around pumping his fist to the crowd. He just hugged his coach and his friends and then went and cheered on the rest of the competitors.
Needless to say, I'll be rooting for him in Aromas."
Northeast Regional Qualifier Final Standings
Below are the names of our 5 top men and top 5 women who will represent our region during the Official CrossFit Games.
1. Stacey Kroon
2. Lauren Erwin
3. Heather Keenan
4. Kim Malz
5. Lauren Plumey
1. James Hobart
2. Brad Posnanski
3. Scott Lewis
4. David Lipson
5. Rob Orlando
Post thoughts and scores to comments.
It was great working with you this weekend. I was Wes and Dennis' judge for the Thruster/Burpee workout and they both killed it (tell Wes not to be so hard on himself).
You've got a great Blog and you are obviously doing great work with your box.
Be well,
Rob (Crossfit South Brooklyn)
Again a huge congrats to our athletes for a job well done at the qualifier. Mad props to Samy as well for the unbelievable coaching!
This was a great write up of the weekend.
It was great to be surrounded by so many athletes and volunteers.
Samy, it was great meeting you and working along side you.
Crossfit Boston
Mountain Strength Fitness
i am still in the dark...how did our savages do at the games?
awesome job this past weekend guys, thats outstanding that you guys were a part of the 35 people to finish the work outs. Thats really impressive, much respect is due to you guys.
I'm still not sure I believe anyone other than my mom reads this thing... Thanks for taking care of our guys at the competition, I will definitely pass that info along to Wes (who had already mentioned to me he got an awesome Judge/Coach), we all know he enjoys axe-kicking himself in the face during any given set as a way of TRULY embracing the "unknown" and "unknowable''.
Thanks, dude, you guys make coaching easy as hell. What? Get paid to hang out with the only part of humanity I enjoy being around? Thank you sir, may I have another...
I'm glad you liked the post, I'll be stalking our athletes until I get summaries like the one Mike typed up and they will be posted as I get them. You were there so you know how chaotic that place was in all it's glory, the story for each athlete and spectator must be insanely unique and I hope we can sort of show a bit of what people saw and felt.
It was nice meeting you as well, when I was leaving it felt like kindergarden all over again and I didn't want to go away from Mommy. That kind of community is easy to love being around, everyone was hilarious... I can't even talk right now, my voice hasn't come back yet.
Hey All,
Mike, that was a great write-up. Well written and truly your style. I'm always impressed with the WODs you guys rip through at the box, but it sounds like you all pulled out all the stops at the games. Good for all of you, congratulations and know that it took a lot of guts to put forth that kind of effort.
Jill and I are still battling the flu something fierce.I'm on the upswing I think, and expect to be back at it after the next rest day.
Looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
Great job,
Samy, thanks so much for your judging/coaching in the final wod. I hope my missing those last two reps didn't give you nightmare's for long. If we can make it to NH before we head to NZ we will be stopping by for a visit. Cheers Matt
5 rounds for time of...
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
3:00 rest between each round.
round #1: 7:06
round #2 8:58
round #3 8:53
round #4 10:00
round #5 9:55
total time was 57:06 (12 mins of rest included)
my goal was to do each round in less than 10 mins... i'll consider this a success!
Great workout tonight, yet again I forgot to take a picture of my damn scores so I'll be going off of memory. On another note, when I left tonight my dad called and of coarse I had to rub it in that I was just leaving the gym(I'm trying to get him to go to his local affiliate). We chatted for a while and I realized that without a doubt the hardest thing about leaving NH will be leaving you guys(and girls) behind. I have never met a group of people with such diverse backgrounds whose only goal is to help others succeed in the gym. Samy, I can not thank you enough for the time and effort you have put in helping me succeed. Y'all(I almost typed you all but decided y'all would be a better fit in light of my move) have showed me what Crossfit is all about and I only hope that I can help others realize how amazing it can be with the right group of people.
Barbara as RX'd
3:10 5:20 6:10? 5:23? 6:13
Hey Mike and Jill, I hope you are both feeling better soon! Summer flu is the worst.
I almost forgot to congratulate everyone who went to the games...I wish I could have been there to cheer you on.
Great job
oh noes! not mike and jill too. that sucks. i've been out a week, and while the flu is metabolically active and all... it's not the same as thrusters.
flu wod: record reps: days in bed, max temp, how many fleece blankies required.
5 Rounds for Time:
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
3:00 Rest
Round 1 - 4:28
Round 2 - 4:03
Round 3 - 4:30
Round 4 - 4:22
Round 5 - 3:44
Matt, you really killed that WOD! I was so upset when they yelled time I wanted to start slaying people. I mean that was about as close as it gets, plus everyone was going crazy because you were literally rocking it all out for the entire 15 minutes. Your palm skins are still stuck that terribly rough pull-up bar haha...
Definitely an awesome performance to watch, and yes you've got to come visit when you get back from NZ.
Paradise and rugby sounds like a nice post-qualifier vacation.
Kent, I'm having the best time of my life because of you and the rest of the crew, it has been an absolute pleasure watching you continually crush every ill-conceived limitation you put on yourself before CrossFit. No one is more motivated or enjoys training more than you, don't forget your promise.
If you don't keep us updated by posting WOD scores I will find you and cut your head off.
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