Complete four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking Lunges (with 45 lb plate carried overhead)
30 x Box Jump (24'')
20 x Weighted Pull-ups (30 lbs)
CrossFit Endurance WOD
"Tabata" intervals for your choice of:
Swim, Bike, Run, or Row (C2)
(:20 x :10) 8 Rounds
Max distance possible for each :20 interval with :10 rest
Score is total distance covered
Post times and distances to comments.
Video Links from the CrossFit HQ Library:
These videos are excellent tutorials on how to safely and effectively execute the movements today's WOD will incorporate. Please post any questions in the comments section or feel free to email me anytime.
CrossFit's Walking Lunge Demo Video
CrossFit's Weighted Pull-up Demo Video

Stable News:
The "Diane" WOD from Saturday was a complete festival of madness, everyone really brought the lumber and set a new standard for performance around here.
Thanks to my Mom and Grandfather for coming down to check out the new Mill space, it was exciting to show you guys how far our athletes have taken this thing since day one in the dirt.
It was also an honor to have Wes bring his father in to showcase our little shack of doom, too bad we had to give back that glorious barbell...
I hope all of our athlete's post their scores, they deserve to be shown with pride.
Thanks to my Mom and Grandfather for coming down to check out the new Mill space, it was exciting to show you guys how far our athletes have taken this thing since day one in the dirt.
It was also an honor to have Wes bring his father in to showcase our little shack of doom, too bad we had to give back that glorious barbell...
Samy, I'm in town tomorrow, whats the deal?
Mike 7:33 rx'd.
Jill. 5:33 135# deadlifts. Box HSPU
Frank "The Big Man" Campo:
This is my first time logging a score, just wanted to throw up my numbers so Mike can have nightmares about me slugging 2-liters of Mountain Dew mixed with Bacardi mixed with Licorice and then crushing his existence during WODs.
Sometimes I actually try to not go all out and sort of breeze through everything to cut him some slack but today I couldn't stop thinking about this ex-girlfriend also by the name of "Diane" and the rest is history.
Sleep tight, kids.
Rx'd 6:45
Wow Frank, that wasn't very nice at all.
The only nice words that come out of Frank The Big Man are about your beard, Samy...
It's really coming in nice.
Thanks dude, see you tomorrow.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row, 400 meters
Time - 7:52
Well kids,
Big Man on Campus Frank's post clearly illustrates why alcohol is bad See, Frank is normally maladjusted, anti-social and abrasive. He goes out and has a few pops and the next thing you know he's posting on the site and parading around his house in his girlfriend's underwear.
I can only hope that the licorice is zone favorable. A bet is a bet you f&@$";$ a&"$#€£!!!!
Mike, we all know that Frank doesn't wear underwear...no matter what.
Dianne as RX
deadlifts as rx'd,handstand push up mod.
As Rx'd
Great to see everyone and nice to meet some new people.
Samy, post some more semi-pornographic pictures of the new gym.
Complete four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking Lunges (with 25 lb plate carried overhead)
30 x Box Jump (20'')
20 x Jumping Pull-ups
As Posted:
CrossFit WOD (05.17.2009)
Complete four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking Lunges (with 45 lb plate carried overhead)
30 x Box Jump (24'')
20 x Weighted Pull-ups (30 lbs)
Complete four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking Lunges (with 25 lb plate carried overhead)
30 x Box Jump (24'')
20 x 95 lb SDHPs (still with the tender wing)
34:30 minutes of PURE SUCK :) :) :)
forgot to tack on warmup:
2500 M row 10:50, a bunch of a lifting move (semi-dead lift to overhead i forget name of now), some fundies, 200M run/walk to get water bottle ;)
Five Rounds for time:
50ft walking lunges
20 box jumps
20 pull ups
Five Rounds for time:
50ft walking lunges
20 box jumps
20 pull ups
Get some.
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