30 Muscle-ups for time
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CrossFit Library: Muscle-Up Demo
Welcome Notice: James definitely got thrown right into the fire today, there was a crowd of about 15 CrossFitters hammering out the Max Effort Thruster WOD that stopped and waited while he "sipped the cool-aid". Welcome to the family, James, you crushed that AMRAP like a veteran athlete... no pressure right?
Samy you look like a spider monkey in that video
That guy killed the WOD, he was the fastest I saw all day and hit 13:33 I think. Great crew with him as well, he reminded me of RJ.
haha you did look like a furry spider monkey....
p.s. the new place looks sexy
Yo, I think Jenn found a camera that we can use for the WODs this weekend. I'll test it out later today and let you know how it goes.
Sorry, if I'm telling you something you already knew Samy.
Will it be difficult to upload video onto a computer with it? We might have to go buy some extra wires.
I'll let you know tonight... Jenn's in "training" on how to use it right now. Hopefully it's a piece of cake.
depending on what the WOD is we could just use my Mac book. I filmed my heavy Jeremy WOD the other day right from the computer. We could just put it back in one place. And you can upload the movie onto youtube right from I movie...super easy. I also have two camcorders that we could use and I already have the fire wire cables for it.
have the camera and all the bits for downloading straight to a computer. no hard drive space left on my machine (stupid thesis) - but we'll bring mike's too. there will be video and it will be digital.
Well today was my final WOD at the Stable and I knew it wouldn't be the mainsite WOD. As I was grinding through this massacre and trying to get oxygen to actually enter my lungs I couldn't help but think about how far I have come in the last 2.5 months(or so). I know I've said it before but today really showed me how far I've come. When I started I couldn't do a pullup, couldn't run more than about 50 feet, let alone do: cleans(clears for Katie), deadlifts, front squats, back squats, SDHP(they still really suck), deadlifts, or any of the other main movements. Tonight was an excellent massacre and I'm glad everyone was there to witness it. Thank you all for all of your support. Hopefully I'll see you all again soon.
Fran as RX'd:
Kent AKA Brian AKA K$
Dammit I actually typed you all again... I gotta get used to y'all again...
Kent AKA Brian AKA K$
Awesome job today Kent..we will see you soon..
Wes, Mike and Dennis..good luck guys, am heading to NYC so wont be there to support but am sure Sammy will scream of all of us.
Kent...killer work out today! Your form was mint and you battled through Fran like it was nothing! You have come so far and it has been amazing to be a witness to your new strength. Jefe' agress that it has been awesome to see you sculpt your guns on a daily basis. We will miss you, but know that you will keep us posted with your progression. Good luck in VA! Crossfit NH and that is a rap! Ding.
Have fun clubbing in ny this weekend. We all know you'll be dancing like the thug that you are. Totally thugtastic!
KATIE!! WTF!? I'm telling Jefe on you for all those vocab fouls above.
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