Complete the following for time:
Row 500 meters
30 x Body weight Bench Press
Row 1000 meters
20 x Body weight Bench Press
Row 2000 meters
10 x Body weight Bench Press
Post weights and times to comments.

Congratulations to Ashley and Chase who just graduated from Curry College, now you can consider CrossFit to be your enduring homework assignment.
Looking forward to seeing the both of you training up here over the summer.
We also had many athletes recently graduate from various colleges and universities, congratulations to everyone that finally earned their degree.
Stable News:
Progress on the new facility is moving along well. The successfully raised all our lighting and mounted it to the ceiling, painted a base coat on the walls for us, and began the renovations for what will become separate male and female locker rooms for our athletes. The list of work we hope they accomplish this week will include installation of the new doors and locks and a general cleaning of the floor and main room, once that stuff is done and the locker rooms are completed we can get our merry little behinds in there to start our side of outfitting the new Stable. Like I've said before you can expect us to keep everyone up to date on where things are with our new home, we can't wait to get our family in there to rip up some suck-fests.
Northeast Qualifiers Trip:
Anticipation for this coming weekend continues to grow as the Northeast Regional Qualifiers loom on the horizon. We are still looking forward to bringing down a solid pack of rabid supporters for our athletes, we'll be the weirdos foaming at the mouth if you plan on going.
Kevin O'malley from Vagabond CrossFit will be hanging out with us down there and hopefully Joe Venuti can sneak on the Judging Staff as well if his last minute plans work out. Mike and I are figuring out the details for our road trip this week so throw up any information in the comments if you would like to join us, it should be an absolute blast. Tomorrow will add some more tension to the week as we get to see what widow-maker WODs our athletes are going to be taking on, we will keep everyone posted as things develop.
We also had many athletes recently graduate from various colleges and universities, congratulations to everyone that finally earned their degree.

Progress on the new facility is moving along well. The successfully raised all our lighting and mounted it to the ceiling, painted a base coat on the walls for us, and began the renovations for what will become separate male and female locker rooms for our athletes. The list of work we hope they accomplish this week will include installation of the new doors and locks and a general cleaning of the floor and main room, once that stuff is done and the locker rooms are completed we can get our merry little behinds in there to start our side of outfitting the new Stable. Like I've said before you can expect us to keep everyone up to date on where things are with our new home, we can't wait to get our family in there to rip up some suck-fests.

Anticipation for this coming weekend continues to grow as the Northeast Regional Qualifiers loom on the horizon. We are still looking forward to bringing down a solid pack of rabid supporters for our athletes, we'll be the weirdos foaming at the mouth if you plan on going.
Kevin O'malley from Vagabond CrossFit will be hanging out with us down there and hopefully Joe Venuti can sneak on the Judging Staff as well if his last minute plans work out. Mike and I are figuring out the details for our road trip this week so throw up any information in the comments if you would like to join us, it should be an absolute blast. Tomorrow will add some more tension to the week as we get to see what widow-maker WODs our athletes are going to be taking on, we will keep everyone posted as things develop.
its gonna be a bloodbath......
Yup, hopefully we get Jefe to bring his bench otherwise you guys are really going to hate the mod I'm going to try out in the morning.
I'm not terribly impressed with the choice of workouts for the qualifiers. Only 3 exercises represented over 2 WODs? No pull ups? In fact, its basically the east coast workout from last year broken into 2 separate WODS... where's the creativity?
I agree with The Don. I can't wait...
good luck at the games. and let me know if you need some help moving over to the new gym or building it.
I will be at the crossfit universe compition at the same time as the north east so I won't be able to make it. You have to phisicaly provide your own energy to the space ship to get there, so I'm trying to carboload before I leave.
haha thanks Ross!! Although, I'm still surprised that they let me graduate after they saw you give me my honors medallion!! Thanks again for coming!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
ps... Ben we still have your power drill.. we can drop it off or you can come pick it up anytime.. it's up to you :)
You guys never gave him the drill!?
Ben, I clearly gave my mom the drill to drop off for you two days before I left for Texas... sigh.
Carbloading doesn't work in deep space, warp nine can only be achieved through alcohol loading... and then it only happens in your mind.
I will let you know as soon as we start our phase of the construction stuff in there, bring your power drill and beer. Always a great combination.
Row 500 meters
30 x 3/4 body weight bench
Row 1000 meters
20 x 3/4 body weight bench
Row 2000 meters
10 x 3/4 body weight bench for time:
WOD - 20090518
Row 500m
30x *
Row 1000m
20x *
Row 2000m
10x *
Time - 19:48
*I didn't really pay attention to the weight I was doing hopefully someone (Samy) can fill me in on what I did.
Si Don Pepe, thanks dude.
So the above workout at 3/4s body weight for the bench press.
Complete four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking Lunges (with 45 lb plate carried overhead)
30 x Box Jump (24'')
20 x Weighted Pull-ups (30 lbs)
2009-05-17 WOD - or "this week's suck fest"
tuned up suckfests, for the regional feel:
Row, Bench Press WOD (05.18.2009)
Complete the following for time:
Row 500 meters
30 x Body weight Bench Press
Row 1000 meters
20 x Body weight Bench Press
Row 2000 meters
10 x Body weight Bench Press
is this case, bodyweight started at 145 for warmup and a few reps into to the WOD, which quickly became "too much", and was dropped to 135 lbs, and that was still a freaking fight. in comparison, the rowing was trivial, with times no worse than 500/2:00. N.B. - first time with BPs, and it amazes me just how fast there is ZERO left to push that weight, so i'm either weak on technique there, or muscles, or both. geez!
(which was too long, but there it is, dang)
I am with mike these WOD's kinda suck(I may think that just cause I am not the greatest at 2 out of the 3). You look at something like the Arizona qualifier and you got snatches and sandbag carries or the third event of that had 30 inch box jumps. Those are freaking sweet and those are something that you never see on the dot com. It almost looks fun to do(until you are doing it). And when the qualifier was first happening scoring was done by every second counts....now it has changed to a point system.
I did think it was strange that they dropped the reps at the last minute, I wonder where they might be getting pressured from. I think I told Mike this but perhaps next year we could have the White Mountain Regional Qualifiers up here in Manchester.
Don't forget that day two hasn't been announced yet, that could be a WOD that displays a completely new level of creativity and unveils challenges never seen before. Or not, only time and sweat will tell.
"Enjoy your rest day" Fuck that somebody please workout for me. I am bored out of my mind not being able to workout. Normally I kick my ass so hard during the WOD that i am content being sedentary the rest of the day. I am being forced to exercise like a normal person. Something like 15-30 minutes of moderate intense exercise on most days of the week. (moderate intensity = being able to hold conversation). Or whatever one of those stupid lettered associations recommend. At this point I don't care how plain the WOD's are, I just wanna do something. And no offense to whoever made the WOD's unless the 2nd day is amazing the winner of the crossfit games isn't coming from our area. If Crossfit NH was to hold a qualifier I can't imagine how much fun it would be, anybody sick enough to develop viking fran could come up with some crazy workouts that would easily send people to the hospital. And they said it was originally a typo, i am not sure how 7 and 15 to 5 and 10. The five on a keyboard is no where near the zero.
Do you see how much I had to say.....way to much free time on my hands. If I didn't know Samy had spies watching my house I would be outside doing either the qualifier WOD's or probably viking fran (cus I got a rower)
Spies? Nope, those hairs standing up on the back of your neck are because my retinas are centered at the base of your spine. Don't worry, RJ, MikeL., Debbie, and Kent are going to come in today and slay themselves.
I wonder how we apply to hold a qualifier event, should I mail CrossFit HQ a beard hair and call it a day? Hmmm, use your free time to find out, freak. Meanwhile I'll be downstairs with CrossFitters doing some CrossFitting, you keep up with your moderate exertion levels... pshaw.
Wes just for you I did the Row/Bench Press workout. It was brutal, sorry you couldn't partake
Row 500 meters
30 x 3/4 body weight bench=135 lbs
Row 1000 meters
20 x 3/4 body weight bench
Row 2000 meters
10 x 3/4 body weight bench for time:
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