Complete the following for time
30 x Clean and Jerk (135lbs)
Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed and post time and load to comments.
Today we got to welcome Steve into our little side-show family and he crushed his first WOD in the Stable to put it mildly. It's going to be a blast having you around, dude, welcome!
Our athlete's really love their mommies which is why Joe Venuti and I have backed our festival of doom out to next weekend (instead of this Sunday). I hope everyone has a great Mother's Day, it will be business as usual around here so those that are still going to be in the area are welcome to come by for some brutality.
(Don't worry, Mom, you'll be getting yours...)
The fellow in the picture is known as Captain Barbell, he made an appearance during our Science of Exercise Cert and I figured it was about time everyone around here got to know him as well.
30 clean and jerks at 135lbs RX
Today I felt really good moving the weight around and my time would have been improved if I didnt have to bring the weight down each time and could have dropped it. UNREAL workout though!
Hope all is well at the stable!
Mike 4:57 Rx'd. Could have gone faster, not sure what happened on this one.
Jill: 95# 8:30
Grace: 9:12
First 14 w/ 115 lbs the rest w/ 95 lbs
Warmup: 400m run, 1000 m row in 4:02ish
bunch of basics drills, including inreasing weights on bar to clean and jerk.
30 clean and jerks at 115 lbs -> 4:38
i REALLY liked the way this felt. oh my yes. probably could throw a bit more weight too, but this felt just right for getting the feel. like like like.
Nice time Fogle, you're going to skull your old PR's once you get some bumpers available.
Sicky job to everyone else today, insane times and weights all around.
I think we also now know what the quote of the week is going to be for tomorrow's post heh heh.
where are you woosies with the running times? WOOSIES!!! woos woos woos woosie! cough, sorry, it's the endorphins..
Saturday 090509
Four rounds, each for time of:
800 meter run
Rest as needed between efforts.
Post times for each round to comments:
o 4:01
o 4:41
o 5:19
o 5:16
Total 19:17 => 3200 meters => 2 miles (1.998387)
last half during a raging 400 mph thunderboomer with rain and wind and frogs and toto
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