We are going to miss the hell out of you, it has been an amazing experience watching you constantly drive yourself towards the next level of elite athleticism...
CrossFit New Hampshire is lucky to have athletes like you call our Stable home, you've forged the atmosphere here with your own hard work and determination.
Goodluck on your journey, tell your Mom we said hello and come visit your family up here any chance you get.
"Kelly" (05.30.2009)
Five rounds for time of
Run 400 meters
30 x Box jump (24'')
30 x Wall Ball Shots (20lbs)
Post time to comments
CrossFit Endurance WOD (05.20.2009)
Alternating Rest Intervals
Complete the following work/rest intervals at maximal effort for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, Row (C2)
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
Post distances for each interval and total distance covered to comments.
Stable News:
Our athletes still have plenty of fire left to breathe after gutting it out but still just missing the cut in the Northeast Regional Qualifiers... turna out they might have one last chance.
"At 0600 PDT on May 30th, three workouts will be announced. If you are interested in qualifying, you will have 24 hours exactly to complete all three workouts and report your times.
In addition to the workouts themselves, there will be movement standards established and specific guidelines for filming. Plan on having at least two people assisting you. We will require one person with a stopwatch in the frame besides you. It would probably be wise to have them enforcing proper movement standards also, as that will be an integral part of qualifying.
You will have until 0600 PDT on May 31st to upload your unedited video to YouTube and send us the link with your time. We are expecting a large number of candidates, so there will be little to no tolerance for missing deadlines or technical difficulties. Please make all necessary arrangements ahead of time.

Everyone has been communicating in the comments section and it looks like Sunday (ironic, since we always have crazy WOD festivals each week regardless) will turn the Stable into a metabolic slaughterhouse.
"Kelly" (05.30.2009)
Five rounds for time of
Run 400 meters
30 x Box jump (24'')
30 x Wall Ball Shots (20lbs)
Post time to comments
CrossFit Endurance WOD (05.20.2009)
Alternating Rest Intervals
Complete the following work/rest intervals at maximal effort for your choice of
Swim, Bike, Run, Row (C2)
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
3:00 x 3:00 rest
3:00 x 1:00 rest
Post distances for each interval and total distance covered to comments.

Our athletes still have plenty of fire left to breathe after gutting it out but still just missing the cut in the Northeast Regional Qualifiers... turna out they might have one last chance.
Here is the information posted on the CrossFit Games Homepage:
"At 0600 PDT on May 30th, three workouts will be announced. If you are interested in qualifying, you will have 24 hours exactly to complete all three workouts and report your times.
In addition to the workouts themselves, there will be movement standards established and specific guidelines for filming. Plan on having at least two people assisting you. We will require one person with a stopwatch in the frame besides you. It would probably be wise to have them enforcing proper movement standards also, as that will be an integral part of qualifying.
You will have until 0600 PDT on May 31st to upload your unedited video to YouTube and send us the link with your time. We are expecting a large number of candidates, so there will be little to no tolerance for missing deadlines or technical difficulties. Please make all necessary arrangements ahead of time.

You will need a predictable amount of standard CrossFit gear (meaning it will not be inconsistent with the gear required for many of the regionals). No GHD will be required."
Everyone has been communicating in the comments section and it looks like Sunday (ironic, since we always have crazy WOD festivals each week regardless) will turn the Stable into a metabolic slaughterhouse.
I've been collecting sacrificial animals for the past few days, so the meat will be plentiful. It's an official Rest Day but anyone that would like to watch or even participate is more than welcome, we would love to have you.
As soon as we have the WODs, I will post them and the same goes for any other critical time/planning details.
This should be insane...
We are all going to miss you! You better keep in touch and make sure that today was not your last day that we will get to see you! Sorry that we couldn't make it to say goodbye. But as the saying goes, "Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again."
-Jill and Mike
Best of luck to you! Sorry I couldn't be there to see you off, but I know you understand. Take care and keep up all the hard work.
The garage door is always open up here in NH for you.
Since Jill used poetry I thought I would balance the comments out by noting that the wet spot on the ground near Kent is actually Andy's vomit...Andy is a dog not a CrossFitter.
Andy was so upset that Kent was leaving that he threw up his canine zone bar.
Bert: I know you needed a version of this WOD for the road tomorrow so sub in Burpees for Wallballs and keep the rest the same. Find some space roughly one length of a track, find something about two feet tall to jump on and take ridiculous pictures like last time hahaha.
Hopefully I'll be able to do this at the athletic facility at school before the ceremony.
kmoney, in the little time I've been around to watch you train and work out , your results have been noticeable and definitely well earned. Your a quality human being and its been a blast being able to work out with and just shoot the shit with you. Good Luck in VA man, we'll miss you.
Kent you were there on my first day and I will not forget that. You said you wanted to keep track of my progress and I will keep you updated. Take care and stay strong. Good luck to you.
samy, the workouts are posted! wasn't expecting these till 9pm tonight. gotta plan? shall we do one today and two tomorrow? call mike please!
Mike M,
you need to have all three workouts emailed by 0600 pst, that's 9am tomorrow morning man. You'd better do 2 WOD's today.
"To be considered for the Last Chance Qualifier, you must email your times (each workout alone and the total combined for the three) and the link(s) to the video(s) to lastchance09@crossfit.com before 0600 PDT on May 31, 2009."
What was my time again? 36:59?
Hey Joe,
Thanks for the timely heads up. Mike cranked out the first 2 workouts this afternoon/evening. We're getting the video download/upload thing going on right now. One more workout tomorrow morning and he'll be sweet!
My pleasure Jenn, let me know how he makes out.
Hey Kent, sorry I missed your send off, but I was in Atlanta doing the trade show thing. It's been great training with you these last few months. Your progress has been awesome!
Have a great summer, keep training, and stay in touch with your scores. I'm sure Samy will be hanging upside down in your rafters making sure you have workouts to do.
Take care!
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