Enjoy your day off and get some solid rest, everyone should really feel like they earned it after this last brutal rotation of WODs.
Welcome Notice:
I love how many of these we get to post now, our family here is truly growing at an insane rate.
'Bert came in yesterday with the Don and crushed a tough WOD.
Despite his experience with CrossFit this was his first run in with Thrusters... which became apparent as he smashed himself in the nose with the barbell during a set. Nice job, dude, that is how you fight through an injury and still rip a nasty score for the WOD! Welcome to the family.
If you are out there your voicemail was broken up and we couldn't understand your number, please feel free to give us another call if you get this message.
Samy, give me a call when you have a sec.
speaking of rest...
does the "folder of doom" have these full articles in them? i'd love to read them... some of them look like training gold!
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