Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00 of
The Standards of Movement used during the Qualifiers should sound very familiar to everyone, it was an awesome feeling to see the elite level athletes in the CrossFit community adhering to the same standards we drill day in and day out.
5 x Thrusters (Pick a "heavy" load based on your current ability)
10 x Burpees
*Rest 5:00 before moving onto part II...
2000m Time Trial Row or
1600m Time Trial Run
(if you don't have access to a C2 Rower)
Post total rounds completed and times for rowing/running.

The bottom position of the Thruster must be executed with hip crease below the knee joint, the overhead movement must involve a complete opening of the shoulder girdle (which means you can see ears from the side).
For Burpees you must make contact with the ground at the bottom of each rep, hips must come to full extension on the jump, feet must leave the ground during the jump, and clapping the hands overhead must include a full opening of the shoulder girdle.
Put the work in now with these movements (especially since you are on your own for this WOD) so that such standards can be developed into habit.
Be creative when necessary, just be sure to note all those little interesting details in the comments section.
Everyone is just going to have to wait for the weekend write up, all I can say right now is that our guys absolutely crushed those WODs.
Wes, Mike M., and Dennis all set PR's in the rowing WOD and absolutely killed themselves with the Thruster/Burpee WOD... they will hopefully post their scores because such accomplishments deserve to be announced, especially when they are earned through such severe hardships.
News from Jefe and Mike keeps pouring in about how much headway has been made in the new Stable, but you will just have to wait for those savory details... Now go slay yourselves with the above WODs so the CrossFit Gods remain happy during tomorrow's final metabolic gauntlet.
Anyone going to be around tomorrow to hit this with??
Samy, do you have a sub for thrusters? No bars/bumpers :(
dumbbell thrusters... hell you could do hwith any kind of ridiculous objects... guaranteed they still suck haha
good news. my fever broke. woo.
we'll see about WODding on sunday. all i got a 4x45 plates and a bar. 135 lbs might be too many for thrusters, but we'll see. running will be a pleasure after all this bed rest.
Balls, I'm going to be in CT visiting family, so finding something to do thrusters with might be a bit of a challenge. If I end up using something crazy, like my brother or a TV, I'll be sure to get someone to photograph it. Any chance there is some other sort of substitute for the thrusters, like air squats or something (incase I can't find some something)?
Bertimus Dorsimus, let gravity help you solve this problem. Pick up an object and notice how gravity sort of pulls the object into you ("weight"). Thruster the previously mentioned object, vomit, repeat. There are no subs for thrusters other than more thrusters, embrace the suck and stop playing board games you monkey... play Magic the Gathering or collect POGS instead (i'll trade you slammers if you want)
Heidi and I have the equipment to do the WOD if anyone wants to join us. Have a few oly bars and a ton of plates. No bumpers but the lawn works for that (Heidi can reseed later):) We live about 2 miles north of the stable (5 mins). Just give us a call.
Mark 944-3268 Heidi 315-6575.
Well, a successful completetion of today's WOD. Had to do a little improvising as far as the thrusters went, originally the plan was to do them with a backpack full of rocks and bricks (approx 50 lbs). Then when I got to the track, I noticed some old and broken track & field equipment that I then taped together in order to make a barbell type contraption (estimate 95+ lbs). I'll post some pictures up later.
20090524 CF Games Qualifier Tribute WOD
5 x Thrusters (~95#)
10 x Burpees
6 Rounds Completed
5:00 Rest
1600m Time Trial:
RJ came over to stable "north annex" and motivated us to complete this hellish WOD.
45lbs(lame)Thrusters X 5
10 Burpees
7 rds
1600M run 8:36
95lbs Thrusters x 5
10 Burpees
5 rds + 1 Thruster (more lame)
1600M run 8:51
It can only get better...right?
Thanks RJ!
Mark & Heidi
95lbs Thrusters X 5
10 Burpees
6 rds and 3 Thrusters
1600M run 10:58
It was fun working out at North Annex, thanks Mark and Heidi for accommodating me..if it weren't for you guys, i would have given Sammy a great excuse.."i dont have a gym besides the garage, hence i rested"..:)
I love what Bert did to sub barbell and weights..awesome job dude..way to be creative
Thats a picture of the "barbells" I made.
I'm not 100% sure I'm right on the weight of them, but it felt a fair bit heavier then what we were using the other day. And I was having trouble even picking the thing up, so I'm going to stand with my original statement, with the disclaimer that it might not be accurate.
damnit Bert, the link won't work... I was really looking forward to seeing some brutal creativity.
*** Bad Link Above ***
that one should work.
Bert, that is fantastic work on the improvisational barbell. I love the dedication to getting a workout in.
Keep it up and big results are coming your way!
Jill's creative workout:
800m warm-up
1600 time: 6:11
ran 3 miles
12:00 AMRAP:
20x thrusters (20lb floor lamp, yes, floor lamp)
10x burpees
6 full rounds +20 lamp thrusters and 5 burpees
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